help please....

Dolcie89 Posts: 33 Member
hi guys, I need some help! I find I can do one week sticking to my calorie goal and I loose 3-4lbs and feel great but then I fall off the wagon and totally loose it, put the weight loss back on and feel useless! Why can I not get passed 1 week? Anyone else had that?


  • iamworthy14
    iamworthy14 Posts: 413 Member
    I have that all the time. Its like I see the weightloss and think its a free ticket to eat everything or I get stressed and start eating and then don't stop. I think we have to really think about those times when we fall off and see why what were feeling and believe in ourselves that we are stronger than the stupid food! I wish you the best in your journey
  • mae918
    mae918 Posts: 742 Member
    I do that too. I am hoping this time that i am stronger and that my set back from yesterday will only be one day. We just have to keep trying and not let it make us feel useless.
  • MurderMeSomeFat
    MurderMeSomeFat Posts: 68 Member
    I last 3.5 days
  • lakerschick275
    lakerschick275 Posts: 43 Member
    I do the same exact thing. I have found that weighing myself is a trigger for binge eating, whether the weight be "good" or "bad", so I try and avoid the scale. I have also found that I have bursts of "good" eating and then one day of "bad" eating makes it difficult to try and get back on track.
  • julestar777
    julestar777 Posts: 60 Member
    I am completely the same. It's so strange, every part of you doesn't want to but you manage to do it anyway. Yet if you fall you come back stronger? I hope so. I haven't made it past a few days yet. Good luck for this week.
  • Azuriaz
    Azuriaz Posts: 785 Member
    I keep foods I don't binge on in the house at all times (preferably with some cooked up, ready to eat at a second's notice). For me that is meat. I will eat a lot of it in a sitting if I'm hungry and active, but I don't binge on turkey, beef, or chicken. So when my brain starts producing images of half gallon containers of ice cream, I go to the kitchen and fix a big plate of meat with maybe a slice of cheese on the side.

    Whatever I don't binge on, I fill up on that. Then I go for a walk or do something distracting to let it settle and let the cravings for crap pass.

    I find that timing my walks for the serotonin-dip hours works really well for staving off cravings. For me it's around four pm.