Question about sparkling water



  • DarlingNikki2011
    DarlingNikki2011 Posts: 287 Member
    Twibbly wrote: »
    I figure that by avoiding gluten, sugar, aspartame & its friends, and most starch, I'm eating healthier than I have before. At this point, fretting about a bit of flavor would be counter productive for me.

    Agreed. I drink sparkling water regularly. Occasionally, I'll splurge and get one of the flavored kinds - usually grapefruit. It gives you a different taste without the sweetness. For me, thats as good as it gets. OP... I personally would stay away from the freebie this time. It sounds counterproductive. And really, if you're that concerned about it, you're already not enjoying it.
  • simbartes
    simbartes Posts: 64 Member
    Sometimes I put a drop of peppermint oil in my glass of water, and shake it up a bit (with a lid on of course).
    It's zero calories and carbs and it's refreshing. It's a change from lemon slices.
  • chaoticdreams
    chaoticdreams Posts: 447 Member
    Agreed. I drink sparkling water regularly. Occasionally, I'll splurge and get one of the flavored kinds - usually grapefruit. It gives you a different taste without the sweetness. For me, thats as good as it gets. OP... I personally would stay away from the freebie this time. It sounds counterproductive. And really, if you're that concerned about it, you're already not enjoying it.

    I tossed them. They were expired anyways and my coworker tired one and it was flat. So, glad I didn't risk it!

    I bought some of the La Croix today, surprisingly they were at the Piggly Wiggly LOL. Not bad! I got the orange. I also picked up some Dasani berry flavored ones.
  • JessicaLCHF
    JessicaLCHF Posts: 1,265 Member
    simbartes wrote: »
    Sometimes I put a drop of peppermint oil in my glass of water, and shake it up a bit (with a lid on of course).
    It's zero calories and carbs and it's refreshing. It's a change from lemon slices.

    Hmmm! Good idea! Def trying.
  • Twibbly
    Twibbly Posts: 1,065 Member
    I bought some of the La Croix today, surprisingly they were at the Piggly Wiggly LOL. Not bad! I got the orange. I also picked up some Dasani berry flavored ones.

    I particularly like the Peach Pear & Strawberry Kiwi La Croix.
  • inspirationstation
    inspirationstation Posts: 209 Member
    I like the La Croix lemon. Also, I purchased some stevia-sweetened mix-ins off Amazon that are zero calories/carbs. They are made by Stur. I add it to my plain or fizzy water (Soda Stream).

    I am not so much addicted to flavored water as I am addicted to carbonation. I just love it, but I can't stomach plain carbonated water. Eww.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member

    I love Diet Dr. Pepper, never tried the cherry though. I really need to be drinking straight up water, but blah. I want flavor LOL.

    I saw a commercial. Lol. They got me!

    Just be careful. Diet Cherry Dr. Pepper has apsartame AND Red Dye #40, which is evil incarnate...just to make you aware.

    Oh, and for those talking about natural flavors, the liquid sucralose (splenda) didn't give me headaches, but whatever was in the natural flavor for the liquid stevia gave me instant migraine-like headaches. I do better avoiding it. About the only things that don't trigger me are aspartame and sweet leaf stevia. I've yet to brave the liquid sweet leaf because again, "natural flavors."
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    This is what I usually drink tho. We call it fuzzy water at our house. No sweetener at all. Really helps when water gets boring. I love this stuff. They have several flavors but this is my fav. 3q0xxsiiinmg.jpg

    I love this stuff, and polar seltzer. My bf thinks I'm crazy because it is not sweet, though I think because I'm so accustomed to it I can taste a sweetness lol. I also have a soda stream but I seem to blow through the canisters too quickly, love my fizzy water :smile: I keep wanting to find something good to flavor it with but don't know how to just buy flavor like they have in the polar waters. There has to be something out there.

    Once in a while though I crave a diet coke or diet pepsi in a can, or fountain, never from a bottle though. Not sure why but it just doesn't taste the same. Never had any negative reactions thankfully, I know others systems are much more sensitive though.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    You know that if polar water can be poured into your soda stream bottle, you can just "fizz" IT up, right, @auntstephie321?
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    You know that if polar water can be poured into your soda stream bottle, you can just "fizz" IT up, right, @auntstephie321?

    Polar is fizzy already. With the soda stream I can use regular water but all their flavors are sweet sugary stuff, except the water flavors but they only have three and they are ten dollars for little bottles. I want more variety.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    My understanding was that you could add pretty much anything into the soda stream - any way you would normally make a drink... Is that not the case? My dad has had one for several years, and he makes fizzy tea that way with extracts and such...
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    You put water in the bottle and fizz it then you can add any flavor to it after. But what flavors can be used? They sell syrups to go in it or you can use things like mio but they are all sweet.
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,492 Member
    I drink Lacroix off and on quite a bit. I'm trying not to drink as much diet soda, bit I still want the bubblies that carbonation gives you. I have had the grapefruit and the on the begins with a p.

    I love LaCroix. Drink 1 per day on average. My favorites are orange, lime, cran-raspberry, grapefruit, and lemon, in that order. If you can't tell, I like citrus.
  • m_puppy
    m_puppy Posts: 246 Member

    I love LaCroix. Drink 1 per day on average. My favorites are orange, lime, cran-raspberry, grapefruit, and lemon, in that order. If you can't tell, I like citrus.

    Ooh I'll have to try the cran-raspberry and grapefruit. I have had orange, lime, lemon and coconut. I did not like the coconut at all but now I'm thinking with rum it may have been the perfect drink. I find La Croix a little hard to come by in my small town.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    You put water in the bottle and fizz it then you can add any flavor to it after. But what flavors can be used? They sell syrups to go in it or you can use things like mio but they are all sweet.

    You can be sugar-free unsweetened straight flavor extracts online (amazon). @Alliwan posted her favorite brands a while back, but for the life of me, I can't find where I saved them. I've heard "The Flavor Apprentice" ones are good, and is supposed to have good quality, too... But I personally haven't found any myself... because all the stuff at the standard grocery store is usually sweetened and has dyes...
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    @kintormiss awesome, I will look for those. I've tried searching but it always shows me the sweetened stuff or sugar free stuff, then I give up, since I need to find instant results lol. I will check out those brands. Thank you!
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    You are the most super awesome best! Thank you!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Let us know if any work.... And I think I've just sometimes figured out how to whip the Google into shape. The (-) minus key is critical to my searching.... Removes common "tags" from my results.