INtroduce yourself



  • OnTheRiverGal
    OnTheRiverGal Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone! I am Karen and I am also fairly new to MFP. I am so inspired by all the success stories, but worry about losing motivation especially with holidays approaching in the months ahead. I'm hoping this challenge is just what I need to continue to be motivated.
  • may5646
    may5646 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi, I'm Marlene. I've used MFP before on and off never really sticking with it. I'm excited to join this group in order to help each other accomplish our goals. Good luck everyone!!
  • rosie186
    rosie186 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I'm Rhoda and new to mfp. I've been working hard for a month and have lost nothing, oh yes, I turned 50 this year. Double whammy. I would really like the support on my journey. Thanks!
  • viciouslitany
    viciouslitany Posts: 187 Member
    I'm Kade. Sup?

    I did the Drop 20 by Easter - went from 231.6 to 209.6 in that time. From April to September, I've maintained. I'm 208 right now, gone a little higher and a little lower, but this challenge is what gave me the kick I needed last time.

    I set a goal of 185 for this year. If I can't make it, I'm confident I can at least come close with you guys and all your support and motivation. 23 pounds, 17 weeks. Let's do this.

    Thanks, guys! c:
  • hellywelly14
    hellywelly14 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi I am hurtling towards 40 and need to kick this weight into touch. This is a great motivation for me as would like to celebrate this Christmas a healthier me. Good luck to everyone!
  • KiwiAlexP
    KiwiAlexP Posts: 186 Member
    edited September 2015
    Hi, I'm Alex from NZ and currently 15.5kg down on a total goal loss of 40kg - If I can lose another 10 by Christmas I'll be a happy girl
  • spanderholic
    spanderholic Posts: 42 Member
    Hi I'm Christina. I live in New Zealand and have been on mfp for the past year or so. I have only really gotten into it fully in the past couple of months and so far progress has been slow but steady!

    Height: 5'8"
    Age: 23
    SW: 105 kg/231 lb
    CW: 97.2 kg/214 lb
    UGW: 65 kg/143 lb

    20 lbs is equal to just over 9kgs so I think I will have a goal of 10kgs by Christmas (as converting to pounds hurts my head!). Looking forward to starting this. It would put me down to a weight that I haven't been for a couple of years.
  • ImOneStepCloser
    ImOneStepCloser Posts: 334 Member
    Hello everyone, my name is Karina. I'm 23 years old and well I'm nearly 100 pounds overweight. My weight has taken a toll on my self esteem, but i have been getting that back little by little. I joined the group to stay motivated and inspired to keep moving.
  • BrightFuture87
    BrightFuture87 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, I'm Jewel. I'm new to MFP and I'm excited about losing some weight for the holidays. :)
  • JessicaB523
    JessicaB523 Posts: 70 Member
    Hi! I am Jessica. I have been using MFP on and off for quite a while. My highest weight was 230. Got down to 180 last year, but gained about 20 back over the last year due to some relationship/life/mental health upheaval. Back on it now. Hope to get back down to the 180 by Christmas and go from there.
  • melissasue0317
    melissasue0317 Posts: 338 Member
    Hello everyone, my name is Karina. I'm 23 years old and well I'm nearly 100 pounds overweight. My weight has taken a toll on my self esteem, but i have been getting that back little by little. I joined the group to stay motivated and inspired to keep moving.

    Knowing that you have 100lbs to lose is overwhelming. I know this for sure! Look at it in sections. I want to lose 20lbs. Wow, ok I did that. So now I am just 80lbs away. It will slowly start knocking that goal weight down.

    I have lost 135lbs with about 15-25ish left to go but would be forever happy with 15 :smiley:
  • Rivers001
    Rivers001 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello, my name is Sandra. My original weight was 290 a year ago. Recently rejoined My Fitness Pals 60 days ago weighing in at 250 now. Looking for support and motivation from a great group of people who are like minded in reaching life long healthy goals.
  • Micheller1210
    Micheller1210 Posts: 460 Member
    Hi I'm in it! Can't wait to see your stats as we make progress together. I've been a fit bit wearer since April down 18 lbs and two pants sizes looking to be down another by new years of Christmas
  • Leeleelahlah
    Leeleelahlah Posts: 44 Member
    Hello! I'm Ivy. I gained a lot of weight from medication (that I'm no longer on) and emotional eating. I only have ten pounds to go until I'm back to my previous weight, but it's definitely harder this close to goal. I'd love to lose it by Christmas, then maintain. I already eat pretty clean, but I need to take control of my snacking, and I need to exercise more. Looking forward to seeing everyone's progress!
  • princess7955
    princess7955 Posts: 1,277 Member
    edited September 2015
    Hi there, I am a 37 year old wife and mom. I've been on MFP since April and have lost about 30 lbs. I still have 30 or so more to go. I have fibromyalgia and I can't exercise as much as I want without feeling the effects after...but I am trying my best!. I feel like I am in the groove now, I just ordered a Polar HRM strap and wireless earphones....who knew this stuff would be so important to me?!

    Love the time frame for this challenge...I'm hoping to lose 15-20 more lbs by Christmas :)

    Always looking for new active friends, I'm pretty active in the social part of MFP...I just stay away for the Chit Chat Forums ;)

  • courtneysmith34
    courtneysmith34 Posts: 20 Member
    Hello everyone! My name is Courtney and I am 20 years old. Im from houston tx. I am 5' 6'' and currently weigh in at 162.2. I joined this group because I have hit a stand still in my weightloss journey. I would like to lose around 18lbs during this challenge. My main struggle is logging EVERYTHING!! I plan on using a food scale and actually logging what I drink. I also plan on not drinking any alcohol during this challenge. Im looking forward to getting to know everyone and let's kick *kitten*!!
  • MamaJames2008
    MamaJames2008 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi there! My name is Kimberly and I am 26 years old. I live in Portland, OR. I have three boys (ages 6, 5, and 2) and a girl (born July 2015) I am currently breastfeeding. I am a Plexus selling, homeschooling, SAHM and am looking for encouragement to losing my post baby weight. I had reached a healthy weight of 140 lbs a few months before I got pregnant with baby #4. I want it back! I am 176.5 lbs. and would love to get back to my post baby weight. I am currently taking Plexus to assist with reaching my weight loss and health goals. I never seem to be able to find the time to work out. My goal is to begin working out 5 times a week each evening after all the kids are in bed. Side note : I don't enjoy working out... but I desperately need to. So excited about starting this journey with you ladies!!
  • daniellefennell
    daniellefennell Posts: 10 Member
    edited September 2015
    Hello there! My name is Danielle, I am 47 and 1 year through menopause. I have two boys, 17 and 7. I am also a high school art teacher. My weight has fluctuated between 140-180 for the past 10 years. So tired of this. Apparently I just can't be thin without a bunch of hard work. The older I get, the harder for sure. 5 months ago I started running, found I loved it, did it for 1 month, then had a very bad foot injury. I have not run for four months, but I just ran 1.3 miles today, after having custom insoles and real good shoes. I am heavier than ever in my life , weighing in at disgusted with myself because size 18 doesn't always fit! Started tracking the past two days, and have been exercising this past week. Wish me luck!! PS. ...I have an open diary if you'd like to check up on me :)
  • jenmd26
    jenmd26 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi, I've been using MFP on and off for a few years. I've never posted in the forums, but I lurk often. I've slowly been losing my baby weight from child number 3 over the past two years. I'd love to lose these last 15 lbs to be at my goal weight. Which is still a good 10-15 lbs heavier than I was after my first baby. I'm hoping this will give me the push that I need. I've been doing the bare minimum as far as logging into MFP, I log in and only occasionally log my food. I'd like to change that. My philosophy is CICO. It works, and it keeps my relationship with food healthy and enjoyable. I'm looking forward to getting to our goals together!
  • Gennybunny96
    Gennybunny96 Posts: 69 Member
    Hi there, I am a 37 year old wife and mom. I've been on MFP since April and have lost about 30 lbs. I still have 30 or so more to go. I have fibromyalgia and I can't exercise as much as I want without feeling the effects after...but I am trying my best!. I feel like I am in the groove now, I just ordered a Polar HRM strap and wireless earphones....who knew this stuff would be so important to me?!

    Love the time frame for this challenge...I'm hoping to lose 15-20 more lbs by Christmas :)

    Always looking for new active friends, I'm pretty active in the social part of MFP...I just stay away for the Chit Chat Forums ;)

    Have you tried aquasize? My mom has fibromyalgia and she says that water aerobics don't bother her at all. Welcome and lets all shrink together!