Workout Check-in: Heavy Metal Edition (aka August)



  • MommysLittleMeatball
    MommysLittleMeatball Posts: 2,064 Member
    This week has been so off for me. Tuesday I did Workout A, but even during my warm up I felt like I was struggling. So, I didn't increase on my squat or bench. Man, my squats were tough even though it was the same weight I did previously and it wasn't a struggle then. I did increase on my rows, tough, but good.
    Today I couldn't push myself out of bed. This evening I'm going to work with some 20lbs dumbbells I have, obviously no real make up for the workout I missed this morning, but better than nothing and then go for a run.

    On Saturday I am getting my half sleeve tattood and I've been told to take time off from the gym and avoid anything excessive sweating while it heals. :/ Anyone have any experience with this?
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Hmm interesting. I haven't but I don't have many tattoos at this time and last one was done 7 or 8 years ago. Need to save up for another.

    Today I finally managed to do some cardio. 3 mile jog.
  • jessiefrancine
    jessiefrancine Posts: 271 Member
    Tuesday - did Workout B
    Squat 5x5x55 lbs
    OHP 5x5x47.5 lbs
    Deadlift 1x5x70 lbs

    Today - did Workout A
    Squat 5x5x57.5 lbs
    Bench 5x5x50 lbs
    Rows 5x5x47.5

    Now that I've been through a few rounds of the workouts, I feel like my form is getting better and I can tell the weights (especially squats) are getting heavier, though I would say most are still on the easy side. For now. Have also done a lot of walking this week.
  • ar9179
    ar9179 Posts: 374 Member
    Today wasn't awesome. I just didn't feel very strong, even though I stayed at the same weight for squats...they seemed harder than on Tues. My inner thighs and under-butt were sore, too. That didn't help. I'm moody, blah.

    Squats 135
    OHP 70 4,5,5,5,4 I should be thrilled as it's the most I've ever been able to do at this weight. Fought for every last rep!
    DL 185 No issues, here. I'm excited to be close to 200, which I've never done.
  • Angel_Grove_
    Angel_Grove_ Posts: 205 Member
    First weights workout in a week, and boy are my legs feeling it!

    Was supposed to move up to 105 on squats but I barely got 5 on my first set, so I dropped it back to 100, and only did 4 on the last set :( never taking a break like that again!

    Bench and Rows were good though! Got all 5 sets at 70 on bench and 80 on row - form felt a lot better today too!

  • awkwardsoul
    awkwardsoul Posts: 222 Member
    My knee has been doing better, I can body weight squat easily the last few days, so I tried a few squats.

    Front Squats 5x5 45lbs - I'm not sure what happened since the last time I front squatted, but now I can do these without help of a lifting strap to hold the bar. Maybe all the OHP I've been hammering out? I was pretty happy, my depth was great though I was looking up on a few sets. My knee felt stiff after so I'm glad I didn't add more weight.

    OHP 5x5 70lbs - (warm up 5 reps 45/45/55) These were flying over my head. I think all that volume training really helped get the form back in check.

    Bench 5x5 95lbs (warm up 70/70 too lazy to unrack the bar from OHP) Pretty good. This was without a spot so I was a little cautious the entire time.

    Dumbell Rows 35lbs 20 each arm - I think I need a bigger dumbell

    Hangs/pull up attempts - I'm starting to haul myself up a bit, so I'm happy with ever tiny bit of progress.
  • nevertoooldtodoit
    nevertoooldtodoit Posts: 45 Member
    Hi I joined this group a while ago but this is my first post I think. I've followed nrolw but stopped and haven't lifted for 4 months. I need to start with a simpler format so here I go. My first session is tomorrow am. Reading the posts have helped me to jump back in , I need to build strength and confidence!
  • mirrim52
    mirrim52 Posts: 763 Member
    I know I have been saying this for weeks, but I really need to get back in the gym routine. This summer has been messing with me with the day trips, camping trips, and extra derby days for bouts. It is starting to settle down though, so hopefully I can get back in the swing of things.

    Squat - 5x5 at 115. Still doing 5x5 instead of 3x5 since I took a big deload. I think am going to go to 120 next time, and go back to 3x5 to make sure my good form sticks around.

    OHP - 3x5 at 55. Ok. I was trying to concentrate on keeping my body tight and my shoulder blades down and together, and these felt pretty good. Going to do 57.5 next time.

    DL - 1x5 at 165. Grip was meh, but lifts were good. Need to get some chalk.

    Rows - Light day - 3x5 at 65. Easy.

    Pull ups - 1x2, 1x1. Blah. Not my best.

    Close grip BP - 2x8, 1x5 at 60 lbs. I was frustrated because these felt so hard, and I just couldn't get past 5 reps on the last set. It wasn't until I finished my sets, that the bodyspace app showed me my prev stats, and I realized I went up by 5 lbs. Oops! I think I will stick at this weight though. I was pretty close...

    Barbell curls - 3x8 at 40 lbs. Can't seem to progress on these. The last rep is still really hard. I may go up to 45 anyway and see how it goes since I am frustrated with my lack of progress.

    Cable crunches - 1x10, 2x12 at 50 lbs. After the first set I remembered I upped my reps to 12 last time. These felt really good. :)

  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    The plan was to lift today since 5k is tomorrow. However, I did something at work last night, no idea what, to my right shoulder. It ached all night, which made sleep a challenge as I woke up every time I needed to turn over. Still is causing problems today. So, guess I'm taking a few days off from lifting. Have the bubble color run tomorrow morning though, so at least there is that.
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Took an extra day off because of some personal issues that were weighing on my mind

    Lifted this morning

    Squat 5x5x130lbs working back from deload
    OHP 5x5x60lbs
    Deadlift 1x5x190lbs

    Then a super set 3x8
    Lat pull downs
    Dumbbell rows
    Overhead thrust things
    Single arm bench press
    Arnold press
    Jackknife into push-up

  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    not a great lifting club day, but i wasn't concentrating very well anyway. i went and chased my losses at the gym afterwards which was of course a mistake. i'm in tfl hell and can't find my core, but still in the spiteful-and-stubborn phase of reaction to it.

    one good thing though: i got the 'shelf' thing in ohp slightly more often than not. trainer did his down-at-the-right-angle-to-watch-me thing and was extremely happy with several of my reps. so yay for sure about that.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Feels good to get back at it. Really slow start though. I did spend like 2 hours at the gym (about 35-40 mins doing shoulder work tyvm. and like 20 mins warming up. Aaah and I still gotta foam roll here because ow)

    Barbell squat - high bar and a 3-0-2 tempo for pretty much all sets but 1, where I tried low bar, and my shoulders were so unhappy. lol. Not happening again until shoulder is 100%. The set-up I use now though, I'm barely holding the bar at all, so it's really not bad on shoulders at all, and even my elbow was not complaining this morning :)

    105x5 (I had some counting mishaps on these warm-up sets, lol)
    115x10x10 60-90s rest between each sets
    Yes, yes, 10x10. With a slow eccentric. I was sooo out of breath during sets #7-10. Such work, much reps, Oof!

    Then I moved on to doing some light chest supported rows because they're not too hard on my shoulder and I wanted to feel my lats for once. And I threw in my external cable rotations and some stretches in there.

    Then did the straight arm pulls with the cables again. Seriously, I was using 5-7.5 lbs on these. for 15-20 reps. slow and controlled. Boooooring as all hell. Oh, and those weightless but pretty challenging trap arm raises because I need to build the correct recruitment pattern *yawn*

    Then moved back to legs and did 6 sets of 10 on the lying leg curl with 40-50lbs (varying between sets). I tried 1 set of overhead triceps extensions (10lbs DBs) which went well, but then the 10 Hammer curls really flared up the front of my shoulder so I called it in. My biceps will have to rest some more. I'm losing my guns :(

    But that was it. Went home to eat a bit, gonna foam roll and then shower and get to cleaning. Fun times ahead! xD Kinda glad I didn't hear back from the ocr people though. I am really going to use this day off!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Bubble Color Run!

    I jogged most of the 5k. Had to slow down in spots to get around the walkers, so many people there, and at the bubble spots. It was fun though. My white shirt now is speckled in colors, kind of like the easter candy that is the white eggs with pastel speckles on them. My socks got the most cause I had white knee hi ones on. I was earlier in the day, so the beginning bubble spots were only up to my knees foam wise, then hips but the last one was about shoulder height on me. Fun times had by many. Now I'm tired so may shower, eat then nap. I also have donuts as my treat for today. mmm donuts
  • mirrim52
    mirrim52 Posts: 763 Member
    Managed 2 workouts this week! Yay me :P Even though I had pretty bad DOMs this morning and was exhausted, I still made myself go to the gym.

    Squats - 3x3 at 120 lbs. Felt pretty hard, but my form is holding on.
    Bench - 3x5 at 70 lbs. Pretty good, especially when I concentrated on holding my core tight and planting my feet. It really does help. Will do 72.5 next time.
    Rows - 3x5 at 80 lbs. These were hard. I did them, but didn't get a good squeeze at the top, so will repeat.
    Pull ups - 2x2
    Shrugs - 3x8 at 60 lbs
    Skull crushers - 3x8 at 35. Might add a couple reps before moving up. 35 is fine, but 40 is too hard to keep good form atm.
    Barbell curls - 8,7,7 at 45 lbs. I went for it and upped to 45 even though 40 still felt hard. I did better than expected, and boy, did those biceps pop!
    Hyperextensions - 3x10 with 20 lbs. Good.
    Cable crunches - 3x12 at 50 lbs.

    And as an added bonus, I bought chalk today! Looking forward to 170 lb deadlifts on Tues! I read how to make liquid chalk, so I am going to try that since no one uses chalk at the women's gym.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Much DOMS. Such cardio. *pants*

    Dogged it (or doge-d if you prefer :P) this AM with 10xhill sprints. Kept very focused on not swinging my right arm too far back so as to not have my shoulder flare up. Despite that I got my average time down and I think even managed my quickest trip up the distance this year (too lazy to check last year).

    My quads were super sore (and still are) from that 10x10. It's no wonder the GVT system puts on mass quickly with how it tears the muscles up! lol. Thankfully hill sprints are more hamstring/glute dominant but all the lactic acid did start getting to me about halfway through and slowed me down a good bit. Tomorrow will be abs and yoga.

    Now on to shoulder rehab and a shower. Ppfffaaaaahhh
  • awkwardsoul
    awkwardsoul Posts: 222 Member
    Bleh, I'm due to lift however I lift in my garage. We are having a heat wave over and it's been 99F / 37C here and even worse in the garage. Yuck!
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    trying to get my sl groove back on track. barbell club throws it off but today's sychronicity was too good to miss.

    except i didn't really do a straight workout a.

    squats: 65 again. it's not much and it wasn't progress in terms of the weight, but i'm okay about that. feel like my awareness for form had regressed so i'm fine. plus, 65 wasn't easy to do five sets of without allowing myself even a hint of a cheat, tell you that. i'm hoping it'll count for something that i'm doing the descent part of them vveeerrrrryyy slowly - like up to 5 seconds to get all the way down there, i'd guess.

    funny thing, when you do a squat right it feels 1000% different (and easier) t han the ones you do wrong. soldiering on . . .

    rows: 70. started at 50, did idk maybe four sets for form tinkering, and then went straight up to work sets at 70. no incremental 5lb at a time updialling because i just didn't feel like jacking around with the damned spring clips that are rusted and the damned barbell which is also rusty in places, worn, dinged and has some kind of loose-ish cap on the ends that just adds more grief and annoy to it all.

    bench: skipped bench. it was everyone-bench day today, and if there's one lift i feel like i don't TOTALLY need in my life, it's the bench. well, i did get two 45lb sets in, early on and for frivolous reasons really.

    and then i foam rolled. and then i stretched. and then i foam rolled some more. so all of that better count for something in my favour tomorrow, or else.
  • jessiefrancine
    jessiefrancine Posts: 271 Member
    I really didn't want to do my workout this weekend, but I buckled down last night and made it happen. Overhead presses are starting to get challenging, so I'm glad I have the fractional plates to up my weight slowly. Vacationing this week and I'm pretty sure our hotel won't have anything for weights so I'm going to be a little off schedule.

    Squats 5x5x60 lbs (did warmup sets of bodyweight, bodyweight, 45, 55)
    OHP 5x5x50 lbs (warmup set at 45)
    Deadlift 1x5x75 lbs (warmup sets of 45, 55, 65 - maybe too many warmups for deadlift?)
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Monday so deadlifts 1 day. Nothing to exciting since I am working my way up from a deload
    165 lbs x 5, 180 lbs x 3, 205 lbs x2. Not all that happy since it was my attention that failed not my muscles and I could have gotten at least one more.
    5x8 150 lbs sumo deadlift
    EMOTM front squats 5x5 65 lbs over all felt fine.
  • dennie24
    dennie24 Posts: 251 Member
    I have just been feeling blah lately so I don't think I updated last week at all. Wednesday's workout went fine but Friday's deadlifts went horribly. The week before I had done 155#x5 and it didn't really feel all that hard. I was supposed to do 160x5 on Friday and I got 1. I just could not get it off the floor. Ugh!!! That was so frustrating. I am going to repeat it this week and hope that last week was just a fluke. Yesterday was:
    Squat 5x50,65,75,90; 3x105; 8x75
    Bench 5x45,55,70,85; 3x95; 8x70
    Row 3x5x65, 5x70; 3x80; 8x65
    Front squat 2x5x70