Today's WOD



  • bethlivi
    bethlivi Posts: 157 Member
    We did an every 90sec complex of two power shrugs, a hang squat clean and a jerk. I hit 125. Cleans felt great--could have gone way heavier. Jerks have been off lately--that's pretty much my push press PR...oh well.

    Wod was 7min AMRAP of 5 power cleans at 75% and 7 burpee box jumps. Got 4+8.

    Not a great day. Lol but I showed up and worked hard and that's okay. ☺️
  • noel2fit
    noel2fit Posts: 235 Member
    Anyone do Deck of Cards? We did this today and it was ROUGH.

    Warm-up: 500m row, stretching

    WOD: Deck of Cards
    Stations = barbell, T2B, Ring Dips, AirBike, KB Swings, Ball Slams, Wall Ball, Burpees, Jumping Lunges, Box Jumps
    Using WHOLE deck of cards, do number called (J, Q, & K=10, A=11), wait until everyone has finished, move to next station

    Compete class vs class for total time.
    Everyone was on the floor afterwards. One person threw up. Coach had a sadistic laugh calling the numbers. It was a good time.
  • Keladelphia
    Keladelphia Posts: 820 Member
    Today's WOD
    For time:
    Row 1k
    10 Rope Climbs
    100 Push-ups
  • Mummyadams
    Mummyadams Posts: 1,125 Member
    On Sunday we did Deck Of Cards - we set up stations (sit ups, air squats, battle ropes, tricep dips on TRX, box jumps, push ups, DU's & lunges) and flipped a card. One person per station, do that number of reps (picture cards were 10, Ace was 11 and others face value) - no-one moves to the next station until the last person finished their reps. It took about 40 minutes and was so much fun.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    I hate Deck of Cards. Every time I've done it the first 30 movements are the same and I'm done for the rest of the workout.

    today's workout for us was a killer. Easily one of the hardest CF workouts I've done. Even the guys who RXd it in good time said it was a miserable experience.

    50 Thrusters (135/95)

    EMOM do 5 lateral bar burpees (including the start)

    After about five minutes I had to drop to 3 burpees or I'd never have gotten any reps in.
  • Keladelphia
    Keladelphia Posts: 820 Member
    bostonwolf wrote: »
    I hate Deck of Cards. Every time I've done it the first 30 movements are the same and I'm done for the rest of the workout.

    today's workout for us was a killer. Easily one of the hardest CF workouts I've done. Even the guys who RXd it in good time said it was a miserable experience.

    50 Thrusters (135/95)

    EMOM do 5 lateral bar burpees (including the start)

    After about five minutes I had to drop to 3 burpees or I'd never have gotten any reps in.

    I've never done deck of cards. That other one sounds like a shorter Kalsu (which is my least favorite of ALL workouts without a question). Blech, certainly don't envy that my friend. We did a really fun one yesterday

    30 Minute EMOM- on the 1st min do the 1st movement, 2nd the second movement, 3rd the 3rd movement and repeat for 30 minutes

    3 muscle ups (I scaled 3 pullups and 3 dips, I need to just devote some time to muscle up progressions, I just can't get that turnover on the rings damn it!)
    3 back squats at 70% 1RM (we had to shared a rack and start with different movements becase class was crowded so I only used 170# and dropped it down to 165# when one of the guys working in missed a couple of squat reps)
    3 KB snatches with a heavy KB, you pick load (I used 20KG)



    30 rounds, for time, of:

    5 Wall Balls 20/14

    3 Handstand Push-ups

    1 Power Clean 225/155#

  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Holleyman is fun. I subbed hand-release pushups and I think I dropped the weight to 185. Still missed the clean a few times towards the end. My problem with anything that is shoulder heavy is that for some reason my delts really hold lactic acid. Once the pain starts to build I just have to accept it until I'm done....then it's excruciating for about 10 minutes afterwards. I usually have to stand with my arms on the pull up bar to make it bearable. Gains though, so I'll take it.

    Today for us:

    Bench press 4 sets of 4.


    60 Power Snatches (74/45)
    60 pull ups (I'll do ring rows)

    Just get the reps done, break it up however you want.
  • Mummyadams
    Mummyadams Posts: 1,125 Member
    brutal one today.
    Strength DL - 5 @ 50%, 5 @ 60%, 5 @ 70% and 2 x 3 @ 80%
    WOD: 40, 30, 20, 10 WB, KB & Sit ups - liked this one coz I could do all the movement without subbing.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    ^^I had to get some help cleaning up my barbell after this. My hands couldn't squeeze properly after finishing for about five minutes. Took three attempts for me to get the clips off the bar.

    Upper body is still sore and today's workout consists of 60 clean and jerks. Should be fun.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    This is today's workout. I'll sub out something for the ring dips.

    Hang Power Clean
    EMOTM 10

    1 Rep, climbing, focus on form and getting some moderate weights moving before the WOD.

    For time:

    10 Hang Power Clean & Jerk
    10 Ring Dips
    50 Foot Bear Crawl

    ---Rest 3 minutes---

    15 Hang Power Clean & Jerk
    15 Ring Dips
    100 Foot Bear Crawl

    ----Rest 3 Minutes---

    20 Hang Power Clean & Jerk
    20 Ring Dips
    150 Foot Bear Crawl
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member

    Tempo Box Squats. 3 seconds down, 3 second pause, explode up. Used a slightly lower box than normal, which was a good change that I'll be keeping going forward. 135x2, 165x2, 185x2, 205x2, 225x2. Could have gone much higher but saved my legs for:

    Mean Girls
    Barbell Squat (135/95 RX) from the floor
    Calorie Row

    6:29 RX.


    Strongman skills: Tire flipping

    "Death by 10 Meters"
    Minute 1 = Sprint 10 Meters
    Minute 2 = Sprint 20 Meters
    Minute 3 = Sprint 30 Meters

    Each minute adds one length of 10 meters, cone to cone, suicide sprint style (like the "beep test")
    Go until the sprints can no longer be completed.
  • bettytrhoades
    bettytrhoades Posts: 19 Member
    Practiced technique on snatches this morning, followed by a WOD of 1000m row, 75 wall balls (14 lbs), and 50 push ups. Took me 14 minutes even to complete - OUCH. I felt every meter of that row in my legs, which were toast before I even started the wall balls!
  • Keladelphia
    Keladelphia Posts: 820 Member
    Today 5X500 meter rows (3 minute rest in between). Man I hate rowing.
  • Mummyadams
    Mummyadams Posts: 1,125 Member
    Backsquats - 5 x5 @ 60, 70, 80, 80, 80%
    WOD - fitness test - AMRAP 6 mins - 20 burpees / 40 DU's - managed just under 2 rounds, kept fumbling my DU's
    WOD 2 - 500m row, 20 KB snatches, 20 PU & 30 sit ups - 2 x rounds
  • bettytrhoades
    bettytrhoades Posts: 19 Member
    Strict presses today (4x6, I did 50 lbs), followed by 12:00 AMRAP of 10 KB swings (53/35), 10 box jumps, and 10 V-ups. I got in 6 rounds + 22 reps. Always happy to do Rx!
  • bettytrhoades
    bettytrhoades Posts: 19 Member
    Wednesday's strength was a 12:00 EMOM of alternating heavy deadlifts (8 at 125 lbs) and 25 double unders. Then the WOD was 3x400m runs, with the slowest run being the score. Weirdly, there was a pretty big difference between rounds 1 and 2 and my slowest (round 3).

    Today's strength was a complex of 6 x 2 front squats and 1 power/split jerk, done at 65% of the 3 rep max for front squats (so I did 70 lbs). The WOD was a total of 9:00, split as follows: 1:00 V-ups, 1:00 burpees, 1:00 V-ups, 2:00 burpees, 1:00 V-ups, 3:00 sumo deadlift high-pulls (44 lb kettlebell was Rx for women). The score was the # of sumo deadlift high-pulls, and I got 42.
  • Keladelphia
    Keladelphia Posts: 820 Member
    3 rounds for time:

    15 Hang Power Cleans 135/95#

    15 Burpees

    Rest 5:00

    3 rounds for time:

    10 Deadlifts 275/185#

    50 Double Unders

    Rest 5:00

    50 Kettlebell Swings 2/1.5 pood
  • Keladelphia
    Keladelphia Posts: 820 Member
    3 rounds for time:

    15 Hang Power Cleans 135/95#

    15 Burpees

    Rest 5:00

    3 rounds for time:

    10 Deadlifts 275/185#

    50 Double Unders

    Rest 5:00

    50 Kettlebell Swings 2/1.5 pood

    ^^^^ I actually loved this one yesterday



    20:00 AMRAP of:

    5 Handstand Push-ups

    10 Pistols, alternating

    15 Pull-ups

  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member

    Round of Cindy
    1 Thruster
    Round of Cindy
    2 Thrusters
    etc until 10 thrusters. Took me about 30 minutes. Cindy wasn't really the issue, my shoulders were gone after round 7 or so.


    Every 4 minutes for 24 minutes (6 rounds)

    400m run. Try to maintain the same time for all rounds.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Today 5X500 meter rows (3 minute rest in between). Man I hate rowing.

    I'm not a huge fan, but it's one of the few CF things that I'm good at, so I usually make sure I show up.

    One a select few CF movements, being 6'3 is an advantage.