Work It Out!

What is your go to workout(s) and why?

Mine would definitely be burpees and running since they don't require equipment. The whole body is used and I feel exhilarated after doing either of these. I'm lucky enough to have the Rocky Mountains in my backyard so I can head out for a challenging run whenever I want or go to my back deck to pump out a few burpees for extra energy. Tell me your favorites!!! I'm always looking to add new exercises and switch up my routine!!


  • ssorbo17
    ssorbo17 Posts: 2 Member
    I just started Kickboxing. It is fun! A WHOLE body workout! Man, am I sore today!
  • RubyBro
    RubyBro Posts: 7 Member
    I lift weights three days a week. Now I'm trying to get back into running.
  • cidalia1122
    cidalia1122 Posts: 3 Member
    Anything that doesn't cost money. I also have some nice trails and hills in my area, so hiking and running are definite options. I also like any exercise where I can use light weights, resistance bands or body weight. Need to get back on the wagon though. It's been tough. I don't like heading out when it's cold, and space in my house is limited, but gotta make it happen.