Not losing weight on Keto. PLEASE HELP.

Fema99 Posts: 10 Member
I need your help. I don't know what I'm doing wrong because I'm not losing weight at all. I have lost inches here and there but nothing significant.

My stats:

35 yrs old/ F
Workout 4 days a wk(kickboxing,Zumba or Swimming ) 45-60 mins.
Bike to work 4 days a wk 6 miles round trip.

I eat btwn 1350 -1750 depending on the day. I have gone over my daily cals few times.
5/6 % Carbs
35% Protein
60-70% Fats.
I'm not perfect. I have Zevia & Diet pop at least once a day. I'm working on cutting them out completely.
I'll open my food diary. If you have been eating this way, and are finding success, please give me some advise. I'm desperate and don't want to go back to the old ways of eating. THANK YOU in advance.



  • deoxy4
    deoxy4 Posts: 197 Member
    How long have you been eating those macros?

  • deoxy4
    deoxy4 Posts: 197 Member
    Could be a number of things. You might want to do a search. (not losing keto diet) An article listed below might be helpful.
  • tanigrrrrr
    tanigrrrrr Posts: 137 Member
    your diary isnt open.
    Try water, upping your fat, going zero carb for a week or two, are you eating much dairy.. some people cant eat much cheese etc.. are you drinking enough water
  • Fema99
    Fema99 Posts: 10 Member
    Tanigrrrrr/Deoxy4 Thank you both. Sorry, I will open the diary again.

    I have been on keto since March of this year and LCHF since November of last year. I drink about 9-14 cups of water, 3 cups of coffee and 1 diet pop. I eat about 2-/5oz of cheese a day. Maybe that could be an issue although I have never had issues with dairy before. I don't know how to do a zero carb without taken out all my veggies? do you have some suggestions?

    Deoxy4, Thank you for the article. I will look into it now.

  • fludderbye
    fludderbye Posts: 457 Member
    deoxy4 : thank you for the article- i may have been inadvertently sabotaging myself

    i use those mio's which are splenda - will go a week or 2 with just plain water and see what happens

    KETOGENICGURL Posts: 687 Member
    Fema, your diet looks very good, the 1 soda or small amount of dairy shouldn't stop loss. In fact is looks like you are doing the exercise part better than most of us…but your last sentence " dont want to go back"…does this mean you dont want to eat this way? you do want to add breads soon? or other carbs?

    Some women don't lose for months at a time..( I haven't lost any in 9 weeks..go figure) it can be a million things..women are amazingly complex with hormones, you are in fertile age, and lots of exercise may be telling your body to "spare the fat"....and not letting you lose so you don't 'starve" ( the "always running from lions analogy")

    You could try less protein..say 50 gr a day…and NOT do both biking and other gyn exercise..pick one..just for a week. you are getting plenty of water..good for you!

    You MAY BE converting to muscle and don't realize it!! you will be a lot healthier, and weigh the same….there are groups that "eat more to weight less" lady bodybuilders..and they totally sculpt their bodies, and wind up HEAVIER, but really well muscled…..

    ANy chance of getting a body mass/muscle test?

    last thought..if you went to a lower calorie diet- say 1300, with 35-50% carbs would you be hungry? you could try it for 2 weeks? get out of ketosis, and see how you feel… you could be the rare person who loses better with lower calories than low carbs.

    best of luck, and congratulations on your dedication so far.
  • JessicaLCHF
    JessicaLCHF Posts: 1,265 Member
    Fema99 wrote: »
    I need your help. I don't know what I'm doing wrong because I'm not losing weight at all. I have lost inches here and there but nothing significant.

    My stats:

    35 yrs old/ F
    Workout 4 days a wk(kickboxing,Zumba or Swimming ) 45-60 mins.
    Bike to work 4 days a wk 6 miles round trip.

    I eat btwn 1350 -1750 depending on the day. I have gone over my daily cals few times.
    5/6 % Carbs
    35% Protein
    60-70% Fats.
    I'm not perfect. I have Zevia & Diet pop at least once a day. I'm working on cutting them out completely.
    I'll open my food diary. If you have been eating this way, and are finding success, please give me some advise. I'm desperate and don't want to go back to the old ways of eating. THANK YOU in advance.

    The stat you're missing is goal weight and your weight. Is it that you are close to goal? Is your body telling you that your goal is too low?
  • JessicaLCHF
    JessicaLCHF Posts: 1,265 Member
    edited August 2015
    tanigrrrrr wrote: »
    your diary isnt open.
    Try water, upping your fat, going zero carb for a week or two, are you eating much dairy.. some people cant eat much cheese etc.. are you drinking enough water

    I've found that no diaries are open to me on phone anyway. You have to be a friend for me to see it. I don't know if it's a phone glitch or what. r1da2ntory4k.jpg
  • Fema99
    Fema99 Posts: 10 Member
    Deoxy4. Thanks for the article again, I have learned so much and I'm going to try to eliminate the sweeteners slowly. I can't cut everything all at once. I work overnight shifts and that 1 can of diet pop gets me through the nights.

    Ketogenicgirl-I do exercise a lot but only because I started to enjoy it :-) I was that person who hated working out but in the last 5 yrs I have been enjoying it and rarely miss a workout session. I will try and switch to lower impact workouts and maybe 3 instead off 4 days. Just to see if any changes happen. I only use my car in the winter-I live in Minnesota-so the biking is somewhat a necessity. I have not had a piece of bread in 4.5 years, I don't miss it or think I will ever go back to the SAD way of eating but I do crave higher carb foods like sweet potato yams,corn, etc. I'm afraid of going back to that. I will take your advise and lower the calories/up the carbs(50 net) for few days just to see what happens. I will see if my gym offers a BMI/muscle testing. Thanks for the advise!!

    JessicaLCHF-I don't know why you're not able to see, I added you as a friend so hopefully you can see the diary now. It's suppose to be open to everyone.

    Sorry, I forgot to add the weight it goes.

    SW-264 - 2012 to 2014 I ate, high protein, low carb , low fat diet, and use to workout 7 days a wk, at least 1-2hrs of intense workouts. I was not the happiest person to be around but I did see results :)

    CW 185.7 November 2014 to March 2015 LCHF, worked out 5 days a wk. Did a mix of higher impact workouts/lower impact workouts. I saw changes, the way clothes fit was better but not much weight loss.

    March 2015 to know fluctuating between 184 to 188 lbs. following Keto.

    GW 135-145 & I'm 5'3.

    Thank you all for your advise & taken the time to reply.

    KETOGENICGURL Posts: 687 Member
    well Fema99..I can sure sympathize AND empathize at being same weight for so long.

    It feels like a punishment after all our good behavior doesn't it?!!..but the body IS mysterious in the "why" of how it behaves. the craving for certain types of carbs is unfair, I agree, but you have been committed for so long and doing so well in many areas!! doe people DO carb load for one day a week…it is called Cyclical Keto… so another thing to test.

    I've read MANY women say they go months with no loss*…but in a way that is also a good message because the body is stabilizing at it's own speed.

    you have lots of suggestions given, just test it the 'scientific way" and only alter one thing at a time.. like lower protein, THEN less exercise, etc. then you can see what worked.

    The next time some idiot MD/expert lectures me "You should be losing at least 1/2 lb a week" when the body DOES NOT behave that way..we are not efficient bunsen burners..turn on the flame and burn..nope.
  • deoxy4
    deoxy4 Posts: 197 Member
    Please consider doing a search "keto plateau". You may find something helpful and more targeted to your situation.
  • rushmama5
    rushmama5 Posts: 49 Member
    Stress and sleep are two other factors. The exercise could be a leisurely walk with enjoyable tunes. On keto the weight is sort of let go of because the body feels satisfied and safe. All that intense exercise can give a different message. Not very scientific advice, I know. relax and enjoy yourself, your not doing anything wrong except worrying :)
  • kristafb
    kristafb Posts: 770 Member
    I don't have any advice but just wanted to say you're not alone. I'm in the same boat. Not losing for months and now gaining. But I struggle with exercise and my eating has been a bit off lately so I"m far from perfect. Just wanted to say I hope you figure it out, and good luck!
  • Kimmygirl40
    Kimmygirl40 Posts: 4 Member
    Follow the group "Ketogenic Dieters" on facebook... their guidelines have allowed me to lose 15lbs in one week!! I promise you, you wont regret it..l my eyes opened after joining their group! :-)
  • kristafb
    kristafb Posts: 770 Member
    Follow the group "Ketogenic Dieters" on facebook... their guidelines have allowed me to lose 15lbs in one week!! I promise you, you wont regret it..l my eyes opened after joining their group! :-)

    What is so different in that group than others?
  • Fema99
    Fema99 Posts: 10 Member
    Rushmama5,Kristafb & Kimmygirl40. Thank you all.

    I have been reading a lot on this woe and taken notes on different suggestions that worked for some people. I think I just need to experiment little more and figure out what works for my body type. I lose weight a lot slower than the average person due to damaged hormones and yoyo dieting for the last 15+yrs.

    I started the day with the mindset to eat less cheese( no more than 2 oz/day) and zero sugar alcohols but unfortunately, I had a bad day at work and opted to eat not 1 but 2 quest bars! Not good at all :#

    So hopefully tomorrow will be better.My plan still is to reduce my dairy intake for 2 wks and see how that works. Thank you for the FB suggestion Kimmygirl40, can you share some of what you learned here please? I don't have FB. Thank you!! & Congrats on 15lbs in one wk! Amaaazing....what did you eat?

  • Fema99
    Fema99 Posts: 10 Member
    deoxy4 wrote: »
    Please consider doing a search "keto plateau". You may find something helpful and more targeted to your situation.

    I have done so , thank you again for the suggestion Deoxy4.
  • Kimmygirl40
    Kimmygirl40 Posts: 4 Member
    They have charts according to your height... in percentage wise, yes, fat always needs to be higher, but we focus more on the grams. I weigh 265lbs i was told to eat 120g protein, 75g fat and 20g carbs. Why give your body more fat when you are trying to lose? I changed to this woe and NEVER got hungry as i had 3x meals of 40g protein each and the weight just fell off. I dont have all the answers as i just joined the group and this is only my second week, but if you want to know more, follow KETOGENIC DIETERS on facebook and there will be admins who will be all too glad to help you on the correct path. It worked for me and I too struggled with losing weight :-)
  • kristafb
    kristafb Posts: 770 Member
    They have charts according to your height... in percentage wise, yes, fat always needs to be higher, but we focus more on the grams. I weigh 265lbs i was told to eat 120g protein, 75g fat and 20g carbs. Why give your body more fat when you are trying to lose? I changed to this woe and NEVER got hungry as i had 3x meals of 40g protein each and the weight just fell off. I dont have all the answers as i just joined the group and this is only my second week, but if you want to know more, follow KETOGENIC DIETERS on facebook and there will be admins who will be all too glad to help you on the correct path. It worked for me and I too struggled with losing weight :-)

    Is that the OKL keto group? I was part of a group on fb for a while who did the OKL way which has higher protein. I lost weight the first week & half but then stalled again and started to gain. Everyone is different, what works for one may not work for another. I have a friend who can stay in ketosis eating a banana every day. Personally I struggle to get into ketosis if I eat more than 15 g of carbs. I have to be super strict. Its awesome when you find something that works. Hopefully we'll all work things out & start losing steadily soon.

  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Fema99 wrote: »
    I started the day with the mindset to eat less cheese( no more than 2 oz/day) and zero sugar alcohols but unfortunately, I had a bad day at work and opted to eat not 1 but 2 quest bars! Not good at all :#

    I have a coworker who had 2 servings of Atkins candies (similar to quest bars for sugar alcohols) and gained 5-6 pounds overnight... Sugar alcohols that taste the most like sugar (sorbitol, matitol, etc.) are the most damaging to my gut personally, so for me right now it is Sweet Leaf Stevia (has verified no GI, whereas any with dextrose or maltodextrin fillers have a higher GI than sugar!!) or nothing, really... Other than a few pieces of trident original gum (I intentionally picked a flavor I barely tolerate to prevent binge tendencies) after meals....that's it. Major gastro distress SO not worth it.