


  • amelialoveshersnacks
    Hi all, I'm doing the colour run here in Brisbane this December. I don't like running, never have, but every so often that 'quiet little voice' tells me to 'just run'. So I have committed to completing w1d1 tomorrow.
  • LC_onelove
    LC_onelove Posts: 30 Member
    edited September 2015
    Welcome! I am on W3D2 tomorrow! I can't believe how well I am progressing! This program is working for me.

  • amelialoveshersnacks
    Yes, a few people have told me it works. I did some weights today so I will have a crack at d2 tomorrow
  • jessicaleigh216
    Hi Everyone! I am on W1D1 and am looking for support and encouragement to give and receive as Imstart this journey! I've always wanted to be a runner although I have never enjoyed it! Good luck everyone!
  • amelialoveshersnacks
    amelialoveshersnacks Posts: 205 Member
    edited September 2015
    Hi. Day 1 was an absolute shocker for me tbh. I did it twice before moving onto day 2.
    I got a sharp pain in my calf during day 1, which was tender for about 2 days, sore shoulders and a stiff back. I was obsessed with watching the timer just so I could walk. The 2nd time I repeated day 1, I remembered to relax my shoulders and I didn't get any aches in my calves, back or shoulders.
    W1d2 my feet are still a little unsure of themselves, but I figured I will never be a graceful runner anyway. Good luck and have fun.
    Edited just to mention waiting for the 'walk' prompt didn't bother me as much on my second w1d1.
  • Cherylannwho
    Cherylannwho Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! My name is Cheryl and I live in San Diego. Just started C25K today (for the second time- didn't make it past week 2 last time before it got way too hot!) and feel AMAZING! I really hate running, but I WANT to love it so much! I used to be in the Navy so I know I can run because I did it before, although I rarely did more than my 1.5 miles required. Haha!

    Been doing some research on running today and found a blog post about a guy who made a commitment to run every single day and had made it to 50 when he wrote the post. It inspired me and I want to be able to do that, but I was completely wiped this morning after W1D1 C25K, so I think I'll just make it a goal to at least walk 2 miles a day, on my off days from training. I have done a few 5Ks this year, but have yet to run an entire one. My last one, last Wednesday, I saw this lady who honestly tried to run it a lot more than I did and I felt inspired... so here we are!

    Thanks for having me in the group!
  • ashleybreanna13
    ashleybreanna13 Posts: 249 Member
    edited September 2015
    Hey there! I'm Ashley. 25 years old, lost 35lbs with MFP, gained a few back, & working on burning them off again. Just did my first C25K workout last night! It was a little hard, but not bad. I used to use an inhaler in high school basketball, so I'm not sure if I will need that or not.

    I will be doing my C25K workouts every other night - what do ya'll think of that?

  • jessicaleigh216
    @Cherylannwho I used to be in the USAF so I know what you mean about "knowing" you can do it. There are some great YouTube videos about running technique that I think really helped this week! I finished W1D3 today, but will probably do W1D3 again before moving on to W2. I don't want to over do it....
    Hi @ashleybreanna13 ! Welcome
  • CurlyAussie
    CurlyAussie Posts: 127 Member
    Hi, I'm Amy 35 expat American in Australia. I started C25k this week and on D3 next. Started running a few months ago.
  • ukhobnob1
    ukhobnob1 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi, I just started C25K this week and today I just did W1D2... needing some online motivation just to keep myself accountable and to meet some new people with the same goals. I need to lose about 50-60lbs which I gained from a huge move. So getting on track and going to nail this C25K I am nothing but Good luck everyone.
  • ukhobnob1
    ukhobnob1 Posts: 21 Member
    Agghh just noticed the dates.. nobody posts in here it looks like. Shame.. but if anyone doing the C25K stumbles upon this comment and are also doing it feel free to add me as a friend.