Welcome - Introduce Yourself!

CatAlii Posts: 87 Member
Hi everyone! I'm a 42 year old mom, software engineer, substitute teacher, and writer & I enjoy hiking and being outside with my kids and dogs. A few of us on MFP just finished up a 12 weeks of summer group where we focused on supporting each other, making healthier food choices, moving more, and losing weight and we'd like to continue through the fall and through the end of the year so here we are. :) Please jump right in and introduce yourself!


  • Gorman12
    Gorman12 Posts: 13 Member
    edited September 2015
    I'm a 52 yr old mom, contract manager, girl scout troop leader and I enjoy gardening and painting. I've just gotten back with MFP this past month and am down 5 lbs. So, my goal is 20 lbs in 4 months even before I saw this. I've also started a strength and conditioning program 3 x week. Tough work
  • lynnsmith312
    lynnsmith312 Posts: 34 Member
    Hi CatAlii and Gorman12! I am a 54 year old software developer so I sit most of the time. I just returned back to MFP about 2 months ago. I currently have a shoulder injury so my strength training has been limited. I've been watching my calorie count, especially my sugar intake (it was way higher than I thought) and I have lost about a pound a week. Looking forward to my journey with this group!!!

    cw: 206.2 lbs
    gw: 170's to 180's
    goal for this challenge: 186
  • breannesegorski
    breannesegorski Posts: 1 Member
    edited September 2015
  • MindyBruno
    MindyBruno Posts: 535 Member
    Hi all. I am a 46 and just started a full time job as a receptionist for the first time in 18 years. I have 3 kids, a freshman in college, a 10th grader and an 8th grader. I have been logging on mfp for about 103 days now, I have lost 25 pounds. I still need to lose another 53.

    CW 198.6
    GW 145

    Feel free to friend me. I am in this for the long haul.
  • spicklkm
    spicklkm Posts: 6 Member
    I am a 51 year old office admin at a local university. I joined mfp in January and was diligent for awhile and then slacked off. I am excited for the help and support of this group and I love that you have broken the 20 pound goal into 4 months!
  • LelaC2015
    LelaC2015 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Lela. I'm a 54 yr old Social Worker. I really need help with motivation. I have my 2 daughters (my oldest has Autism), so, I stress eat at times. I need to lose another 20 lbs.
  • tarall2
    tarall2 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello, my name is Tara and I am 42. I have 2 daughters, 14 and 12. I lost about 20 lbs 5 years ago and was in the best shape of my life. Since then we moved across the country and it has turned my world and old routines upside down. Those 20 lbs found their way back and I feel awful. Looking for some friendly motivation and support.
  • 2006T
    2006T Posts: 6 Member
    HI all, I am a 63 year old mother of adult children, sales manager, caregiver to my aging mother. I have already lost 50 lbs. as of last October (with another 10 to lost to goal) and am struggling to keep it off. I have gained back 11 of the lost pounds and joined MFP again to stop the madness! :) I am a day late to the party so hope that is okay. I would like to get this last 20lbs off by the end of the year!
  • MizzRai
    MizzRai Posts: 44 Member
    Hello everyone, I've just re instilled this app. I was unsure on how to use this app, and not having any friends with the same goals made it difficult to keep motivated and focused. I'm open to new friends and I'm dedicated to logging in and supporting at least three times a day. Challenges in both fitness as well as eating habits are always welcome :) I would also like to join groups <3
  • amyaimee
    amyaimee Posts: 4 Member
    Hi all, I'm Amy, and I'm 45. I work full-time in Healthcare IT, and I tutor math on the side. Nice to see a few other techie women in the group! I'm divorced with 2 teenagers. I started using MFP less than a week ago, and I've already lost a couple of pounds.

    CW: 187.5
    GW: 134

    Please feel free to friend me - I'd like to get lots of positive motivation flowing on my home page! Looking forward to getting to know you all. Thanks to CatAlii for starting the group!
  • fastforlife1
    fastforlife1 Posts: 459 Member
    Hi My name is Valerie. I actually want to lose 15 pounds in the next three months and then take December off. Is that OK? I've lost 25 pounds this year since February. I am 59 years old, a mother and grandmother of 3. Is this going to be a closed group?
  • suej234
    suej234 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi, I'm Sue. I'm a repeat customer to MFP lol About 2 years ago I was within 10 lbs of my GW, then got divorced...and all the life changes that accompany it...and here I am, ready to rock this again! I'm 45, mom to 3 adult sons, work FT, have a side business and in my last semester of pursuing my bachelor's degree. Exercise isn't a problem for me and I see a personal trainer 2x a week. It's eating that is my nemesis. Sigh...

    I look forward to being part of this group! It's a perfect time of year to do this because I'm a huge fan of all the holiday goodies that are coming up. I need a accountability!

    CW: 203.5
    GW: 165

    BTW - a big NSV for me this morning! I drove to the gym and when I walked in, I realized I left my iPod at home. Bummer! I have been tempted in the past to turn around and go home. Heck, once I realized in the parking lot I forgot my tunes and yes, I did go home. But today I said whatev! Get in there and get it done! And I did. And I didn't die :wink:
  • CatAlii
    CatAlii Posts: 87 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm so excited to meet all of you!

    Gorman12 - Perfect! I love that 20 lbs in 4 months was already your goal!

    lynnsmith312 - another software person, yay! I can definitely relate to sitting a lot for work and eating too much sugar. Looking forward to cheering each other on!

    MindyBruno - congrats on 25 pounds lost! That's incredible!

    spicklkm - I'm excited for the support of this group too - welcome!

    Lela - I can relate to stress eating and needing help with motivation - I hope we can be great motivators for each other.

    Tara - I have a similar story - 20 pounds lost a few years ago and gained back. And I've felt pretty crappy about it. We can do this!
  • CatAlii
    CatAlii Posts: 87 Member
    Continuing on... had to reboot, the computer was typing characters at the rate of 1 per every 10 seconds. Grrrr....

    2006T - Stop the madness! Yes! Hahaha! 20 pounds by the end of the year would be awesome! Caregiving is very difficult, sometimes we don't take the best care of ourselves. Congratulations on 50 pounds lost!

    MizzRai - So glad to have you onboard! Friends with the same goals can make all the difference. We did a similar group over the summer and I went through some tough stuff and they really helped me to not fall off the wagon completely and give up. I'm so grateful for everyone's support!

    amyaimee - Go techies! It's so funny how much I love math now as an adult. Congratulations on diving right in and already losing a couple pounds! That in itself is very motivated. We have similar starting and goal weights! Looking forward to cheering each other on.

    fastforlife1 - Your plan sounds great!! Congrats on 25 pounds lost! I hope to get there by early next year. Right now the group is open to all.

    suej234 - Welcome! Life changes throw a huge monkey wrench into everything! You have a lot on your plate, I'm grateful that you're here too! I had a similar NSV today when I realized I didn't my earbuds with me and I was looking forward to listening to a podcast as I walked. Was so annoyed!!

    Thank you to everyone who has joined. I'm really looking forward to sharing our triumphs and our struggles and cheering each other on. We can finish 2015 strong!
  • matthewsfive
    matthewsfive Posts: 836 Member
    Hey everyone, i was in the last group with CatAlii. Very excited that she started a new group.

    I am a Mom of three grown boys, well almost grown, 19, 23, 25. I have been married for 27 years. I work in Retail and i am starting a new job soon which will give me access to a Gym whenever i wait. So no more excuses. I started this weight journey over 424 days ago. I have gotten to a loss of 93 pounds since June 2014. I had a few bad weeks and put back on a few pounds, I am currently at 87.2 pounds loss. I restarted my goals with a 10 pound mini goal and my plan is have 4 mini goals with a total loss of 40 pounds. I started at a weight of 270.4 pounds. My current weight is 183.2, My goal is to weigh 140 pounds. The sad thing is that according to the BMI charts i will still be considered overweight and I am okay with that.

    Here is to this new group and wishing everyone great success. Friend if you would like, always in need of support. I am with CatAlii, we will finish 2015 STRONG!!!!!!!!!!!
  • matthewsfive
    matthewsfive Posts: 836 Member
    SW: 270.4 June 2014
    CW: 183.2 September 4
    GW: 163.2

    Cattail when are we posting over weights???
  • 1dayatatime
    1dayatatime Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Everyone. I am Annie....65 years old, retired but active. I've recently lost 11 pounds and want to continue to reach goal weight of 139. So excited to have found this group. Wishing good habits and practices to all. Think of how great we will all look for the 2015 holiday season!
  • matthewsfive
    matthewsfive Posts: 836 Member
    SW: 270.4 June 2014
    CW: 183.2 September 4
    GW: 163.2

    Cattail when are we posting over weights???

    our weigh not over. sorry
  • CatAlii
    CatAlii Posts: 87 Member
    Welcome matthewsfive! So happy to see you here! I'll post a weekly check-in every Monday but you don't have to check-in with your weight from that day - if you weigh in on Fridays you can check-in with your Friday weight, or Thursday or whatever you prefer! I just posted our first check-in for the week of 9/7.

    Welcome Annie! So excited that you've joined us! I am going to take your words to heart - I know that if I don't make the most of these 4 months, come Jan 1st I will look back and want to kick myself in the pants. I'd much rather look back on a great holiday season and be proud of what we accomplished!
  • matthewsfive
    matthewsfive Posts: 836 Member
    Thanks CatAlii glad to be back, it was a tough one but i am back.