


  • Ladybug1250
    Ladybug1250 Posts: 366 Member
    @synacious fantastic job!!! you rock girly! and i must admit you just kicked my motivation up a knotch so YAY for that!! I need to be a little better with my 10,000 steps per day. Ok off for a walk :-)
  • jennimben
    jennimben Posts: 66 Member
    I am so excited, I get my packet in a few days~ You are all so motivating, what a great board! It's funny how everyone comments on the workout part and not the food prep which is what I was nervous about, so now I am really curious and excited about it! Great job to all of you who have already started!
  • rjpittner
    rjpittner Posts: 70 Member
    @jennimben I think that the food prep is actually the hardest part (aside from the burpees...)! Just getting organized and really planning every meal and snack out is so time consuming! I think you'll get into the swing of it in no time, though!
  • musicfan4life30
    musicfan4life30 Posts: 543 Member
    congrats to everyone on all your weight loss and results! :)

    I have ordered my 21 day fix but I haven't gotten it in the mail yet.

    I can't wait to get started as soon as my package gets here!

    Keep up the fabulous work everyone! :)
  • BridgeM7
    BridgeM7 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm on day 6 and have lost 3 lbs so far. I love the workouts!
  • randilast
    randilast Posts: 99 Member
    BridgeM7 wrote: »
    I'm on day 6 and have lost 3 lbs so far. I love the workouts!
    Congrats @BridgeM7 !! I'm on Day 12 and have lost 3 pounds as well. It probably could have been more but I'm not sticking to the meal plan on this first round. Next round I will though! Keep up the great work!
    @rjpittner the burpees kill me every time! Those and the surrenders and mountain climbers. All are total body work outs and really get your heart pumping. I'm looking forward to the day when I'm strong enough to not do modifiers anymore.

  • musicfan4life30
    musicfan4life30 Posts: 543 Member
    edited August 2015
    I'm on Day 1 of my 21 day fix! I can't wait to see what I weigh on Day 7, Day, 14, and Day 21! :)

    Keep up the great work everyone! :)
  • rjpittner
    rjpittner Posts: 70 Member
    edited August 2015
    My stats are almost identical to @synacious!

    Starting weight: 133
    Chest: 33
    R arm: 11.5
    L arm: 11.5
    Waist: 34.5
    Hips: 39
    R thigh: 22
    L thigh: 23

    Final weight: 126
    Chest: 32
    R arm: 11
    L arm: 11
    Waist: 32
    R thigh: 20
    L thigh: 21

    Total lbs lost: 6

    I followed diet and and exercise plan exactly. When I wasn't able to eat all of the scheduled food, I rotated which group I skipped. I used GNC Lean Shake instead of Shakeology. Also made 10,000+ steps a day (nightly walks with the pups!!) My results might not seem substantial on paper, but I FEEL amazing. My tummy is near flat (something I've fought for since high school) and my size 4 jeans are now feeling loose and saggy in the waist, rump, and thighs (jeans are NEVER loose in my thunder thighs!) My energy level and confidence are at an all time high. This weight is STAYING OFF as opposed to when I used to lose weight just to gain it back a few days down the road. I've never completed a diet/exercise program that I've started on before, so I'm really proud of myself for that. I'm taking a day off (today), then hitting round #2 tomorrow!
  • Maxematics
    Maxematics Posts: 2,287 Member
    You. Look. GREAT! I can see such an improvement, especially in the lower half of your body. That's so awesome! You forgot to include your new hip measurement, but based on the photos I'm going to guess it's around 37ish? Anyway, congrats! I took a week off because I got a hair process done where I couldn't sweat or get it wet for 72 hours. I still followed the eating plan though and lost 2.1 pounds this week. I started round 2 yesterday, so I'm right here with you for round 2. I can't wait to see our results at the end of that.
  • randilast
    randilast Posts: 99 Member
    @rjpittner You look amazing!!! And good job on completing the program. When I finish this week, it will be the first time for me as well. Congrats on the amazing work!
  • musicfan4life30
    musicfan4life30 Posts: 543 Member
    Congrats to both of you who finished the 21 day fix! :) I'm on day 5 today! :)

    My first weigh in for week 1 is Thursday and I really hope I lose weight this week! :)
  • randilast
    randilast Posts: 99 Member
    I'm excited and nervous to see what my changes are after Round 1. I finally found my measuring tape and am having to beat down the curiosity to see what my measurements are today. Didn't measure beyond weight at the beginning (because of lost tape) so changes, good or bad, will be from a measurement taken a month or so ago. I don't detect any major difference but I will be jumping right in to Round 2!!!
  • musicfan4life30
    musicfan4life30 Posts: 543 Member
    I actually have to weigh in tomorrow morning because that's the only day I can weigh in this week.

    I'll post how many pounds I lost tomorrow morning after I am done weighing in.
  • Ladybug1250
    Ladybug1250 Posts: 366 Member
    @rjpittner you look awesome!! EXCELLENT JOB! Thanks for posting your results. Hopefully mine look that good at the end of this :-)
  • eliseandlila
    eliseandlila Posts: 10 Member
  • dafoots0911
    dafoots0911 Posts: 347 Member
    I am planning on purchasing this. Are there any 50-plus year-old women doing this workout?
  • jennimben
    jennimben Posts: 66 Member
    I am planning on purchasing this. Are there any 50-plus year-old women doing this workout?
    Yes! I just turned 51 this summer. I have 14 and 18 yr old boys who keep me feeling more like! I'm 5'2+ and 150, and hoping for a nice loss 10 lb loss after a couple of rounds of this.
  • dafoots0911
    dafoots0911 Posts: 347 Member
    edited August 2015
    @jennimben, thanks for posting. I am 5'4" and looking to drop 20 but 10 is a good start. My current weight which seems to have stalled is 150 also. Hoping to purchase soon., that's a good one.
  • randilast
    randilast Posts: 99 Member
    Today is my last day for Round 1!!! Sw: 273.6 Cw: 267!!! Almost 7 pounds down! Haven't seen as much lost in inches but next round maybe!
  • Maxematics
    Maxematics Posts: 2,287 Member
    That's great! If I recall correctly, you said you didn't even really follow the meal plan this round correct? (If I'm mistaking you for another poster I'm sorry!) I wonder what your Round 2 will be like if you do.