Need help with grocery shopping

carimiller7391 Posts: 1,091 Member
Hey ladies and gents!!! Hope everyone is doing great this Tuesday morning. YEAH!! It's not Monday anymore. I am writing up my list for the grocery store and need some help. I have meats already in the house along with shrimp. I also have eggs and coconut oil to cook with. Is deli roast beef, turkey breast and chicken breast ok in roll ups? I've decided to keep cheese in my plan for the near future and cut them out as I progress down in carbs. Nuts?? Good or bad and whats the best bang for my LC buck?? Also, which AS liquid do you prefer??

I'm so ready for this and to finally feel the great effects of keto.

Thanks in advance!


  • randiewilliams72
    randiewilliams72 Posts: 119 Member
    I eat lunchmeat and cheese roll ups all the time with no problems. I think some people don't only because they are processed but I have no problem with it. I also eat almonds as needed if I need a snack. Just make sure you don't get the flavored almonds with added sugar. Same thing with lunchmeats. I stay away from honey ham and similar things and just go for plain oven roasted or something. Always read the nutrition information to be sure.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,073 Member
    I can't live without butter and HWC. I always have cheese in the house, but read the labels to make sure the carb count is the lowest I can get, and I limit my intake. Nuts I have to watch and don't really eat anymore, but I do usually have macadamia nuts on hand. Aim for lower carb nuts and avoid higher carb nuts like cashews. I don't mind spending a bit more on groceries that fit my needs and help me stay on track. A lower cost item that is too carb-heavy is just not worth it to me.

    Roll ups are great. You could buy deli meat, but read the ingredients and avoid sugar and additives like wheat, nitrates and MSG. For deli meat, I prefer to roast my own chicken, roast beef or pork, then slice it thinly. I think it's cheaper too and I get a lot more. You can slice it, or shop it for salads or whatever.

    I like to make wraps with lettuce leaves too. This can be meat and cheese, or even taco fillings, or anything really. Now I want chicken salad in a lettuce wrap.

    The only liquid AS I buy is Sweetleaf Sweet drops stevia, but rarely use it, don't like sweet anymore.

    When making my grocery list, I usually have some ideas of what I'd like to prepare for the week, and buy according to that. Get what you like to eat that fits your plan, and see what you like.
  • bluefish86
    bluefish86 Posts: 842 Member
    Tinned fish is good for when you forget to buy groceries/don't feel like cooking. :D I do also like some low carb veggies to go along with my meals... also, celery sticks and radishes are great for dipping and snacking.
  • JessicaLCHF
    JessicaLCHF Posts: 1,265 Member
    Hey ladies and gents!!! Hope everyone is doing great this Tuesday morning. YEAH!! It's not Monday anymore. I am writing up my list for the grocery store and need some help. I have meats already in the house along with shrimp. I also have eggs and coconut oil to cook with. Is deli roast beef, turkey breast and chicken breast ok in roll ups? I've decided to keep cheese in my plan for the near future and cut them out as I progress down in carbs. Nuts?? Good or bad and whats the best bang for my LC buck?? Also, which AS liquid do you prefer??

    I'm so ready for this and to finally feel the great effects of keto.

    Thanks in advance!

    We went through a tight time last month. I use Pinterest to make "grocery lists", and here's the one I made for cheaper meals. Hope it helps.
  • carimiller7391
    carimiller7391 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Thanks everyone for the replies. I'm at work so I will check pinterest when I get home. I have some lob carb cookbooks and a keto cookbook, but right now just trying to find some staples to get thru the first couple of weeks. I plan on getting my carbs from dairy and veggies. I just need to look up which veggies give me the best KETO bang for the carbs.
  • sweetteadrinker2
    sweetteadrinker2 Posts: 1,026 Member
    I always try to have mushrooms, broccoli, celery, cream cheese, butter, heavy whipping cream, fairlife milk, various cheeses(right now it's all about swiss), light and fit greek yogurt(it's not whole fat, but it is the lowest carb I've found even compared to plain, it only has 1 or 2 more carbs), nuts in general are a limited food for me as I can binge on them too easily. I also like miracle noodles on hand for when the family has spaghetti.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Lettuce, cucumber, celery, green peppers, onions, cream cheese, bacon, eggs, butter, mayo, pickles, olives, HWC are probably my most often items, along with meats and cheeses.
  • GSD_Mama
    GSD_Mama Posts: 629 Member
    Avocado, got to have it!

    For veggies/fruit, my go to's:
    Spaghetti squash

    For meats:
    Pork ribs, don't like pork chops though
    Fish, mostly cod and smoked salmon
    Prosciutto, once in a blue moon, pricey and too much salt
    Chicken thighs and legs, breast
    Turkey legs, yummy roasted at home
    Canned chicken for salads, cause it's easy lol

    Cream cheese
    Heavy whipped cream from the can for my berries
    Cottage cheese

    Other stuff:
    Pork rinds
    Salsa home made
    Nuts, walnuts, almonds, pistachios, sunflower seeds,pumpkin seeds. I buy them unflavored from health store in bulk
    Mushrooms, love those giant portobellos for mini pizzas
    Almond flour
    Pink Himalayan salt
    Coconut oil
    Amino Acids for soy sauce
    Olive oil
    Sesame oil for my Chinese cauliflower rice

    I do buy deli meats on occasion but not very often
  • CoconuttyMummy
    CoconuttyMummy Posts: 685 Member
    edited July 2015
    Our MUST-have groceries are:

    HWC, Kerrygold Butter, Free-Range Eggs, Bacon, Spinach, Watercress, Celery, Romaine Lettuce, Cucumber, Hellman's Mayonnaise, French's Ranch Dressing, Extra Mature Cheddar Cheese, Sour Cream, Ham (sugar-free cure), Cream Cheese, Pickled Eggs, Dill Pickles, Chicken-Drumsticks (pre cooked plain roasted chicken drumsticks with skin on), Chicken Stock (for sodium), Espresso Coffee (lots!), Fruity Green Teas, Sugar-Free Jello, Pork Scratchings, Coconut Oil, Sausages (gluten-free & lowest carb available), Beef Burgers (lowest carb available), Pork Leg (roast with crackling), Lamb Shoulder (slow-cooked shredded lamb), Skin-On Chicken Thighs (cracklin' chicken), Lamb Leg (roast joint), Pork Shoulder (pulled pork), Lamb Chops (I get double chops from the butcher, which are amazing), Lamb Steaks, Rib of Beef (roast joint), Beef Steak (we love Rib-Eye), Pork Belly (gorgeous slow-roasted).

    We occasionally grab:

    Tuna, Salmon, Mackarel, Sardines, Minced Beef, Avocado, Cauliflower, Kale, Ground Almonds, Golden Flax Seed, Coconut Cream, Beef Stock (for Au Jus), Fresh Lemon or Lime (rarely, just use zest for keto-cheesecake), Spices (smoked paprika, onion powder, garlic powder, fennel seeds, fenugreek seeds, cumin seeds, mustard powder, coarse black pepper, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, pure ground vanilla bean powder, Himalayan pink salt).

  • SlimBride2Be
    SlimBride2Be Posts: 315 Member
    When I was struggling I just kept it simple for a couple of weeks. I mainly had salmon and egg or chicken and egg salad for every lunch and burger with cheese and veggies every dinner. It helped a lot with taking away choice but it might get boring for you and your family!!
  • carimiller7391
    carimiller7391 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Good morning everyone!!!!! Thanks so much for the great grocery ideas. I'm on this journney 100% alone, I'm doing it at my home, boyfriend doing at his and folks don't believe LCHFMP can do any good. I guess they will just have to view my results and then jump on themselves. I wasn't sure about which veggies everyone tried to stick to and it seems more like salad veggies are the choice, works for me. I love salads. I plan on geting to the store this evening. I had enough food to get me through the first couple of days.......I want to make food for a few days at a time and have in the fridge and freezer for the work week.
  • Cheesy567
    Cheesy567 Posts: 1,186 Member
    edited July 2015
    ...I want to make food for a few days at a time and have in the fridge and freezer for the work week.

    I batch cook on Sunday's for the week. I don't mind the same meal repeatedly (like SlimBride2Be, it helps me to keep it simple.). I have chicken salad made with avocado and coconut oil for lunch most days, so I cook up a ton of chicken, dice it, and freeze it in 3oz portions. It cooks at 350*, so I'll also cook a roast, or meatballs, or whatever at the same time. I make my own Canadian bacon jerky, which I cook at the same time too. (Makes a great snack in the car when I travel for work).

    I picked up some meal trays on Amazon, which are the perfect size for my meals, 3oz protein, two fat servings, and 1-2 cups veggies. I make up a bunch of trays of breakfasts and lunches at once and freeze them. When I travel for a few days for work, I can just pull them out and throw them in my cooler.

    I try to have seafood or steak for dinner when I'm at home, so I prep and marinade that on the Sunday for the first half of the week and on Wed for the second half.

    Oh, and I have coconut oil each meal. I scoop out a bunch of 1tablespoon scoops onto a tray, freeze it for a few minutes to harden them, then put them in a jar in the fridge. It's quicker for putting together my meal trays.
  • SlimBride2Be
    SlimBride2Be Posts: 315 Member
    Apparently one of the big indicators for success when dieting (can't remember where I read it) is simple meals and quite repetitive. If you face yourself with a big choice every time you eat you are likely to get tempted or off track. I eat out quite often (maybe 3-4 meals per week) so the rest of the time I have about 6-10 standard meals I eat again and again, which I know well and how they fit into a day's eating. Works for me.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Good morning everyone!!!!! Thanks so much for the great grocery ideas. I'm on this journney 100% alone, I'm doing it at my home, boyfriend doing at his and folks don't believe LCHFMP can do any good. I guess they will just have to view my results and then jump on themselves. I wasn't sure about which veggies everyone tried to stick to and it seems more like salad veggies are the choice, works for me. I love salads. I plan on geting to the store this evening. I had enough food to get me through the first couple of days.......I want to make food for a few days at a time and have in the fridge and freezer for the work week.

    I do salads, but also have veggies on hand for other things..... You can wrap up a hamburger or tuna salad, chicken salad, etc. in lettuce leaves. You can have cream cheese on celery or cucumber or green pepper as a snack or as a side dish. You can make stuffed peppers for a meal with meat or tuna, etc. You can have a big salad and put meat or seafood on top. You can also make a "boat" out of a number of different veggies and put stuff in them.

  • kimberwolf71
    kimberwolf71 Posts: 470 Member
    Great thread, very helpful. I have always cooked and planned, but I think my downfall is that I love variety... Always trying to come up with new ideas for the next week and if I don't... then my prep falls to the wayside as do my choices. I have a hard time eating the same meal repetitively, although i can use many of the same ingredients throughout the week (i.e., pulled chicken gets used in a variety of meals rather than the exact same one).

    Time for me to buck up and KISS (Keep IT Simple Stupid) for better success!