Snaps' Summer 6 Week Challenge



  • snaps27
    snaps27 Posts: 960 Member
    @russellma and @flossyruby1, you guys are doing so great!!!

    Yes, week five and today feels like a Monday because my kids are back to school today. It also feels like a Monday because I fast on Mondays and I'm fasting (#2) today. This challenge has been great because it has kept me at maintenance (maybe down 2 ;) ) Now I can get down to business because I have a better routine back. (Oh and no more summertime treats :p ) I defiantly would have gained if I had not been fasting this summer. So I am super happy to be 2 down from the start of the summer.
  • russellma
    russellma Posts: 284 Member
    edited September 2015
    I planned on doing my 2nd fast for the week today, but decided to try a new recipe for supper and changed my mind in the middle of the meal! LOL :p I think I'll shoot for a lower cal day today and then a real 500 fast tomorrow. That's the nice thing about this eating plan... It's very flexible!
  • russellma
    russellma Posts: 284 Member
    The 6 weeks ends tomorrow. I did not even try to log this week (except for once). As usual, all my logging and exercise fell to pieces once school started, so from here on out, I'm taking my wings and trying to fly the 5:2 without logging. However, I did make some headway with the 6 week challenge and I'm hoping that it gave me a jump start to at least maintain what I've lost, and hopefully, see the scales drop a little more. I'm relieved that the scales actually went in the RIGHT direction, although I'd still like to lose about 7-10 lbs. We'll see. Thanks for starting this, Snaps... It was good for me!
  • snaps27
    snaps27 Posts: 960 Member
    russellma wrote: »
    The 6 weeks ends tomorrow. I did not even try to log this week (except for once). As usual, all my logging and exercise fell to pieces once school started, so from here on out, I'm taking my wings and trying to fly the 5:2 without logging. However, I did make some headway with the 6 week challenge and I'm hoping that it gave me a jump start to at least maintain what I've lost, and hopefully, see the scales drop a little more. I'm relieved that the scales actually went in the RIGHT direction, although I'd still like to lose about 7-10 lbs. We'll see. Thanks for starting this, Snaps... It was good for me!

    So glad you saw success!