A great tip to deal with emotions!

walrusd Posts: 40 Member
I've found the app "happify" to work well. I only have the free version, and use the free tracks to and assignments to change my train of negative thoughts. It works really well when it comes to emotional eating.


  • fruitydelicious
    fruitydelicious Posts: 664 Member
    I downloaded it.... Interesting. I will have to use it for awhile before I can say that it is helpful. Definitely can keep me busy in a positive way instead of stuffing my face
  • gayle206
    gayle206 Posts: 6 Member
    I tried it too. It may help a little. I especially like the one for relaxing by the ocean. I'm going to keep trying it , see what happens. Thanks for mentioning it.
  • walrusd
    walrusd Posts: 40 Member
    I finished my first track today, the one to reduce negativity, and I can honestly say it has helped me a lot already! It might also be because right now I am studying psychology as a course on uni, and I know just how we become wired to think a certain way and that we can re-wire our brains, so my faith in it is really big. Hope you guys experience the same.
  • Andrea761
    Andrea761 Posts: 19 Member
    Calorie counter all day inc having a superfood dinner but then binged
  • RoadtotheRAN
    RoadtotheRAN Posts: 55 Member
    I'm trying to employ the strategy that number one is to not having anything to binge on in the house and if I'm out of the house such as being work or somewhere where other factors are at play, if I feel overwhelmed I take a walk away from the food, breathe and return when I feel comfortable.
  • aspersions
    aspersions Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you so much for sharing this app! I have been using SuperBetter periodically to help with my emotions; I'm excited to see what this app will offer.
  • Faithhopenlove
    Faithhopenlove Posts: 85 Member
    Thanks for sharing :-)
  • HG93022
    HG93022 Posts: 80 Member
    I will have to check it out. Thank you!