Find Your 'Not That Heavy' Twin!



  • quail94
    quail94 Posts: 1 Member

    Heaviest: 155
    Goal: 135

    I can see my top 4 abs on a daily basis. I need to start upping my cardio and stop baking so many f'in cakes. I need to get under 135 for a fight in February. I would love any advice from any of the females!

    You're very close to my twin!

    HW: 156
    CW: 149
    Goal: 135

    Nice to know there are others in my situation :) For me, the change has been mostly reducing of all the starchy, comfort foods I love so much (chips, potato, rice, etc) and changing my portions.

    What kind of cardio do you do? I've gotten back into long-distance running over the last month and a bit and it feels great!
  • RachelLandy
    RachelLandy Posts: 2 Member
    I don't consider myself "big" idk I've been struggling with my weight for years and these past months I've gone to the gym regularly but the number on the scale has gone up.
    Heaviest and current: 200 lbs
    kinda cried when I saw that
    Goal: 170 lbs

    I just want people who I can depend on and talk to who are struggling with the same thing
  • Hi! I'm Fi, really new to all this, and I'd love to find a motivational buddy or a group of friends that have similar goals! I don't need a long introduction, just friend me and say hi! :wink: I love meeting new people and I'd be happy to encourage anyone (even if you're not at all my height/weight/calorie requirement, I'd be delighted to have you add me :smile: ) Of course, someone similar would be perfect - the idea of a twin sounds fun!

    Age: 19
    Height: 5'7"
    Starting Weight: 140
    Current Weight: 128
    Goal Weight: 121

    I cycle a lot and I love lifting (can only do cardio at the mo though due to surgery aftermath). Reason I gained weight was a lot of stress due to school stuff and me eating too much. Not unhealthy stuff, just... too much. Calories in VS calories out... yeah. :neutral:

    So I'm trying to get it off with a ~1200 cal limit until I hit my goal weight and tone a bit, then I'll go into maintenance. Say hi, I'd be happy to have friends here!
  • ChloeRaay
    ChloeRaay Posts: 4 Member
    Age: 25
    Height: 5"11 (181cm)
    Current Weight: 77kgs
    Goal weight: 69kgs
    Highest weight: 89kgs

    If i dont have any friends because im a giant, I doubt ill find a twin.
  • jackipaddock
    jackipaddock Posts: 4 Member
    I may be you twin! A couple inches shorter and a tad older but here it goes:
    Height: 5'
    Heaviest: 138 lbs
    Current: 125
    Lightest: 109(at 22)
    Goal: 118 or less
    maktuners wrote: »
    Height 5'2"
    Heaviest weight: 143 lbs.
    Current weight: 127.5
    Goal weight: 115 lbs. My when I got married weight.
    Attainable for sure! With help from my friends. wink, wink

    "they" say, on that "BMI" plus machine, I need to drop 21 and gain 7 lbs. of muscle.

    I just want to feel good and have more confident. I'm too young at heart to have a old body and be called old.

  • click2ha
    click2ha Posts: 1 Member

    Age: 20 next month
    Height: 5'3
    Heaviest: 138
    Lowest: 112
    Current: 120
    Goal: 100

    I have pretty toned abs but have most of my fat near my bum! I have been on Jillian Michaels for a week but because of my anemia I kept on going blind during the workout. Now I do the workout twice-ish a week when I feel more energized. I walk 0.5 - 6 hours daily, trying to keep myself active!
  • krustykrub
    krustykrub Posts: 6 Member
    laurie2829 wrote: »
    This sounds like fun!!!

    Height: 5'5"
    Current weight: 142
    Goal weight: 135
    Current body fat: 17.8%

    I just want to lose the fat and tone up! At 44, I don't want to lose too much weight because I don't want my skin to sag! I want it allllll firmed up! If that means I stay at 140 but am super toned, I will take it!! :-)

    Hello! I think we are similar:

    Age 35
    Height 5'5
    Current weight 142
    Goal: 132

    Body fat, no idea, but I'm like average, may be 25%? Two years ago I know I had 27
  • ima_u
    ima_u Posts: 8 Member
    epfahl wrote: »
    I definitely need a motivation buddy!
    I'm 23 years old
    Heaviest: 160 lb
    Current: 158
    Lowest 128
    Goal: 135
    Trying for <1360 Cal/day
    Stress and my recent move from PA to NC has packed on the pounds. But my new apartment has a 24 hour free gym and pools!
    Now I just need a strong motivator!

    we're pretty similar
    I'm 23 as well and 5'7. last I measured I was 138 and my goal is 130, 125 at lowest
  • CristalSCarter
    CristalSCarter Posts: 28 Member
    Age: 21
    Height: 5'2
    HW: 195
    CW: 155 (last time i weighed myself was over 2 months ago)
    GW: 128

    I work out at least 4 times a week for at least an hour and I just started MFP about a month ago. Kinda anxious to weigh myself. :smile:
  • apowell73427
    apowell73427 Posts: 3 Member
    HW:248(during pregnancy)

    I can't helping y'all. I love and want to keep some of my curves.
  • silviagd27
    silviagd27 Posts: 2 Member

    Age: 20
    Height: 5'9''/5'10'' (around 177 cm)
    HW: probably around 165 lbs (75kg)
    CW: 154 lbs (70Kg)
    GW: 140 lbs

    What I really want is to tone my body and feel healthier rather than lose weight, I really like sports but in the last year I've been lacking the motivation to work out, started going to the gym several times but ended up dropping out every time. Hopefully I can find other people who have the same goals and we can help each other stay motivated! :D
  • sarmorris1105
    sarmorris1105 Posts: 14 Member
    Height: 5'9"
    Highest Weight:179
    Current Weight:146
    Goal Weight: Between 130-135
    I really want to tone more than anything. :)
  • pah483
    pah483 Posts: 18 Member
    Heighest weight: around 154 lbs
    Current weight: 148 lbs
    Goal weight: 135 lbs

    I am naturally a bit curvier with wide hips and an hourglass figure but unfortunately most of my fat lies around my hips in an unsightly fashion!! Not a good look! I quite like my legs but would like to tone up my thighs a bit.

    We're really close to one another (even in body type!)

    Heighest weight: 164 lbs
    Current weight: 152 lbs
    Goal weight 130-135ish lbs

    I'm currently struggling to picture my hourglass at my goal weight and hoping it comes off in the right places.
  • adawn1981
    adawn1981 Posts: 32 Member
    Hi :)
    Age: 34
    Height: 5'6.5"
    Heaviest: 156 (right after having a baby)
    Lowest: 124
    Current: 145
    Goal: 128

    Do I have a twin?
  • lmkelly1208
    lmkelly1208 Posts: 2 Member
    adawn1981 wrote: »
    Hi :)
    Age: 34
    Height: 5'6.5"
    Heaviest: 156 (right after having a baby)
    Lowest: 124
    Current: 145
    Goal: 128

    Do I have a twin?

    Hi! I believe we are pretty similar!
    Age: 28
    Height: 5'7''
    Heaviest: 158 (right after baby #2; I just had my second baby girl two weeks ago.)
    Lowest: 128
    Current: 147
    Goal: 130

    Are you my twin?
  • aynotcat
    aynotcat Posts: 1 Member
    Age 34
    Hw/lw 160/135
    Cw 155
    Height 5'9"
  • dayhiker1990
    dayhiker1990 Posts: 4 Member
    I am 5' 9" and 43


    My goal is to be healthy and not flabby. I need more muscle.
  • cmsgrant
    cmsgrant Posts: 22 Member
    I am 54, 3 grown kids, grandbaby on the way!
    HW: 154
    CW: 150
    GW 140
  • Sparkle7
    Sparkle7 Posts: 15 Member
    I'd love to find my twin. Add me if we match!

    HW: 275lbs (pregnancy) / 221lbs (non pregnancy)
    GW: 155bs
    CW: 153 lbs
    Pear / Hourglass shape
    Looking to maintain my weight (no lower than 150lbs) but significantly drop my fat % while gaining muscle to get a strong, flexible bikini body.
  • LyssaRonnell
    LyssaRonnell Posts: 182 Member
    edited July 2015
    Age 20
    HW 165lbs
    CW 128lbs
    GW look 115lbs
    BMI 23.4%