General Check-In Reports

lanark1982 Posts: 9 Member
Hi everyone, hope nobody minds but I thought I'd start a general thread where everyone who wants to can post the results of their weigh-ins - whether good or bad.

Today was my first weigh-in after two sets of fasting days. To give encouragement, I thought I'd wait two weeks and weight myself the morning after the second fast day.

Result is that I've lost 2kg. Down from 79.5 to 77.5, which I'm very pleased with. Target weight is 60kg so I shall keep going.

Fasting days have been hard, as I've not yet found the recipes that suit me best, but knowing that the next day I can have a proper breakfast kept me going. Will now check-in every week the morning after fast day 2. Fingers crossed I can keep the trend going down.


  • Salkeela
    Salkeela Posts: 367 Member
    I've lost just a couple of lbs over 4 weeks of 5/2 which I'm happy with. Truth is I am so physically inactive (I have ME which means exertion of any kind is out) that I'm burning very little over BMR each day.

    Dieting in the conventional way means needing to eat 1200 or less for long periods.

    This way I can eat a little more on the 5 days, which I find means the diet is easier to stick to in the long run.

    My connected Fitbit account tells me that over the last month, my average "burn" (LOL) is 1346cals daily, and whilst my average intake has been 1116cals.

    So those numbers add up about right for the loss I've recorded. And 5/2 is surely an easier way of eating this amount. :blush:
  • kgb6days
    kgb6days Posts: 880 Member
    I've gone from 145 to 132 since May 1 so that averages out to a little more than 1 lb a week. I'm very happy with that. My target is 125 (I'm 5'2") I had stalled for about a month until I started 5:2, then the weight seems to go away without a lot of effort. This is amazing since I am 59 and the weight is way easier to gain than to lose. I really like eating maintenance 5 days per week. I feel like I'm not being deprived at all. I run at least 3 days/week, have started yoga. I used to do Zumba 3/week but after 3 years of that I've gotten bored with it so am focusing on the running. I do need to start weights though but just have been a little too lazy
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    Just listing this to help the newbies keep going....
    46 yr / 5'1' 1/2 / overweight all of my life until January 2014 thanks to 5:2. Because I am not a daily restrictor.
    HW January 2000: 96kg

    5:2 stats:
    SW May 2013: 86kg
    W May 2014: 57kg
    CW : 58kg
    Been maintaining for about a year between 57-59kg.
    GW: 54-55kg
    lots going on in the last year. With the help of 5:2 I maintained even though many fasts were less than perfect and normal days often high. So it's my tool for life....
  • jetset26
    jetset26 Posts: 8 Member
    I weighed myself this morning after starting the 5:2 two weeks ago, lost 7 pounds which I'm really chuffed and surprised with, wasn't sure what to expect!
  • lanark1982
    lanark1982 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks for the inspiration flumi_f - and well done jetset26. Best thing so far is knowing that the fast is only one day and that I don't have to worry too much about calories on the non-fast days (just remembering to eat sensibly).
  • zoodocgirl
    zoodocgirl Posts: 163 Member
    I'm restarting 5:2 after about a year of being off. It seems to work for my lifestyle - I have to travel and eat out a lot for work and really do enjoy food and drink as one of my primary hobbies. I don't generally mind fast days as long as I don't have to attend a social event, but it seems everytime I make a little progress, I hit a weeklong holiday or work trip and take two steps back. I guess I'm just getting older but damn, it seems like it's twice as easy to gain and twice as hard to lose these days. A bit discouraging but I'm trying to just take it one day at a time and be at least somewhat active (although it's incredibly hot here right now) each day.
  • kgb6days
    kgb6days Posts: 880 Member
    Welcome back zoodocgirl. I've learned aging really does affect my weight and metabolism.
  • lanark1982
    lanark1982 Posts: 9 Member
    Just checking in again after my 6 week weigh in. Down from 79.5kg in early July to 75kg in mid-August. Heading the right direction. Still finding myself hungry on fasting days, but knowing I can eat a big breakfast the following morning helps a lot :)
  • russellma
    russellma Posts: 284 Member
    lanark1982 wrote: »
    Just checking in again after my 6 week weigh in. Down from 79.5kg in early July to 75kg in mid-August. Heading the right direction. Still finding myself hungry on fasting days, but knowing I can eat a big breakfast the following morning helps a lot :)

    Wow! Great job! :)
  • mrsgreen5686
    mrsgreen5686 Posts: 34 Member
    Hey I started 5:2 3 weeks 5 days ago and up to date I've gone from 151lb to 143lb my goal is to be around 130-132. Absolutely love this plan it's amazing
  • LouiseDuckett
    LouiseDuckett Posts: 1 Member
    so glad I saw this thread, I only started last week and felt a bit disheartened that I haven't lost, today is my fast day and I just thought "whats the point" but I will persevere and hopefully the scales next week will tell a different story :)
  • russellma
    russellma Posts: 284 Member
    Hey I started 5:2 3 weeks 5 days ago and up to date I've gone from 151lb to 143lb my goal is to be around 130-132. Absolutely love this plan it's amazing

    That is amazing, Mrs. G! :)

    I've only lost 6 lbs. in a little over 4 weeks, but since I could only GAIN before that, I'm pretty happy with that. I want to lose at least 10 more pounds. Usually, the start of school means the end of any progress, but I'm optimistic that I can make this plan work in spite of a crazy busy schedule.
  • RegainFiks
    RegainFiks Posts: 180 Member
    I love 5:2 i have been on it for 2 weeks and I have lost 5 pounds. So happy!!
  • mrsgreen5686
    mrsgreen5686 Posts: 34 Member
    edited August 2015
    [/quote] That is amazing, Mrs. G! :)

    I've only lost 6 lbs. in a little over 4 weeks, but since I could only GAIN before that, I'm pretty happy with that. I want to lose at least 10 more pounds. Usually, the start of school means the end of any progress, but I'm optimistic that I can make this plan work in spite of a crazy busy schedule.[/quote]

    Thank you. I'm really happy with it I don't find the fasts difficult at all. I suppose the only thing I find difficult is eating as many calories as I should on nin fast days as my stomach seems to have shrunk heaps. I have 15 weeks until my holiday hoping to reach my goal by then. Wish me luck. Good luck on going back to school stick at it its totally worth it xx
  • russellma
    russellma Posts: 284 Member
    Fikile2015 wrote: »
    I love 5:2 i have been on it for 2 weeks and I have lost 5 pounds. So happy!!

    Yes, I've seen how faithful you've been and you're doing great! Yay for another happy story! :)
  • dorriemochan
    dorriemochan Posts: 10 Member
    OK - is anyone out there finding it's NOT working? Admittedly I'm a bit anti-scales, I don't use them. I go on how my jeans are fitting instead and just generally how I feel. I've been doing 5:2 for 8 weeks or so now, and only ruined one fasting day in that whole time, otherwise stuck to it completely! I don't know where I'm going wrong... On my normal days I'm not eating anymore than I used to, which is maintenance level. I just expected a noticeable difference by now and I can't see there is any.
    Despite my lack of success your stories are all so great!! Really good to see where diets work and people don't have to make themselves miserable or lose their social life! Well done everyone.
  • lanark1982
    lanark1982 Posts: 9 Member
    Dorriemochan - do you mind me asking how much you have to lose? I only ask because those last few pounds are always the hardest (or at least I'm told they are - I'm nowhere near that stage yet lol) :smiley:
  • dorriemochan
    dorriemochan Posts: 10 Member
    I haven't lost anything so far. Current weight (I did actually weigh myself this morning) is 60kg, the heaviest I've ever been. And hoping to get down to 54kg. Sucks to see no progress whatsoever! I think im probably having too many treats on my non fast days.
  • DanaW13
    DanaW13 Posts: 207 Member
    I just finished my first week and lost 1.5 pounds, so I'm satisfied! I actually went over on my second fast day and ended up having 900 calories. So I added a third day in which I had 900 again. I ended up with one day of 500 and two days of 900. But the weight came off. I am findings some days easier than others, but so far this is much easier than sticking to a diet every day! I have been trying to lose weight counting calories for years now, with no success, so I am praying that this works. I would like to lose 15 to 20 pounds.

    Dorriemochan: you might want to track on your eating days. I tracked every day. A couple days I had 2000 calories. But my daily average for this week was 1367, and my net (with exercise calories subracted) was 1099.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    I was doing running training last night, and got chatting to a guy who'd lost 5 stone ( a stone is 14 pounds) in the past year. Just from 5:2ing and taking up running.