New here n needing help..

ginavanhookglp Posts: 8 Member
edited August 2015 in Social Groups
I'm 46....5'4" in a-town...been on a diet since April...started at185 n lost only 2-3 lbs.....walking minimum 2 days a week 4 20 mins....excersize 1-2 x a week...stretching in the am but can't stem to lose any


  • bailj67
    bailj67 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi. Let connect and see if we can get you going on the right track. It always help when you have some friends supporting you. I'll send you a friend request.
  • bslim4me
    bslim4me Posts: 11 Member
    @ginavanhookglp sounds like you need some MFP friends for support & help. I sent you a friend request. How's your food tracking going?
  • cdmanney
    cdmanney Posts: 93 Member
    I'm 5'5" and 146 lbs. Over the past three years I've slowly dropped from from 163. It's like I'll lose 5 lbs then stay on a plateau for months then drop 5 more then another plateau, etc. I know slow weight loss is good but surely some acceleration would be better. I've been inconsistent with exercise and even worse with diet. What does everyone think about doing a cleanse or some weeklong "shock your metabolism" diet? I need some kind of jumpstart.
  • Graceious1
    Graceious1 Posts: 716 Member
    Well done for what you have done so far @ginavanhookglp. You are on the right track. Feel free to add me. I'm 47, a mum and at my heaviest was 194lb. I am down to 176 and dropping.
    I think the best thing is slow and steady @cdmanney because as quick as you lose it then go back to normal, the quicker you put it on. Look at what you're eating and, if you're not doing it already, input more whole grains and plant based foods into your diet. I started doing that a few weeks ago and lost some inches and a few pounds. I love the progress I am making and can easily make this part of my lifestyle. All the best.