
Delyla07 Posts: 49 Member
I'll start this off by saying hi! I've been on and off the mfp bandwagon for years but really need to buckle down to succeed with my goals. I have just gotten engaged so have plenty of motivation, just need support! My goal this month is to start loosing the 20-30lbs I have left and to tone up. I have given myself that range because I will stop when I feel healthy! I live in Ontario, Canada so hope some neighbors join in!!


    TIFFANEY123 Posts: 1 Member
    1st day. I'll try! From California
  • Maryks23
    Maryks23 Posts: 30 Member
    I'm in! Completely doable and totally what I was looking for today. I'm going to print these out and pin them up.
    Been slowly losing but gaining the same weight back for about a year now. I already go to the gym 3 days a week but was looking for something extra that I can do at home. This is Perfect!
    Bring it on September!
  • Delyla07
    Delyla07 Posts: 49 Member
    Awesome!! Love the enthusiasm!!:)