A question about ZUCCHINI NOODLES

mrron2u Posts: 919 Member
So I have a secret. I hate all forms of pasta. I don't like the smell or the texture, it makes me gag. That being said I keep hearing about zucchini noodles and am wondering if I might like these. Has anyone made them? Are they slimy like pasta or more on the crunchy side? Anyone have a good recipe on how to make them (the cooking part)?


  • lucys1225
    lucys1225 Posts: 597 Member
    It all depends on how long you cook them. I don't care too much for them mushy so I saute them very briefly (if at all) and mix it with whatever I am having.
  • mrron2u
    mrron2u Posts: 919 Member
    Ah yes - I could see liking the texture more sauted.

  • amillenium
    amillenium Posts: 281 Member
    I sauté on very high heat--like a little color on the outside but still maintain a "crunch"
  • Kerrby86
    Kerrby86 Posts: 4 Member
    I blanch mine for 20 seconds just to heat but so still almost raw, I love the crunch!
  • mrron2u
    mrron2u Posts: 919 Member
    Great ideas! I think I'm going to grab a couple squash at the Farmers Market tomorrow morning.
  • amillenium
    amillenium Posts: 281 Member
    they are so good! I had them with as spaghetti and meat sauce last night and as the base for a Korean beef bowl the night before. Tonight will be zoodle chicken pad thai. It makes it easy to eat what the rest of my family is eating but lower the calories and provides a bit of volume that fits into my caloric goal. They, of course had pasta, rice and rice noodles with those dinners but its so easy to separate a bit out and serve my portion with zoodles!
  • allaboutthefood
    allaboutthefood Posts: 781 Member
    Love love love them, I either saute just for a few seconds to warm them or just raw on plate with sauce over them, so yummy. Here is a photo of zucchini zoodle baked ziti, google the recipe so good, my fav dish f1n0by2kqb0e.jpg
  • nixology
    nixology Posts: 151 Member
    You might also want to consider pumpkin, carrot or beetroot noodles, which I love making too. :)
  • babynew
    babynew Posts: 613 Member
    Inspiralized has alot of great recipe & ideas.. its a Whole New World Have Fun ";"