


  • michele32871
    michele32871 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Michele. 44 years old, and very slow loser, but I'm determined! I'm currently 173 pounds with an overall goal of 130. I'm only 5'1", so the "powers that be" suggest I should weigh less, but I"m a curvy girl and that just isn't going to happen! I'm a teacher, so it's easy to find the time and motivation over the summer, my ultimate issue is going to be staying motivated once we go back to school in late August. Good Luck to everyone!!
  • Karlirosem
    Karlirosem Posts: 73 Member
    Hey everyone! I am 31 years old and I live in Oregon! I am a busy mother of 3 and love every min of it! I have been dealing with health issues for the last 2 years and keep loosing and gaining weight. I am currently at my heaviest right now and that needs to change. My goal is to loose 40 pounds and to keep it off!
  • jessicarobinson00
    jessicarobinson00 Posts: 414 Member
    My name is Jessica. I'm 28 and from WI. I am married, work full time, and have 3 amazing kids (12, 7, and 6). I HATE CARDIO! If getting healthy meant I had to do it...I'd be heavy I found a love of body weight movements and weights that has allowed me to accelerate my weight loss. :) Started MFP at 174 lbs and am now 139.5 lbs. My goal is to hit my GW of 135 during this challenge. Good luck everyone!!
  • lbcrawford
    lbcrawford Posts: 4 Member
    Hi everyone, Lance from South Tampa, FL here. 3 years ago I was at 322 and had got down to 239, and for reasons I'm still now sure of, my wife and I both stopped working out and apparently my vodka-grapefruit diet wasn't working out so great... I'm back to 296, but we are on the wagon and on plan! Started tracking food and exercise!
  • nerdymathgrrl
    nerdymathgrrl Posts: 270 Member
    Hi! I'm Liz from Virginia. I am married with 2 kids (9 and a toddler who will be 2 in October). I usually work as a substitute teacher, but I should be starting a job tutoring math in less than a month! I've been a stay-at-home mom since January, when I herniated a lumbar disc. Due to depression and pain (and steroid injections), I regained some weight, but I've since lost it again, and I'm now at my lowest adult weight (190 lbs). I've been on MFP since October 2013, and so far I've lost 94 lbs, putting me about 20 lbs away from the "healthy" weight range. I've finally been given clearance by my physical therapist to lift weights again, and I'm really excited!
  • lasvegas262004
    lasvegas262004 Posts: 1 Member
    edited July 2015
    Hello, my name is Jessica I live in Tampa FL. I don't have a problem working out, I really enjoy bootcamp which I attend 3-5 mornings a week. My problem is eating out & alcohol consumption vs preparing food and grocery shopping.

    My current weight is 150
    My goal weight is 140
    August goal 145
  • Rach_B_81
    Rach_B_81 Posts: 38 Member
    Hi I'm Rachel!
    I'm 34 yrs old and from Kingston, Ontario. I'm short 4'10" and been carrying a lot of extra weight for years! Last month decided it was time to work on it so started logging on MFP and walking more. I've gone from 176 down to 163 in just under 2 months and looking forward to staying focused and motivated with you all!
  • SBHWeav
    SBHWeav Posts: 89 Member
    Hi! I'm Samantha :) I'm from Ohio USA and am a SAHM to two awesome girls. I have about 80 pounds to lose. I have trouble with emotional eating and having no energy to work out by the time the kids are in bed. My husband has FINALLY decided to join me in this which helps a ton having his support and not having to buy junk for him lol Excited to get started!
  • tracylynnc
    tracylynnc Posts: 10 Member
    I'm Tracy, 47 yo, want to loose 61 lbs. Diabetes runs in my family and I am determined not to get it. I haven't eaten sugar in years; I also have a wheat allergy (so I have a lot of no-sugar/gluten-free recipes). I will follow a keto diet since it shuns both wheat and sugar.
  • MicheleStitches
    MicheleStitches Posts: 306 Member
    Michele in Wyoming trying to lose that same 10-15 lbs. that I've lost and gained back multiple times. I have found when I workout regularly and track my food, after much hard work, I can get it off...but as soon as I stop tracking and get side-tracked by life (injuries, moving cross-country, etc.) it creeps right back up again!

    My goal is to find an eating and exercise regime that works for me and is sustainable. My ultimate goal is be fit and strong and FABULOUS. :)
  • loni26
    loni26 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi! ! My name is Loni, I'm in Ontario, Canada. Just like most people I've struggled with my weight all my life. I have a hard time saying no to bad food that tastes so good. I would like to stay motivated and feel good and make the change that I've been craving for years.
  • simquilts2
    simquilts2 Posts: 34 Member
    It looks like I am going to be the "senior" in this group! I'm Shirley, 68 years old and live in northern California. Looking at losing 30 lbs. and working to make the 15 minute mile with Runkeeper (I am currently making a 19 minute mile, so have a ways to go). The plan is to join my kids and grandkids in the "Santa Run," in Sacramento, in December. This is the first group I have joined on MFP and I look forward to supportive collaboration.
  • jjacks1986
    jjacks1986 Posts: 19 Member
    Hello everyone :)
    my name is jo, originally from Austria, but moved to the UK 3 years ago...
    I am 29 years old and made a promise to myself that I will look and feel the best I have ever felt when I reach 30 :) I have started exercising and eating better about 3 months ago but feel myself slipping back into old (bad) habits so hoping this group will help me getting back on track!
    good luck everyone and let's get healthy
  • Lnature71
    Lnature71 Posts: 84 Member
    Hi everyone I'm Ila from Florida. I'm 44 and really want to lead a healthier life. I'm hoping this challenge will help give me some accountability and help me get back on track. I want to wish everyone well during their own personal journey!
  • johnsongs1
    johnsongs1 Posts: 47 Member
    I'm from Tennessee, 61, wife, mother of 2, grandmother to be of 1. I've lost 56 pounds, and have about 45 pounds to go. Been overweight all my life. When I was diagnosed with diabetes, I decided it is time to do something about it. I've yo-yo'd all my life - lost the same 50 pounds over and over only to let my weight creep back up. This time I think I've found a program I can stick with for my life. Gotta be healthy for that grandbaby. Looking forward to the challenge in this group.
  • nashelsky
    nashelsky Posts: 28 Member
    Hi all :smile:
    I'm Shayna, 25, from Colorado. I'm considered "average" weight right now I guess, but on the high end of it and not feeling very comfortable in my clothes. I'm looking to start changing my lifestyle to include healthier eating and fitness habits, so I can feel comfortable in my own skin! I also want to get in shape before starting a family.
  • RedDirtGirl16
    RedDirtGirl16 Posts: 13 Member
    edited July 2015
    Hi all! I'm Sarah, 35, from Texas. Like most people I too have struggled with my weight for lots of years. I lost around 30 pounds last year and was feeling great, but then I got complacent and have started putting some of that weight back on. I've finally decided it's time to get back on track before I gain any more!
  • jddicarlo
    jddicarlo Posts: 171 Member
    Hi - I'm Dave from Buffalo, NY. 44 years old. Married father of three (20, 18 and 12). Been on a roller coaster for weight loss as long as I can remember. Had some times where I was on here where I did lose weight. At one point I was in the final running for one of those infomercials (didn't make it). But I seem to keep loosing and gaining that same 40 lbs. Restarting again. Turning 45 in March and want to be is the best shape of my life.
  • emmzey
    emmzey Posts: 16 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I;m Emily - I've never joined a group but I have been lacking the motivation lately and you all sound super supportive! I'm 23 and live in Canada. I have been trying to add 2-3 workouts per week all summer and eat healthier but I definitely haven't been sticking to it as well as I wanted to be.

    It's the last month of summer so I am ready to commit to this and join you guys!

    Starting weight is about 114 lbs and my goal isn’t exactly a number but just to feel better about myself and more confident.
  • daisy888mfp
    daisy888mfp Posts: 31 Member
    Hi I'm Tammy, 30, from Colorado. I suffer from PCOS and have been struggling to lose weight all my life. This time I'm determined to stick with it. I'm down about 25lbs from an overall high of 270lbs. Looking to drop to about 175, but I would be ecstatic to get below 200. Would love to have the support of more friends! Please feel free to add me!
  • metcastillon
    metcastillon Posts: 44 Member
    Hi, I'm Nicole and am really looking forward to this group! I need all the support I can get. I have had issues with weight my entire life. Last August I weighed in at 234 lbs and got serious about losing weight. I got down to 190 but then gained almost all of it back. A few weeks ago I weighed in at 224 lbs. Looking to get down to 150 eventually. Please feel free to add me!
  • redrodent
    redrodent Posts: 1 Member
    Hey guys I'm Mars. I'm 28 years old, 5'4 (162 cm) and 240 lbs (108 kg) currently.

    I want to get down to 120 lbs (54 kg) before I turn 30 years old.

    I want to start losing weight to get my health and my life back on track. I want to do so many things but my weight is a big burden. I hope to successfully lose it and and keep it off for good.
  • nannersp61
    nannersp61 Posts: 2,315 Member
    Wow! How many members are on here? I have lost count. What a great group! I'm Nancy from the biggest little city in Texas, Amherst. Population 721. I live in a farming community of wonderful, giving, friendly people. My husband is pastor to two Methodist churches. I am currently unemployed which is giving me time to work on me! I joined mfp in January and so far have lost 32 pounds. Motivation is mainly improving my health, my husband's health, and being a role model to my children and siblings, so they can see it can be done. My brother and sister, niece and great niece as well as my mom all suffer from various health issues related to obesity. I didn't want to head down a similar road, so I decided to make an about face and charge in the other direction. I lose slowly, so maybe creep is a better analogy. Besides this, I enjoy gardening and growing my own vegetables, I like writing stories, curriculum, music/lyrics, drawing and painting. I have been married 30 years, have a daughter, age 26 and a son, age 24. My son is getting married in October, hence another incentive to get in shape and look fit for his wedding. It will have been 17 months since we have seen each other, so I hope I can surprise him with big changes when I see him again. Starting weight, 202.4 Goal weight by wedding 180, UGW 120.
  • cherries12345
    cherries12345 Posts: 70 Member
    Hi everyone, unfortunately, this is not my first time on MFP. I have been on and off a weight loss journey for years now. Two years ago, I was this close to my goal, but after Halloween, everything started going downhill and the numbers just started ballooning. So this summer, I decided I wanted to lose weight and look like I've always wanted to. I've lost about 8 pounds already. I am at approx. 150 now, I think, but I will weigh in July 31 to know for sure.
  • WicklowWanderer
    WicklowWanderer Posts: 247 Member
    Hi, Tara from Ireland. 39 years old and close to 3 stone to lose. Fairly active with daily walking and weekend running (now interval training, rather than plain old jogging), I eat okay but have trouble with portions. For years I haven't been losing or gaining weight but recently I feel I was slowly starting to gain and on the cusp of 40, I decided the time was right to trim down. Got all my bloods done- slightly elevated cholesterol, all else fine and same day I started the 5:2 approach- two lean days at 500 cals, the remaining days I'm on the 1200 recommended by MFP. This was two weeks ago. Today is a lean day but otherwise I'm feeling good about things and in control. Hoping some group support will keep me on track and hoping I can offer similar support to other people!
  • melanielyons
    melanielyons Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! My name in Melanie. I live in northern Illinois and will turn 49 next month. I teach high school science. Over the past several years I have gained 60 pounds. I have lost a little gere and gained a little there. I want to lose at least 50 pounds and maintain a healthy lifestyle. This is my first challenge.
  • lilcole08
    lilcole08 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi! My name is Nicole and I'm from Wisconsin. Being a mom of 5, I struggle to find time to eat healthy and exercise. I always go for the convenient foods, which are always bad choices. I also have a hard time drinking water, but I'm trying to be better about this. My goal is to be 120 lbs., by May 2016. I am hoping this group can keep me motivated, as I need all the help I can get staying on track.
  • brujita06
    brujita06 Posts: 10 Member
    degeorgeff wrote: »
    It would be nice if everyone can post a brief introduction so we can get familiar with the others in our support group.

  • brujita06
    brujita06 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi my name is Stella Villa and I am from El Paso, Tx. I want to lose about 45 pounds and basically get healthier. I have lost 16 pounds already. Looking to get motivated and energized.
  • danielaica
    danielaica Posts: 28 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Daniela, 31 years old from Chile, currently studying environmental engineering.
    I've always been on the chubby side but have finally managed to lose a bunch of weight. I have also started excercising (Crossfit 3xweek). I'm not only trying to lose weight, I'm rather doing this to start a healthy habit.