4 months, 20 lbs, 5 lbs at a time - Fall Weight Loss Journey for the over 40 crowd

Starting September 1st - let's support each other as we strive to lose 20 pounds in 4 months and finish 2015 strong.

Weekly check-ins, a focus on eating healthy foods (no fad diets), and daily exercise.

This group is for anyone interested in a 5 lbs/month weight loss goal for the remainder of 2015. With 4 months left in the year, 20 lbs seems like a reasonable goal that will be more attainable broken down into mini-goals of 5 lbs/months. Who's in?

Some of us are finishing up a 12 week summer weight loss group and would like to continue on and some of us are starting fresh. We started with the 40 & older crowd in mind but the group is open to all!

We'll post weekly check-in threads every Monday. You can check in that day or any other day during the week, whatever works best for you. Whether you've lost some weight, gained some, or held steady, the weekly check-ins are a great place to share your successes and your challenges.

Some of us like to weigh-in on Monday because it keeps us on track over the weekend. Some of us like to weigh-in on Friday because it is motivating to see a loss before starting the weekend. Whatever you prefer! And please feel free to post other threads during the week if you have something to share or discuss - having friends to lean on is half the battle. :)

Let's finish 2015 strong!
Owner: CatAliiLeaders: CatAliiCreated on September 1, 201545 membersPrivacy: Public



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