Challenge for July



  • CostaRica120
    CostaRica120 Posts: 274 Member
    Waist: Current: Dunno, Start: 29, Goal: 28
    Weight: Current: 138.6, Start: 139 Goal: 135
    Exercise: Current: Got 2 runs in since last week and lots and lots of walking, Goal: Run 3 times per week
  • brisingr86
    brisingr86 Posts: 1,789 Member
    - Waist: 31, goal 29; Current: 30
    - Abdomen: 35, goal 32: Current: 34
    - Hips: 41, goal 39; Current: 41
    - SW: 158.4, goal 153; CW: 159.0
    - Walk/Jog 50 miles; Current progress ~20/50 miles

    So at least progressing on inches, which I'm thrilled about given minimal workouts so far. I'm actually also ok with where I am on weight. I gained close to 5 lbs around the 4th and have really been struggling to get back down. I'm feeling like work is a little more settled and I can be a little more consistent with workouts and better about my diet (more cooking than just snacking).

    gthing: take time with your recovery before jumping into the workouts; focus on your food while you recover. Get well soon!
    fitfor30th: Congrats on the progress! That's great. Keep up the fantastic work.
    CostaRica: Good job with the runs you have been able to do. You have been burning the miles walking to work so I think it definitely makes up for a run towards your goal.

    How are others doing half way through the challenge? Kialey, smontes, tabby? Where are you ladies in progress towards your goals? Hope all is well.

    Also, beyond fitness goals, how are folks doing with planning? There are a couple other discussions for those topics so please participate in those as well.

  • Fitforevermore
    Fitforevermore Posts: 399 Member
    sw: 179
    w2: 176.8
    cw: 174.2

  • brisingr86
    brisingr86 Posts: 1,789 Member
    fitfor30th: Great progress! You're doing awesome. Keep up the great work.
  • Fitforevermore
    Fitforevermore Posts: 399 Member
    Thanks! How is everyone else doing?!
  • CostaRica120
    CostaRica120 Posts: 274 Member
    Waist: Current: Dunno, Start: 29, Goal: 28
    Weight: Current: 138.4, Start: 139 Goal: 135
    Exercise: Current: Got 2 runs in since last week and lots and lots of walking, Goal: Run 3 times per week
    Basically the same as last week.
    Only lost a teeny tiny fraction of a pound this week. Oh well!
  • CostaRica120
    CostaRica120 Posts: 274 Member
    Ok ladies, we have one week left until the end of the month. Are you guys on track to meet your goals? I've been slipping a lot lately, but yesterday I weighed in at 137.8. My goal for this month is 135, and I really want to reach it! I know 2.8 lbs is a lot for one week, but you never know...the body can be weird sometimes. I'm going to be super good this week, and I'm going to try to check in here everyday for that extra motivation.
    Hope you're all doing great :)
  • brisingr86
    brisingr86 Posts: 1,789 Member
    Good luck CostaRica! I'm not expecting to be even close to my goal for weight. I was at a low, put on about 5 after the 4th and haven't been able to get back down (I'm 7 away from my goal :( ). That said, I'm hoping with another week of Jillian/workout 5-6 days, I might make my goal for waist and/or abdomen. I'm about half-way on my goal of 50 miles on the treadmill. It's unlikely that I'm going to make my goal, but maybe if I really kick it up this last week I could still get there (3.5 miles/day for 8 days? doable).
  • gthing1978
    gthing1978 Posts: 30 Member
    Sounds like most of us are in a slump. I have been in that "I am just a bout to start a diet so now I can eat whatever I want because I may never get to eat it again" mode. :o Sunday is 19 weeks until D day. I HAVE to fully commit. My plan is to start logging all my food and sticking to my calorie goals to lose 1 pound a week starting Monday. Next weekend I will be joining a new women's gym to break up my routine and make it more likely I will go (it is a 30 minute total body place). This weekend I am going to make a sort of vision board (never done that before) of my wedding and honeymoon to motivate me. I plan on using lots of bikini pics. I need to have no cheat days until September 5th (my housewarming/engagement party). It is my hope that by then I am down at least 5 pounds. I think I am going to start a blog… ughhh I feel so bloated.
  • CostaRica120
    CostaRica120 Posts: 274 Member
    Definitely overate yesterday because we hosted a big get-together at our place with lots of friends and then went out to a street fest. Had a great time and opted for corn as a healthier street food option, and only had about half a pint of beer, so overall not bad for a big night out. Not great for achieving my 135 by Wednesday goal, but I did get in over 20,000 steps every day over the past week, plus two runs, so that's pretty good!
  • CostaRica120
    CostaRica120 Posts: 274 Member
    Yesterday was a good eating day. Today I'm having dinner at a friend's place, so I'm saving most of my calories for that since I'm not sure what she's cooking...but it's rarely healthy!
  • CostaRica120
    CostaRica120 Posts: 274 Member
    Ended up eating healthy last night with my friend, so that was great. Scale said 138.4 this morning, so 135 by the end of the week is not looking good. But 137 is possible!
    I normally run on Tuesday at lunch, but it's way too hot for that today, so I'm going to go for a walk instead.
    How's everyone else doing?
  • Fitforevermore
    Fitforevermore Posts: 399 Member
    sw: 179
    w2: 176.8
    w3: 174.2
    cw: 171.6

    Goal nearly complete :)
  • smontes16
    smontes16 Posts: 38 Member
    My goal for July when I posted the first of July was to loose 6 lbs total which is an average of 1.5 lbs a week. I have lost 4 lbs so far and my final weigh in for July is on Friday-I will repost then
  • gthing1978
    gthing1978 Posts: 30 Member
    Yeah not too bad sweetie.

    I have successfully completed 3 days of sticking to my calorie goals! Woohoo! I am on my way.
  • CostaRica120
    CostaRica120 Posts: 274 Member
    That's awesome, fitfor30th! Woohoo!!!

    smontes16: good job! 4 lbs in a month is great! (any maybe a bit more by tomorrow?!)

    gthing1978: way to go! It's always satisfying to see that if you actually stick to your calorie goals, the weight really will come off. It can just be so tough to be consistent!

    I weighed in at 137 this morning. My goal was to be 135 at the end of July, but considering the month started off with vacation and I saw my weight go up a few lbs before dropping again, I feel pretty good about my progress. My goal is to get to 135 and then maintain for a few weeks before continuing on to 130. I'll check in tomorrow with an update on my goals and measurements.

    Let's set up an August challenge!
  • Fitforevermore
    Fitforevermore Posts: 399 Member
    I weigh 170.8 today, so yes, bring on the August challenge! well done everyone.
  • CostaRica120
    CostaRica120 Posts: 274 Member
    My July wrap up:

    1. Inches: lose 1 inch from my waist - ACHIEVED (start: 29", goal: 28", end: 27")
    2. Weight: lose 4 lbs to get to 135 - NOPE (start: 139, goal: 135, end: 136.8)
    3. Exercise: run at least twice per week and walk as much as possible - SORTA (I ran at least once per week, but twice only one week I think. But I walked soooo much. I averaged over 20,000 steps per day all month!)
  • gthing1978
    gthing1978 Posts: 30 Member
    Looks like we are picking up momentum… time for August Challenge :) I started working out at Curves today. felt good. I usually go to the reg gym (and am continuing my membership) but Curves is nice and quick.
  • Fitforevermore
    Fitforevermore Posts: 399 Member
    what is curves?