Is anybody following fasting methods to lose weight, fat and feel better??

metallaxi Posts: 17 Member
I have started on Saturday June 6th. So far feeling ok trying to adapt.


  • stellagracr
    stellagracr Posts: 11 Member
    My husband and I fasted intermittently last winter. I've fallen away from it, but want to go back to this WOE. it's amazing how many calories I can eat in 5 hours, and I just need to be vigilant. If I exercise before a meal, I'm less hungry. I'm planning to fast tomorrow, as my weigh-in day is Monday. I picked Monday to make myself more accountable on the weekends.
  • lynnsmith312
    lynnsmith312 Posts: 34 Member
    Hi. I started Fasting for 2 days a week starting on July 7th. I fast on Tuesdays and Fridays, sometimes Tuesday and Thursday, if I have an event to attend on Friday. I've lost 6 pounds so far so I guess I am averaging about a pound a week which is fine with me. I think I'll try working out before I fast and maybe that will help me too.

    Which fasting program are you guys following?
  • Flowerchild0103
    Flowerchild0103 Posts: 1 Member
    Have been doing the every other day fast. Started the last week of July then went on vacation. Now started back this week. Really want to see how this goes for the next month. Doable so far.
  • finadvisor
    finadvisor Posts: 11 Member
    I just started doing 16/8 with Bulletproof IF. Clean foods, no grains or dairy and Bulletproof coffee or tea. Lost three pounds in four days. I also am doing Crossfit, so need the energy to do heavy lifting.
  • smal15
    smal15 Posts: 2 Member

    I have been doing 5:2 combined with low carbs and 16:8 on non fast days and daily 3 mile walk since January 9th and have so far lost over 40 with what feels like little effort as still indulging in cakes and or pizza a couple of times a week. Have been away abroad for the last 3 weeks eating lots of rice, pasta etc and surprisingly have maintained weight despite little excercise. I think once you have been doing IF for a while, you metabolise carbs better and store less as fat. Am planning to try alternate day fasting from 6 th sept once T get back home.
  • yykason
    yykason Posts: 11 Member
    Just into day 4 of IF, am following the 16:8 from leangains and on moderate carbs with daily strength and cardio.

    Feeding period between 12pm to 8pm which I think it's the easiest way to follow. Surprisingly not feeling fatigue without breakfast even though I thrown in a HIIT cardio in the morning. Just seem to have endless energy without meal in the morning till noon. Am desperate to see the results by end day7!!
  • margepugh2015
    margepugh2015 Posts: 1 Member
    So far this is the best WOE I ever tried. This is something I think I can really live with. I started every other day 600 or so calories...after two weeks started 16/8 and now I am pushing 18-20 hrs every day! I only began this journey Nov. 15. I was near 218# or so...did not have a scale then. Today I am 206.4#. I have a long ways to go but for the first time I really am confident I can keep this up and not quit.
  • frankiesgirlie
    frankiesgirlie Posts: 669 Member
    I've been an IF-er for many,many years. I follow a 16:8 and generally my eating window is from 3-10ish, since I work until midnite most days, I started it because fasting during the day gave me crazy energy. I didnt start it for weight lose because I was thin when I started it,but I believe it has kept me at a healthy weight my whole adult life, That's saying a lot because I'm the only woman in my family that's not overweight,and I've never been overweight.
  • leighn62
    leighn62 Posts: 142 Member
    I would love to see more activity for IF women doing IF. Hope we get more comments. I'm doing 16:8 and hoping to move to 18:6.
  • regmcc
    regmcc Posts: 81 Member
    I have just discovered IF. Looking more to maintain than lose as I just dropped 50 lbs on a different program. I don't want to feel like I'm on a diet the rest of my life, I think this may be a good option for myself and especially the husband as he's not a big breakfast guy anyways.
  • melizm29
    melizm29 Posts: 2 Member
    Day 5 of 16:8 & tracking food/exercise -- so far so good! Not hungry during fasting time - which is HUGE CHANGE. I'm 51, just under 5' tall and post-menopause. My weight has been around 132 for past couple of years. It's so freeing to have a window of time to eat and not to eat. I wait until I feel hungry to break the fast (what a concept)! I'll eat a piece of fruit before I prepare lunch. This feels easy and no-stress. I plan to weigh weekly so stay tuned! I'd love to hear progress of the group members who aren't necessarily super-exercisers (runners, cross-fit): How are you feeling? Have you lost weight? Did you quit? Why? Why not? Thanks!
  • grandmaJMB
    grandmaJMB Posts: 74 Member
    Just started IF 16:8 on Monday last week. Been on the Keto Diet since June 27th. Weight is coming of slow but I am finding this way of eating and living is easy and I can make it work for life. My big test will be when I go home for a couple weeks in October...........seems like I come back from seeing family...........I set myself up to fail. I have always gained all my weight back plus after seeing them. Then, It takes me another 6 months or longer before I can get myself back to a diet plan again. I am going to do my best to take care of me this year and keep myself on track during and after my trip home.
  • mainewoodsmom
    mainewoodsmom Posts: 5 Member
    I started IF about 4 yrs ago with JUDDD, combined with low carb. I'd previously lost a chunk of weight on just strict low carb but needed an xtra boost to lose the last pounds towards my goal. Fast forward 4 yrs and I've regained weight, am postmenopausal and post thyroidectomy, and knew I needed to get serious about my health. I started researching fasting again and stumbled upon the blog of Dr Jason Fung. Just like "Why We Get Fat," by Gary Taubes, was an eye opener re excess carbs, Dr Fung's philosophy in regards to insulin control inspired a huge "Ah Ha!" moment in me. Can't recommend his blog and site enough. I'm doing one to two 36 hr fasts combined with 16 and 20 hr fasts and a couple days of free eating a week. Of course I want to lose weight and am finally losing (slowly, but that's ok), but my primary goal is to stave off diabetes. Last year's blood tests showed my blood sugar creeping too high for comfort. My mother was diagnosed with type II diabetes at about my age. She chose to ignore diet control and today suffers from many complications, is on lots of meds and has had a stroke. I'm loving the fasting! People who hear I fast say, "I could never do that." They're sure they'd get sick/dizzy/have no energy, etc. And that's what I used to think, too. To be honest, I do believe starting fasting is easier if you come from a low or at least lower carb base, as then you're not facing carb cravings and sugar crashes. But it's sooo not as hard as I thought it would be. I think part of the trepidation for most people is the result of the lies we've been fed about "eat frequently to keep your blood sugar stable" and "you have to eat breakfast or you'll die!" When the truth is that we (speaking from an American society point of view) eat way too much and too often. I actually find complete fasting easier than eating a small amount of calories, like with the JUDDD protocol. And now that I know more about insulin response created by even a bite of food, I feel that for my body, complete fasting combined with long periods of non eating - like 1 or 2 meals a day with NO snacking - is the best prescription for me.

  • Faye369
    Faye369 Posts: 33 Member
    I saw Dr Mosley on the Dr Oz show and although I had been steadily losing weight by regular structured workouts, I had reached a plateau because of an emotionally stressful 6 months as I was terminated without cause from a 15 year job I loved :( But I digress ... I started the 5:2 strategy in June of 2016 and have been steadily losing about 1/2 lb a week. I did not change my workout routines but at times it was sporadic. When I started going to the gym about 5 years ago, weight loss was not my motivator ... mobility was. I had been diagnosed with a form of muscular dystrophy called FSH and when my balance got so bad i had to sit to take my sock off, I knew I had to do something. The fact that I am down 48 lbs as of this morning is bonus! Mondays and Wednesday are my fast days but depending on what is on the schedule I will chance to Thursday. I want to get down another 8 lbs or so and then I will fast only 1 day a week to maintain.

    My food intake on fast days looks something like this: large grapefruit for breakfast (109 cal) with 2 cups of coffee; early afternoon I will have a cup of tea and if I am hungry, will have some casein protein (120 cal) sometimes with mashed banana (90 cal) and for supper I have either spinach or other salad or homemade soup or sometimes smaller portions of whatever I make my hubs for his meal :) I never get too hung up on hitting 500 calories and rarely hit 550 but never go over 600.

    I snowshoe about 3 or 4 days a week for 1/2 hour and get to the gym only 2 or 3 times a week. I have an exercise session with a trainer on Mondays and for some reason find I have more energy on those days so Tuesdays are usually good scale days :)
  • MAJdansk
    MAJdansk Posts: 145 Member
    Hello. Starting the 16/8 today. Nothing else has worked well for me, so I'm giving it a go. It's almost dinner far, so good. It seems a good way to keep calories on track. No snacking after dinner will be the ultimate challenge.
  • Lorrainesavvy
    Lorrainesavvy Posts: 17 Member
    Is anyone still doing anything with this group? I would so love to share the journey with other women in this age group as stuff out on the internet seems to be mainly male or younger people and I dont feel its working quite the same for me.