What is your biggest obstacle to weight loss?



  • caranais
    caranais Posts: 101 Member
    Myself!!! I can't lay blame on anyone else, I am in charge and in control of what goes in my mouth and how much I move. Ok, there are factors, mainly to do with moving as I have some health issues that slow me down, but eating and drinking - I'm in control. When my children were growing up I taught them that they controlled what they did and not to give in to peer pressure, and fair play to them on the whole they didn't. On occasion, when "everyone else was doing it/going" etc, they were made to take responsibility for their own actions. - "If your friend put their finger in the fire - would you?" etc. I never thought to relate it to myself, it's only when I read the heading about the biggest obstacle, that I related it to this and I feel rather ashamed. I have blamed being busy, tired, stressed, not sleeping well, getting older - all sorts really, but what I have to do is take stock again, revise and look at my food intake, weigh everything again (I've been eying it for about a year and gained a stone), and most of all take responsibility for myself. Hopefully I'll see some success from now on if I take my own advice!!! By the way - Good luck to everyone that is at least trying to do something about their situation to make life better, whatever it may be. xxx
  • nannersp61
    nannersp61 Posts: 2,315 Member
    my biggest issue is slow weight loss, and impatience. It goes hand in hand. Even though I am exercising and busy each day, usually 2 hour workouts and I stay under calorie goal, I only lose between a half to one pound per week. Many times during the week my weight rebounds for 2 or 3 days due to water fluctuation.
  • ewoksrule3
    ewoksrule3 Posts: 230 Member
    2 hour workouts, wow, I'm impressed! I don't know how you guys have time for that! Between work and taking care of the horses and just plain wanting a little downtime, I don't think I could fit in two hours on weekdays. That's awesome, though! You're very motivated. :) I have the same problem with weight fluctuation due to water retention. I just record on the low day, and am happy the next time a low day rolls around...it does get frustrating, though.
  • nannersp61
    nannersp61 Posts: 2,315 Member
    Me, I am my own saboteur.
  • danielaica
    danielaica Posts: 28 Member
    edited August 2015
    I'm having a bit of an issue with time management. I have crazy hours at uni so I'm basically there from 9:30 to 19:00. I have to plan a day before, make all my meals and drag everything with me everyday. Also, some days I've not had enough meat or sallad and gone a bit crazy trying to find healthy snacks on campus. It's been quite time consuming. I'm going to try to make a couple of meals during the weekend so I don't have to cook during the week, maybe that will help a bit. I'm also packing some low calorie crackers and fruit with me now.

    I do get frustrated when I don't see results on a weekly basis.

    Some friends kind of have a strange attitude towards me because I'm trying to eat healthy and make it seem like I'm obsessed about it or something. Sometimes they make me feel strange, but I'm 17 kg from my ideal weight and just trying to become healthy.
  • mmebouchon
    mmebouchon Posts: 855 Member
    Ice cream, chocolate and wine!
  • mmebouchon
    mmebouchon Posts: 855 Member
    caranais wrote: »
    Myself!!! I can't lay blame on anyone else, I am in charge and in control of what goes in my mouth and how much I move. Ok, there are factors, mainly to do with moving as I have some health issues that slow me down, but eating and drinking - I'm in control. When my children were growing up I taught them that they controlled what they did and not to give in to peer pressure, and fair play to them on the whole they didn't. On occasion, when "everyone else was doing it/going" etc, they were made to take responsibility for their own actions. - "If your friend put their finger in the fire - would you?" etc. I never thought to relate it to myself, it's only when I read the heading about the biggest obstacle, that I related it to this and I feel rather ashamed. I have blamed being busy, tired, stressed, not sleeping well, getting older - all sorts really, but what I have to do is take stock again, revise and look at my food intake, weigh everything again (I've been eying it for about a year and gained a stone), and most of all take responsibility for myself. Hopefully I'll see some success from now on if I take my own advice!!! By the way - Good luck to everyone that is at least trying to do something about their situation to make life better, whatever it may be. xxx

    Great insight. I know I have played the excuss game with myself many times. I remember my daughter asking me 'how do you stop yourself from eating all the cookies in the tin when your grown up if you don't have a Mom there to make you?' I told her it was part of growing up and being responsible. That being said it sure would be nice to have my mom here to limit how many treats I eat. <3
  • jenlarz
    jenlarz Posts: 813 Member
    Eating in my car on the way home from work. I grab sweet or salty junk snacks :(
  • SarahJurina
    SarahJurina Posts: 38 Member
    Binge or fatigue eating are my biggest enemies. Usually I binge if my kids made a cake or cookies and I just keep eating them (I wish they didn't bake so well) which goes with being tired by 4pm. And finally, if I have no healthy food in the house because I haven't gone to the grocery store that makes it all the worse.

    I've been trying to get more sleep. But my husband goes to bed by 11:30pm and I'd rather get to bed at 10. So some days I feel bad for not having any couple time and I stay up/pay for it the next day. Should I just be going to bed when I want? Not sure yet how to solve this problem.....
  • Hthfamily
    Hthfamily Posts: 123 Member
    My biggest problem is stress. I have a lot going on right now and am doing the best I can. The past few days I have been eating past beyond fullness which makese sick. I am still doing my plexus and that is keeping me away from a lot of bad things and cravings. I'm also not sleeping like I should and my emotions are out of control. All of these things combined are not good but I have to work through them.
  • jodieddieo
    jodieddieo Posts: 13 Member
    Trouble exercising