Thankful to Weight Watchers



  • Twibbly
    Twibbly Posts: 1,065 Member
    slimzandra wrote: »
    There was little or no teaching of real knowledge. The instructors had no awareness of physiology or anything remotely based on scientific studies for discussion.

    One of my mother's friends used to be a WW leader, once upon a time. She was awesome, and always had tasty tasty recipes (although we felt sorry for her husband at times, as he was her guinea pig when she was trying to get things just after day after day...but not too sorry as some of them were lasagna and sangria!). She quit when they told her that she was no longer allowed to provide recipes, info, or other material that wasn't from WW, as she was one of the ones who researched into things further and thought about it.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    My bestie does well on the WW program, but she makes it work for her by working in all the full fat items, clean items, and real foods. It's taught her a lot in basic principles and flexibility on a weekly basis (something some of us still struggle with here). She's learned a lot, but she doesn't apply it in the direct, one-way is the only way type of manner, so I think it is a tool than can work for many and the underlying ideas are good ones.

    But it didn't work for me either. I had some wonky formula used to calculate way old points systems and stuff, and I don't remember how long I lasted, but it wasn't long. What was crazier is that I only lasted on Atkins long enough to figure out how far I could cheat and stay in ketosis (back in like 2002 mind you) - which lead to more cravings and binges and all that, because none of the programs I ever studied forced me to address the mental/why side of things.

    Not that this WOE eating specifically has done that directly, but the people have... So I'm thankful for finally getting the WHOLE of me on a healthier path, just not mindlessly following someone else's plan without working on the why's, the underlying weak points, mental issues, addictions, cravings, and actual health issues. I'm glad to have found a plan that make me address all of these things to succeed properly...
  • Piscesmoon68
    Piscesmoon68 Posts: 19 Member
    Your story was VERY helpful for me and I thank you for sharing! I found myself considering WW again the other day and your story reminded me of exactly how I feel when on "traditional diets". That awful feeling of starvation and never feeling satisfied. Nope, I can't deal with that. This entry saved me the trouble of going through those feelings yet AGAIN. I'm going to stick with LC and just tighten things up a bit!
  • JessicaLCHF
    JessicaLCHF Posts: 1,265 Member
  • WhatLouAte
    WhatLouAte Posts: 155 Member
    When I did it I used to eat 0 point food for dinner and then spend most of my points on treats! It was like how much crap could I eat within my point allowance.
    Then of course it was treat Day straight after weigh in, which had to be a morning meeting so you could get away without eating before weigh in!
  • KittensMaster
    KittensMaster Posts: 748 Member
    I never really gave any other diet a good shot.

    Low carb has the food I like.

    It has been easy, I'm not gonna lie.

    It takes time, and I want instant weight loss. But LC works.

    Actually sticking to the plan kinda helps!!
  • JessicaLCHF
    JessicaLCHF Posts: 1,265 Member
    When I did it I used to eat 0 point food for dinner and then spend most of my points on treats! It was like how much crap could I eat within my point allowance.
    Then of course it was treat Day straight after weigh in, which had to be a morning meeting so you could get away without eating before weigh in!

    Lulz. I tried every single diet including a horrible doctor made 1200 cal diet I lost three pounds on in six months. Of course at the time I also had raging Hashimoto's that NO one diagnosed despite dozens of doctors until the age 35 when I went to the ER with a heart attack (that turned out to be my huge goiter of a thyroid strangling me). Nothing worked like Atkins (which is what I do, a modified old school Atkins, which is also LCHF and keeps me in ketosis) and it works effortlessly. To quote the Princess Bride "I don't even exercise". Before this I did every kind of exercise imaginable and ruined my shoulder/fought through a lot of injuries. My favorite was the fanny belts they shake you on and the steam box you sit in naked with your head sticking out for half an hour and voila! You lost three pounds! See, our fitness regime works! Wow, my mom was clueless. I can't believe she paid for that (in my teens). Now that I'm actually losing weight steadily (even if slowly, that's ok) and never hungry after a meal (thank you fat!) I actually have the energy to want to exercise via walking and not forcing myself and hating every second. LCHF works.. And I pity my friends who are on all those other plans and try to sell them to me regularly but are too entrenched in the SAD to ever listen to reason from me. Even when they see amazing results from me and two of our friends. Oh well. I figure one day they'll find it in their own. For me, diabetes found it for me. And yes, I do plan to cure my type 2 diabetes through it. I've already taken my a1c from 9 to 6, so tell me it can't be done all you want. I'm going to do it.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    Ive only "dieted" one other time in my life and I did have great success, though naturally, I started slipping and put some weight back on. I had went from 205 to 145 in about 6 months and I had stopped drinking soda completely. (Another high sugar I had problems moderating). My husband got on board and lost a bunch of weight too and he took our diet further, since he did the grocery shopping, by buying more chicken and fish and we stopped having pasta for sides and minimal bread, whole grain only. We also stopped our pizza every Friday night.
    I also had found success with a consistent 3x a week exercise schedule.
    That worked well for weight loss, but I still had IBS and cystic acne... So Keto is better imo because, 1.) lose weight 2.) food = YUM 3.) bonus health benefits 4.) feel more mentally focused and energized (even as an adult with ADD, though I still take my meds)
    In the end I had gained back 19lbs over a few months that then maintained for several years until losing it plus a bit more in the last 3 months of Keto. I'm very happy with my diet now and I do see it being my permanent way of eating now.
  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
    slimzandra wrote: »
    I have many negative things to say about WW and the entire concept.

    I did it twice and both the experiences were demoralizing and made me feel dirty. It was just like an AA meeting, only food was the bad thing. Consumers are given a sales pitch to buy crappy whatever bars and prepackaged junk to help them. One subjects themselves to stepping on a scale and having some "leader", either praise or chastise you. "You will do better next week, Dear" , or "Good Job, you get a star in your book this week". OMG! No Thanks, I'm an adult! It's all about the scale.

    There was little or no teaching of real knowledge. The instructors had no awareness of physiology or anything remotely based on scientific studies for discussion. I found the leaders nothing more than sales'gals' and glorified cheerleaders. (With apologies to the cheerleading community and the women spraying cologne on you at Macy's.) The first time I went, I became pregnant after a few weeks into it. I asked for advice about proper nutrition during my pregnancy. They said they had to cancel me, because pregnant women weren't allowed to lose weight. I said, I didn't want to lose weigh during this time, I just wanted to be accountable and learn how to eat healthy and maintain proper nutrition. She said, "Sorry, It's our policy" That was in 2001... Seriously? I went back in 2013 to a different location and again, I just couldn't take the entire vibe.

    My exact experience Slim! When your carb addicted induced grehlin hormones are raging and telling you to eat every 2 hours, all the CHEERLEADING in the world will not stop that trip to a FF restaurant or to the kitchen.

    And it gets worse for us via insurance. Now, insurance will pay for you to go to WW!!! So our premiums are higher because of it.

    Funny: My friend is going to WW (his insurance pays for it) and he is doing LCHF and losing weight! He's getting a lot of praises at the meetings....<snickering!>

    I hope this helps,
    Dan the Man from Michigan
    Keto / IF / E.A.S.Y. exercise program
  • chaoticdreams
    chaoticdreams Posts: 447 Member
    DittoDan wrote: »

    Funny: My friend is going to WW (his insurance pays for it) and he is doing LCHF and losing weight! He's getting a lot of praises at the meetings....<snickering!>

    That's hilarious!
  • annalisbeth74
    annalisbeth74 Posts: 328 Member
    This was always my experience on WW! I loved my leader, which always kept me going back even after I'd fallen off the wagon and regained everything I'd lost, but good lord, I was hungry all the time, always obsessing about food, always trying to figure out how to make my favorite junk foods low-point so I could still eat crap and lose weight. Now on LCHF I barely think about food all day long, and I can't imagine eating the stuff I used to obsess over all day long. No comparison!

    Funny, a coworker asked my last week, "So, what happens when you go back to eating carbs?" I'm sitting there thinking, gee, the weight is melting off while I barely think about food and am rarely hungry, my sinuses have cleared up so I can breathe for the first time in decades, I sleep better, my sleep apnea is gone -- I'm not going back!

    WW was always a diet. LCHF is a way of life.
  • JessicaLCHF
    JessicaLCHF Posts: 1,265 Member
    One word: inflammation