Post your starting weight! Next weigh in is this Wednesday, kind of an odd day but why not?

Kiismyaces Posts: 132 Member
I know it's only a few days away but let's see a pound lost by Wednesday!

Starting Weight:203.5
Current Weight: 203.5
Weight Loss/Gained:0

We got this ladies and gents!


  • Dakota106
    Dakota106 Posts: 30 Member
    Looking forward to joining you! Returned today and need to be accountable!

    Start weight-176
    Current weight-176

    Yes we do have this! Diane
  • suejabin2014
    suejabin2014 Posts: 116 Member
    Hi! so excited to join this group! Thanks @Kiismyaces
    Starting Weight:198lbs
    Current Weight:198lbs
    Weight Loss/Gained:0

  • georgieg23
    georgieg23 Posts: 109 Member
    Start weight - 180lbs
    Current weight - 170lbs

    I have a gorgeous 3 month old baby and I have 28lbs to loose to get to my pre-pregnancy weight. I need some motivation though. If I'm tired I just want to eat rubbish. I'm also following the 5:2 diet and I've lost 10lbs in 8 weeks.
  • JaiDessaT
    JaiDessaT Posts: 74 Member

    Starting weight 224 lbs
    Current weight 193 lbs
    My Goal weight 135 lbs

    I'm not low carb really, just making sure to get 30gm protein at each meal. My calories are between 1500 and 2000. I work out a few times a week for 20 - 60 minutes.

    I have a treat day every Saturday.
  • xoxoamandaz
    xoxoamandaz Posts: 76 Member

    Starting weight: 242.0
    Current weight: 242.0
    Weight Loss/Gain:0

    Cant wait to start with all this support....
  • silverdwillow
    silverdwillow Posts: 15 Member
    Love the idea of support from and to everyone!

    Starting weight:158.4
    Current Weight:158.4
    Weight loss/Gain:0
  • cupcakesplz
    cupcakesplz Posts: 237 Member
    edited August 2015
    Thanks for the group

    Starting weight 87.9 kg's
    Current weight 87.9 kg's

    Starting weight 193.0
    Current weight 193.0

    Hi I do my weights in kg's but will also post in pounds for you.

    I am from Western Australia
    I would be happy to get down to 70kg (154lb)
    But I would like to push my self to 60kg

  • amsdragonfly
    amsdragonfly Posts: 152 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I am starting at 160 lbs
    Currently 160 lbs

    I want to get back to 135 lbs.

    My biggest hurdle is feeling alone in this challenge to lose weight and be healthy again- so glad to have this group. :)
  • savysing
    savysing Posts: 8 Member

    Starting weight: 173-174
    Current weight: 171
    Goal: 150 (short term) 120 (long term)

    I have a 6 month old handsome little man, Bentley, and I want to be the best, fit mommy I can be! I'm young so this extra weight is very emotionally pressing. 150 is my prepregnancy weight, but of course I want to be better. My biggest obstacle is eating crappy food and my family not really doing the diet with me to help support me.
  • emilytay23
    emilytay23 Posts: 10 Member
    Starting weight: 160lbs
    Current weight: 146 lbs
    Goal weight: 123 lbs

    I know my goal may not seem as significant as everyone else's but this but has always been the greatest battle and where I fall off the wagon.
  • glitterr0cks
    glitterr0cks Posts: 18 Member
    Start Weight: 150
    Current weight:146
    Goal weight:128 long term

    My struggle has always been lose the weight, then gain it back, then lose and gain. I want to go under what I actually want to weigh so I can maintain by give or take on holidays or special occasions.
  • shellstohot
    shellstohot Posts: 2 Member
    Hello All!
    Start Weight: 160
    Current Weight: 160
    Trying to eat healthy and cut out or limit carbs.
    Biggest hurdle, WINE!!
  • shannee81
    shannee81 Posts: 1 Member
  • jendblumberg
    jendblumberg Posts: 1 Member
    Hey there,

    starting weight 203
    current weight 192
    goal weight 145

  • Hi there. I'm really excited about this group as well.
    Hoping it makes me more accountable.
    I'm 5"5, 36 and weigh 163lbs. I put on weight with my second baby last year and not lost it yet. I've only lost 10lbs in last few months and really want to get back down to about 133lbs! Feels like a massive task as I have no time to exercise with two kids, working and my partner works away from home so it's all about food for me. Good luck everyone.
  • sophiemarie987
    sophiemarie987 Posts: 20 Member
    Start weight 222
    Current weight 222
    Goal : 160
  • CowboySar
    CowboySar Posts: 404 Member
    Starting Weight - 315.2
    Current Weight - 315.2
    Goal Weight - 180 - 200
  • msjessielynn
    msjessielynn Posts: 42 Member
    SW: 200
    Goal: 165 (for this challenge)
    Ultimate Goal: 140
  • nicolemwerman
    nicolemwerman Posts: 14 Member
  • nicolemwerman
    nicolemwerman Posts: 14 Member
    My mistake starting weight was 256