


  • mylifeasoliveoil
    mylifeasoliveoil Posts: 151 Member
    edited July 2015
    Hello Everyone! My name is Olivia. I am a 22 year old recent college grad from South Dakota starting my first year of teaching this school year. I used to be very good about working out and logging my food, but just have lost the motivation. I'm ready to restart because I want to feel and be healthy!
  • sweetdianachka
    sweetdianachka Posts: 318 Member
    Hi I'm Diana from NJ but living in Texas. I go off and on weight loss it seems like a few times a year and trying to get the lifestyle to finally stick. I have a 16 month old daughter but still carrying the baby weight. I'm about the same as I weighed as when I got pregnant, but clothes do not fit the same at all, so fitting into old jeans would be amazing. (Having to buy new smaller ones eventually would be better!)

    I started C25k this week and made it through surprisingly excited to continue. There are very few times in my life that I have been able to run consistently and I'm hoping the program will keep me on track.
  • KellyKat09
    KellyKat09 Posts: 33 Member
    I'm Kelly from VT, I'm a homeschooler mom and I don't take any time for myself. I have more than a hundred pounds to be on a Drs healthy chart, but I'll just settle for my clothes fitting. Happy to meet you all. If there is possibly another VTer, holler at me so maybe we can meet up.
  • ryanndavignon
    ryanndavignon Posts: 86 Member
    edited July 2015
    I'm Ryann, I'm 27 years old and live in NV. I'm a mom to a 4 year old daughter and a almost 3 month old daughter. I was 165 pre pregnancy with my first daughter and 185 pre pregnancy with my second. I am currently 208 with my highest weight at 222 the day I delivered.

    I have been overweight since my early teens despite participating in sports. After my 2nd daughter was born, I decided I needed to make a change. Im the heaviest I have ever been (not pregnant) and its really depressing. My clothes dont fit right and I had to go as far as buying a new pair of pants and shirts just to hide my fat. I'm ashamed of the way I look, and I definitely don't like looking in the mirror. Now all I can think about is losing weight.

    I'm hoping this group keeps me accountable so I can get to my first goal of 200 or below by the end of August. My ultimate goal would be to be at my goal weight of 130 or 140 by this time next year.

    I can't wait to start this journey with everyone!
  • raeraecan
    raeraecan Posts: 3 Member
    I'm Rachel, from Sacramento California. Mom to two kids.. and a student. Im 32 years old. I need to drink more water and stay focused on my goals. I started May 4th 2015.
  • glorae
    glorae Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, I'm glor. I'm 30, from Olympia, WA. Currently making a lot of changes in my life in regards to eating healthier and trying to shed some pounds. I eat a little differently than most, eating Paleo most of the time [tho I fell off the wagon after I got sick back at the end of June], so a lot of traditional recipes won't work for me -- but I'll gladly share what I do make!

    Mostly I'm trying to gain strength and stamina, lose some weight, and generally be healthier.
  • SusaLOK
    SusaLOK Posts: 7 Member
    Hi all!

    I'm Susanna, 28, from Finland. I'm an office worker and that has started to show (+30lbs in three years...) I'm not obese - yet at least - but I'm rapidly headed that way. I'm still relatively young, so now is the time when I can still make healthy changes in my life withouth having to change a half a century's worth of bad habits.

    My goal for August is dropping 7-10lbs, over all I'd like to lose around 25lbs.

    Looking forward to some healthy competition and support from other participants :smile:
  • Cari93
    Cari93 Posts: 8 Member
    Hey! My name is Carina. I'm 22, and I'm in the U.S. Army and in my last year of college. I'm studying kinesiology so for those who have questions about health, fitness, muscles, motor control and such feel free to ask! I'll answer to the best of my ability and if I don't know I'll research and get back to you. I'm just trying to cut excessive fat and build muscle. I don't necessarily want to lose weight. Since high school I have always weighed 130-134. It's just before it was pure muscle now after 4 years well not so much hahaha. Motivation has always been my weakness after usually a week and a half of consistency. I'm really hoping this group helps me overcome that!
  • Yoshirio
    Yoshirio Posts: 242 Member
    Hi,I am currently 201 and looking to be around 135 at the end of my journey. I started at 265 about a year ago.
  • jamielynbrown24
    jamielynbrown24 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi I'm Jamie from Boston, MA. I'm 21 and have been married for almost 2 years. I've always LOVED food. I always had self esteem issues thinking I was fat when I was actually very thin. But anyway when I got married I put on about 60 lbs on top of an additional 20 put on pre-wedding..,so basically my weight kept going up and this April I was very effective in changing my habits..I lost 27 lbs. but I fell of track in July and gained about 10 lbs back...realistically if I don't lose weight now my weight will just keep going up and up and up so I want to get my future under control...and I also figure now is going to be the easiest time to lose it while I'm young...I just really need to learn moderation, to treat myself without eating everything in hopefully joint this group I'll have some encouragement :) let's do this!!
  • cathyb60
    cathyb60 Posts: 313 Member
    Hi, my name is Cathy, I'm 63 and live in Nova Scotia. I need the motivation from being in a group to help me believe "I can" to it rather than the little voice in my head that says "I can't" I have arthritis and need knee surgery and would love to be more physically active.
  • kisukiie
    kisukiie Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone, my name's Solange and i'm 21. Living in Portugal, lately i've been really thinking about loosing wait, i've tried before one time and i lost my motivation. Hoping doing a challenge like this will help me keep on track ' v ' The main reason i want to loose weight, is to have a healthier body and be proud of myself for suceeding on doing this and be able to use all the clothes i want not being afraid to show my belly or something like that. So lets all have fun c:
  • caireen79
    caireen79 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi all. I'm Caireen,35 from Scotland. I need a bit of motivation to get losing weight again. Have been fluctuating up and down by a few pounds for months now do need something to give me a luck start again so hopefully this group will do this :-)
  • tpqueens3
    tpqueens3 Posts: 5 Member
    I am Leah. I am 31 from Ohio. I am 5'2"and as of today I weigh 211.6 I would like to get to 135. In 2007 I did weight watchers and got down to 140 so I know I can do this I just need that push.
  • SnackySnackPants
    SnackySnackPants Posts: 35 Member
    Hi, I'm 30 from Illinois. I started binge eating maybe 5 years ago. Got help, doing better, lost some weight. Then I fell off the wagon. I want to take the bull by the horns before it gets too out of control again. Looking to lose 40lbs.
  • dukiewoman
    dukiewoman Posts: 11 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Sue from North Carolina. I have two girls, and I'd like to lose 15-20 pounds of baby weight. My youngest is 4 months and I'm breastfeeding, so I need to be careful to eat enough to continue to produce enough breastmilk. I have a desk job and can't get to a gym, so it's all about eating healthy and playing outside with the kids after work and on weekends. I recently got a fitbit to encourage me to get extra steps where I can. My biggest weakness is homemade goodies - I love to bake!

    My goals for August are to lose 3-5 pounds, drink plenty of water, and exercise at least 5 times a week.

    I weigh in on Fridays, but the Aug. 7 weigh-in will have to happen Aug. 10 because I'll be out of town.
  • shauna913
    shauna913 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi, my name is Shauna and I live in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I am a graduate nurse who failed the NCLEX my first time. Yeah that was about 3 years ago.I gained a lot of weight during my pregnancies and over the years I just slowly keep adding weight. I have been overweight for over 20 years. Three months ago I was sitting in my chair and it dawned on me that I wasn't living just existing. I wanted to take control of my life, so I started my weight loss journey and started studying too. My weight at its highest was 327...and I currently weigh 292...I am excited about this group and I am looking forward in sharing our journeys together!!
  • mmebouchon
    mmebouchon Posts: 855 Member
    :* Hi All
    I am in BC Canada. Fantastically excited about this group. I was running out of motivation after just a couple of weeks so I really need this group to keep me going. My kids are in their twenties so I don't have the baby fat excuss, darn. I just gained weight from indulging too much
  • Sierrahaleyaz
    Sierrahaleyaz Posts: 6 Member
    Hello Everyone! My name is Olivia. I am a 22 year old recent college grad from South Dakota starting my first year of teaching this school year. I used to be very good about working out and logging my food, but just have lost the motivation. I'm ready to restart because I want to feel and be healthy!

    Good luck in your first year of teaching!!! It is hard your first year but you can do it!
  • ImNayNay69
    ImNayNay69 Posts: 10 Member
    edited July 2015
    I'm NayNay from central Mississippi. 5' 6". 46yrs old. I originally started at 230 and I'm down to around 190. (I bounce up and down in a 5 pound range but that range is slowly going down. ) it's extremely hard and slow for me to loose weight so I look for any encouragement and motivation I can.

    My goal is around 145 to 150. I'm a stress eater and have been eating way to much junk this week so this is great timing.

    I can't wait to get to know everyone.