July 2015 Challenge ~~ Jul 27th - Aug 2nd

cpanus Posts: 19,418 Member
Let's try a new one this week. I borrowed it from POPSUGAR.


Repeat Entire Circuit Five (5) Times

5 Push-ups
10 Sit-ups
15 Squats

Rest For 10 Seconds

5 Jump Squats
10 Alternating Lunges
15 Reverse Crunches

Give it a shot. Let me know what you think.





  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,700 Member
    edited July 2015
    Chris, I think you asked what I do to start losing again when my weight hits 150. I'm still working it out, and not too successfully right now. But I found the quote below in another group.

    ps... Tracking my food at the end of the day isn't helping, it's already too late. (1) I need to use tracking to stop before the day is too far gone. (2) I need to start seriously exercising again. (3) I need to exert more food control - have managed to avoid "bad" foods, but need to avoid too much "good" food too. (4) I need to not start nibbling at night. (5) I need to plan more protein, now that I've stopped drinking protein shakes.
    0 wrote:
    How will I avoid the horrific statistics regarding weight gain after this [bariatric] surgery? Here are 5 things I will do if I have gained 5 pounds. This is taped to my scale.

    1) If I gain more than 5 pounds, go back in [to see the bariatric surgeon].
    2) If I gain more than 5 pounds, replace one meal with a protein drink.
    3) If I gain more than 5 pounds, increase protein.
    4) If I gain more than 5 pounds, cut carbs back to 30 grams and start logging.
    5) If I gain more than 5 pounds, go to one more swimming class a week.
    6) If I gain more than 5 pounds, go to a [support group] meeting.

    Oh, I like your work-out list - so do-able!

  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,267 Member
    PaulaKro wrote: »
    Chris, I think you asked what I do to start losing again when my weight hits 150. I'm still working it out, and not too successfully right now. But I found the quote below in another group.

    ps... Tracking my food at the end of the day isn't helping, it's already too late. (1) I need to use tracking to stop before the day is too far gone. (2) I need to start seriously exercising again. (3) I need to exert more food control - have managed to avoid "bad" foods, but need to avoid too much "good" food too. (4) I need to not start nibbling at night. (5) I need to plan more protein, now that I've stopped drinking protein shakes.
    0 wrote:
    How will I avoid the horrific statistics regarding weight gain after this [bariatric] surgery? Here are 5 things I will do if I have gained 5 pounds. This is taped to my scale.

    1) If I gain more than 5 pounds, go back in [to see the bariatric surgeon].
    2) If I gain more than 5 pounds, replace one meal with a protein drink.
    3) If I gain more than 5 pounds, increase protein.
    4) If I gain more than 5 pounds, cut carbs back to 30 grams and start logging.
    5) If I gain more than 5 pounds, go to one more swimming class a week.
    6) If I gain more than 5 pounds, go to a [support group] meeting.

    Oh, I like your work-out list - so do-able!


    Paula, I can totally relate. I can't seem to get under 200. I keep losing the same 4-5 pounds. I need to incorporate the things you listed into my regime starting with more exercise.

  • claram5415
    claram5415 Posts: 512 Member
    I recently read a blog where a trainer said his clients come in with too many goals. He said he has them pick out the most important thing, then work on that. Since I've been focused on my one thing I'm successful. Soon I'll be ready to move onto the next goal
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,418 Member
    Paula and Kathy...that looks like a very good plan.

    NO Junk Food Monday for me!

    Walked w/DDD this morning then walked by myself when I got home then I got on the recumbent for some Grimm then I hit the gym for 40 mins w/DDD. It was a good day...hot but good!! tomorrow is supposed to be hotter.

    So far I have 8.18 miles for 16,830 steps and 11.0 miles on the recumbent.

    Hoping the scale moves in the right direction tomorrow!!

    I hope everyone is having a great Monday!


  • lcarls71
    lcarls71 Posts: 320 Member
    I could stand to make a list also. This past winter was NOT kind to me at all. Not only did I gain but I feel weak also from the lack of gym time. I have lowered my calorie goal and upped my protein intake hoping it will get me going again.

    We leave Friday for Ocean City, YAY!!!

    I am at 8.28 miles Chris with over 20k in steps :D My stride must be quite smaller than yours.

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,893 Member
    edited July 2015
    Chris I am glad you also love seahorses. :) Time line is at least 4 months out.

    Kathy glad your sister is doing better.

    Chris how is DH doing?

    Sounds like you are all finding some new motivations. Kathy Pilates is brutal. And I hear you about those same few pounds. Clara I must work on two goals. I like the idea of starting with one though. Which are you working on next? Chris I need to cut my junk food out also. Or at least stay in my calories. And I love this week's shorter routine. We have two jury trials so this is just what I was looking for.

    Here is one of the chairs we painted. I will put up the other later.

    It was a crazy weekend. I even managed to get all the carpets shampoos. Winds knocked down some large limbs today. Made a mess. Funny thing this morning. Joey and the kitty were sitting on the front porch and wanted to remain out there. So I closed the door so I could shower. After my shower I put on my oversized light blue robe and wrapped my hair in a pink towel. I went to check on the two porch lovers. It poured while I showered! The two were pressed up against the door. So in they came. Giving me filthy looks for locking them out. I glanced out to the street and who do I see? Cooper! He must have been outside when I closed the door. So I called out to him and he trotted back to the gate. Little stinker made me go open it for him in my robe and bare feet. I did toss the pink towel to the floor before going out. Argh.

    Chris stop grumbling, you know burpees are good for us. :yawn: night now.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,418 Member
    edited July 2015
    Lynnette - I'm 5'7" with long legs I guess! Did you make your list? My weight is up, and I'm tired of my clothes not fitting so I'm back at it.

    Shelley - Seahorses are the coolest! And aren't the boy seahorses special?? DH is doing great. Wants to do more than his PT and doc want him to. He get his staples out this coming Friday. I love the color of your chair...very slick!! And your pups are too funny.

    I walked this morning...30 minutes with Bean then I dropped him off with DH and continued by myself. Got on the recumbent for an episode of Grimm and now I'm going to read.

    I have 5.56 miles for 10,676 steps and 12 miles on the bike. I'm good for a Tuesday.

    Burpees belong on Mars!!

    I hope Wednesday is great for everyone!


  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,893 Member
    Chris that is the first chair. B) There is another still. You will have to let me know which you like best. I will put the other up tomorrow. Tell hubby he must behave. If not he could set himself back. Should I send you some pink handcuffs to keep him in line? So which Grimm did you watch? Nice cardio too. I am planning on leaving the starfish in the tank with the seahorses. He is kind of a fatty. o:)

    I am going to buy a small cement mixer. I have a ton of small projects to get done. I think it will make doing them easier. Oh and Timmy will be fine. He has a large wart that is dripping fluids. Really nasty. They are going to remove it, and possibly some others. I am also going to have my kitty checked soon. I am wondering if he is diabetic also. Excessive urination and rapid weight loss. I hope I am wrong.


  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,418 Member
    Pink handcuffs...hmmmm ...they might have been useful before his surgery...just sayin'

    Thanks for the cheer. I watched Season 4 Episode 8. I love starfish, too!! Your tank will be so cool.
    I'm impressed that you want to buy a small cement mixer...I imagine a large yellow Tonka truck backing up on your patio...going in circles with the mixer mounted in back going round and round!!! Yeppy, yep! :o

    Glad Timmy is going to be okay, and I hope the kitty is too.

    Walking, biking, gymming...(I made that up!)...tomorrow!

    Hope everyone is in a splendid mood this evening!

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,893 Member
    Chris the starfish we have is a sandsifting one. It makes appearances when ever it feels the need to surface. It is really cool. We bought it a couple of years ago. It was rather thin when we purchased it. Now it is rather chubby. And to think so many people report that they tend to starve to death. Hmmm, I do not think he got the memo. o:)

    Hope you got in all your walking, biking, gymming and all. B)

    Working late a lot this week. messes with my schedule. Oh and I love your vision of my driving that big Tonka truck! Brrrrrrm

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,418 Member
    Walked this morning...so hot, didn't make my four miles. I didn't get on the bike because my knees were bothering me. Thought I'd rest them today and maybe tomorrow. Hit the gym w/DDD and our trainer. It was a killer workout.

    I have a a doctor's appt tomorrow morning so it'll probably be my REST DAY!! Friday I take DH in to get his staples removed. I keep telling him I have a staple remover...just sayin' :p

    I hope everyone is doing well and not working too hard.

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,893 Member
    It has been hot here also Chris. No fun! Hey I bet you could remove those staples. o:) Always up for a challenge. Good luck with both your appointments.

    Well I got my cement mixer! I am excited! I think that the 60 pound bags might be best. I have to be able to lift them up to the opening, and 80 pounds will really stink. :#

    Later haters. :yawn:

  • lcarls71
    lcarls71 Posts: 320 Member
    Only 5'2" here with stubs for legs ;)

    Starfish too? That sounds like a fun tank.

    Humidity her is brutal today. trying to keep hydrated at work with electrolyte pops. Hoping i get my steps done her so i can relax later.

    First on my list is back to strength training. Feeling weak is just poopy
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,893 Member
    Chair number two.
  • claram5415
    claram5415 Posts: 512 Member
    lcarls71 wrote: »
    Only 5'2" here with stubs for legs ;)

    Starfish too? That sounds like a fun tank.

    Humidity her is brutal today. trying to keep hydrated at work with electrolyte pops. Hoping i get my steps done her so i can relax later.

    First on my list is back to strength training. Feeling weak is just poopy

    Lynette, I am only 4ft 11 so I can relate to stubby legs!
  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,267 Member
    Leaving for Destin tomorrow morning for Ron's birthday. This has been quite a week. So hot here in Atlanta. I hope to come back with a new attitude. It can't get worse.

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,418 Member
    Shelley...I need a pic w/both chairs in it. Only way I can compare them.

    Doc said I'm in great shape! I think I surprised him again!! He wants me to go in for a number of different shots...makes me unhappy. Maybe DDD will go with me.

    Well, our air conditioner conked out yesterday. Had Mike and Mikey out to fix it this afternoon. Works great now. We have to keep Bean from doing #1 on it...it's not good for the air conditioning unit!! Actually, it over heated yesterday and burnt out some round part that had to be replaced.

    The kids are going to D'land tonight. We have Bean for a puppy sleep-over weekend!!

    I'll be back tomorrow with exercise news!

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,893 Member
    Oh my, that is to funny. Bad Bean, :laugh: Great job on the checkup. Photos are much easier now than ever before. You can do it. o:)

    You will just have to look in my photos. I am not good at doing things like that. If I could I would have done it already. ;) Another night late at work. For me. Just reading now.

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,700 Member
    Sorry, folks, POS internet keeps conking out. Got food logged one time, barely got on at all the next. This time I'm saying "hi" here first before it kicks me off again.

    Good day at work today - maybe it's the coffee. My heart's been letting me get away with a little. Happy :sunglasses: love coffee.

    I exceeded my maximum weight limit. Cashews mostly. Love/Hate relationship with cashews. Odd thing is, it seems to fill out my face and body sags and actually looks better on me. Hmmm... Maybe I look like a starfish.

    Working on coworker's presentation today and missed bicycling. We'll walk tomorrow instead.

    Shelley, I can't pick up cement bags anymore. Ugh... :noway: You have some seriously muscle-building hobbies.

    Chris, Bean's too funny. Maybe he likes the way the cool breezes hit him when he whizzes. :laugh:

    Kathy, Hope you feel better soon. Heat can really put a damper on moods. Have a nice time with lucky Ron in Destin!

    Lynnette, You're a petite weight lifter aren't you. I love the feeling my arms get from lifting. Have found isometrics help - just flexing the muscles while holding a steering wheel, for example. Just feels good. :nod:

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,893 Member
    Kathy I hope you two have a great respite from Atlanta! :smiley:

    Paula the internet is like that at times. We love starfish. I want to look like one also. :blush: All the ones I see on the beaches in the tide pool are chubby and cute. So chubby is a good thing. Right? :wink:

    I might not get to play in concrete this weekend. We might make it a relax weekend. If so I am going to paint a stepping stone. :smile: I have one ready to go with a Fairy in the middle of some flowers. I am nervous about painting the face. :#

    Now get to some bicycling Paula. And then you can eat some cashews. B) I used to do isometrics. Press against the wall. Press one hand into the other, etc. Fun easy and does the body good.
