


  • rjpittner
    rjpittner Posts: 70 Member
    Can you even imagine what your final measurements/weigh-in day will look like though!? I'm getting excited for you just thinking about it! Hang in've got this! :-)
  • Ladybug1250
    Ladybug1250 Posts: 366 Member
    Hi All, I just started my first round today! Glad i found this group. I'm feeling very motivated!
  • randilast
    randilast Posts: 99 Member
    I just started yesterday, Ladybug1250! Looks like we're on the same page. And I'm not using Shakeology either, just a similar protein powder.
  • Maxematics
    Maxematics Posts: 2,287 Member
    I'm glad more people are posting here now. I'm also happy to see a lot of non Shakeology drinkers here. I've tried it before and it's not bad, but it doesn't do anything similar powders can't do and I didn't notice all of these ~amazing benefits~ people claim they felt. My Shakeology dupes are Vega All-In-One Nutritional Shake (vegan, grain-free) and Garden of Life Raw Meal (vegan). I do feel like the Raw Meal fills me up a bit more. I'm grain-sensitive so I don't eat grains, but I can handle the brown rice protein in the Raw Meal thankfully. When I do the workouts like Upper or Lower Fix that are very weights based I drink Syntha-6 post workout(whey protein) which I would not compare to Shakeology.

    If you are someone here that does the workouts and Shakeology and you like it, I'm glad it works for you. I'm not trying to insult anyone here who does do that, so please don't feel that way. I'm saying this because what disheartens me are the success stories where people say they lost weight because of Shakeology instead of giving the credit to themselves. You didn't lose weight because of Shakeology; you lost weight because you put in the effort to workout and watched what you ate. Replacing a meal with Shakeology will cut a few calories, yes, but so would any other meal replacement. You have all the power!
  • CrosbyMcDowell
    CrosbyMcDowell Posts: 113 Member
    Well said @synacious! We've had the convo about meal replacements. I really like the shakeology because they are tasty with just water. But it's way to expensive to continue.

    Currently on Day #11. My workouts are going much better this week. I'm not nearly as sore as last week, so for those of you just starting ding worry if it kicks your butt!
  • rjpittner
    rjpittner Posts: 70 Member
    I'm right behind you, Crosby, on day #9! I was really dreading total body cardio because it KICKED MY BUTT last week, but I'm only very minimally sore AND I was able to really push my way through the workout (whereas I was kinda dragging and felt like I was dying last week). Today was upper body and I had so much more energy! The one move that still kills me every time is those stinkin' scissor crunches, though!

    I also use an alternative to Shakeology...GNC's Lean Shake. When I compared the nutrition labels, there were a few calories more in mine, slightly less protein, and the vitamins weren't so off the chart (but really, your body just eliminates what it doesn't need regardless...), so I'm happy with it! Lean Shakes are always on BOGO 50% off sales, which is when I stock up! :-)
  • randilast
    randilast Posts: 99 Member
    @CrosbyMcDowell very true about Shakeology being expensive. I suffered severe sticker shock when I saw the prices. @synacious , thanks for the tip about following weight heavy exercises with a protein shake. This morning was the Lower Fix for me (Day 3!) and I followed it with 20 minutes of Zumba. Had a blueberry protein shake for breakfast.
    Is anyone else doing other exercises while following the 21 Day Fix?
  • evelynfarmer
    evelynfarmer Posts: 135 Member
    Starting Day 1 on August 17th
    Wish me Luck!!!! I am not using Shakeology - I will be doing a Thrive Shake in the morning w/ almond milk and maybe another for a snack during the day or after a workout, other than that will be eating real foods. Also planning on adding a nightly run/walk in the evenings and the 30 min workout upon waking in the am.
  • CrosbyMcDowell
    CrosbyMcDowell Posts: 113 Member
    @evelynfarmer I really don't want to dampen your enthusiasm, but just a heads up: 21 day fix recommends almond milk (which kinda considered a treat) 3 times a week. But I'm excited for you to get started as see the great results!
  • CrosbyMcDowell
    CrosbyMcDowell Posts: 113 Member
    As for additional exercise, I haven't been aside from some walks with my kiddo, but those are usually a slower pace. After how sore I was last week, it didn't even cross my mind to add anything else. I start doubles on Saturday so I want to see how that goes. But I'm planning on doing another round and I'll probably be more aggressive with my workouts then.
  • randilast
    randilast Posts: 99 Member
    Last week, before starting 21 Day Fix, I would do 20/40 minutes of Zumba in the morning, go home on my lunch break and do 20 more and that would be my workout. Today I headed home to do my afternoon Zumba and crashed instead, lol. Wanted to take a nap! Delayed onset fatigue from this morning probably.
  • Maxematics
    Maxematics Posts: 2,287 Member
    edited August 2015
    I'm on the doubles week and Lower Body Fix kicked my butt today. I was going to go for a run before that but I'm glad I didn't. The 10 Minute Ab Fix is later and I feel like it should be easy in comparison to what I've been through today, but knowing Autumn that's going to be the worst 10 minutes of my life.

    @randilast Yeah, the protein shake post-workout really helps with muscle building/repair. As for other workouts, I'm doing doubles week now so the only other exercise I'm really getting in is a 5 mile walk daily, but during the first two weeks I was also doing the C25K program three days per week. I'm still doing it, but I want to fit it into days where the doubles workouts don't drain all of my energy.

    @CrosbyMcDowell Yeah, Autumn said two things about the almond milk. If it's unsweetened almond milk and you're only using 4 to 6 fluid ounces and not every day, it's considered a freebie. Other types of almond milk count as a yellow. Even if I use 4 fluid ounces, I tend to count it as half a yellow since the only yellow list foods I eat are the sweet potatoes and beans. From the treat list I only do coconut water or a piece of dark chocolate, but Autumn gave the OK for Kind Bars, so I'm thinking of trying a few of those once in a while.

    @evelynfarmer Glad to have you with us! I hope you enjoy the program. I did the same thing with running/walking as you and I feel like it was manageable.
  • MotivatingOthers
    MotivatingOthers Posts: 139 Member
    @synacious the 10 minute ab is hard, but my abs feel amazing afterward!!
  • CrosbyMcDowell
    CrosbyMcDowell Posts: 113 Member
    Apparently I didn't read all my materials as thoroughly as I thought. :/

    I did lower fix for the first time today. It was one of the workout I skipped last week because I was so sore! The first rep of the very first exercise I strained my hamstring and my glut! I felt like such a wuss! I ended up having to wait a few hours and start over.
  • Maxematics
    Maxematics Posts: 2,287 Member
    @MotivatingOthers Yes, it was! There were some moves where I didn't get to the full 20. If I had, my form would have been off and there would be no next day soreness to feel.

    @CrosbyMcDowell Yeah, Lower Fix is my least favorite workout of them all. I push through it, but something about it just hurts more than any other workout. :( That sucks that you had to do that though. Did you finish it the second time?
  • randilast
    randilast Posts: 99 Member
    I've only done through Day 3 but the Surrenders in Total Body Cardio are what killed my legs. Did the modifiers and back of my legs still sore! Not as bad today but whew! Still feel it when I get up from my desk chair.
  • CrosbyMcDowell
    CrosbyMcDowell Posts: 113 Member
    Yeah, I finished legs workout. It went fine I just could lunge as deep as I wanted to!
  • CrosbyMcDowell
    CrosbyMcDowell Posts: 113 Member
    Surrenders are definitely hard! I don't know why, but I can do them ok with one leg and when I switch, I get all confused and it's much harder.
  • Maxematics
    Maxematics Posts: 2,287 Member
    edited August 2015
    Today is the last day of my first round and the only exercise to do is Yoga, so I'm ready to post here. As of this morning I lost another 2.2 pounds. I just took a progress photo last week, so I'm waiting for the end of round 2 to take another. My progress photo shows me on June 23rd then on August 9th. Prior to 21 Day Fix I was doing the C25K Program, walking 5 miles daily, and doing T25 Gamma which is all strength. I definitely feel like 21 Day Fix brought me together. Stats below the photo.


    June Starting Measurements (6/23/15)
    • Weight: 138 pounds
    • Chest: 34 inches
    • Waist: 32 inches
    • Hips 40 inches
    • L/R Thigh: 25/24 inches
    • L/R Arm: 13/13 inches

    21 Day Fix Round 1 Starting Measurements (7/27/15)
    • Weight: 132 pounds
    • Chest: 33.5 inches
    • Waist: 29 inches
    • Hips 39.5 inches
    • L/R Thigh: 23/22 inches
    • L/R Arm: 12/12 inches

    21 Day Fix Round 1 Final Measurements (8/16/15)
    • Weight: 126 pounds
    • Chest: 32 inches
    • Waist: 27 inches
    • Hips 38 inches
    • L/R Thigh: 20/20 inches
    • L/R Arm: 11/10.5 inches

    Adding 21 Day Fix to my routine helped me lose more in both pounds and inches in a shorter amount of time. I didn't follow the eating plan exactly as I barely had any of the treats you were allowed three times per week and used the drink options sometimes (coconut water or almond milk only), I don't have the containers for the program and looked up the equivalent sizes online, and I did not use Shakeology. I did have an extra serving of veggies or protein on days where I was really hungry due to additional exercise. I weighed and recorded everything I ate and made sure I at least took in 1200 calories. I did do the doubles option on the final week and, yes, I still did the C25K program three days per week while doing this and went for 5 mile walks almost daily. I made sure I got 10,000 steps almost every day. I'm looking forward to starting Round 2 tomorrow. After Round 2, I may move to 21 Day Fix Extreme.
  • codycsweet
    codycsweet Posts: 1,019 Member
    Awesome results.