Reset! Go!



  • AliceNov2011
    AliceNov2011 Posts: 471 Member
    You are doing SO great, Karin!!!! Congratulations!

    I don't have such good news to report. I'm down a couple of pounds, but have been traveling, which means less control. BUT, I'm back for about the next 6 weeks and hope to get back on track before Thanksgiving!

    The good news/bad news, I guess, is that I'm not all that far from my goal, and my clothes all still fit, so the drive is not quite what it was. ;c)
  • 7777Maureen
    Hi Alice & Everyone,

    This is my first day on My Fitness Pal. I love what this group is all about. I'm all about health and fine dining, but those extra pounds crept on. Hoping this new journey will help me have it all!
  • ggeise14
    ggeise14 Posts: 386 Member
    At least someone is having success! I'm still plugging along and have only lost a couple of pounds. But at least it's in the right direction and I just need to keep the goal in mind. As long as a save 150-200 calories for a evening snack I seem to do better. I'm trying to make my popcorn snack a 2-3 night a week item instead of nightly!
  • phonegal2
    phonegal2 Posts: 11 Member
    I would love to keep my momentum going. Please let me join your group. I love to entertain but find that my menus are too many calories. I need to get my protein levels up. Any suggestions. Every time I make my protein goal, I overeat!
  • Haddasah_Sofia
    Haddasah_Sofia Posts: 13 Member
    I too just reset my health goals today so I'm joining the group. I'm at the highest weight I've been since I did WW the first time around, about 10 years ago. It's been a yoyo for me but as I age I definitely have found it harder to lose the weight and stay motivated. It's more about health than anything else. Gotta take each day at a time and get back on track. Don't want to say much else; I feel down and beaten but I'll get up and trust that this too shall pass.
  • Agefyter
    Agefyter Posts: 107 Member
    I come back here every now and then to reset myself. I can get a little out of control and once I start recording what I'm eating and drinking (oh the glorious wine kills me!) I realize I need to be more accountable. After all, at 53 it's damn hard just maintaining!
  • madamebaco
    madamebaco Posts: 17 Member
    Count me in! I'm new, but gained 30 lbs that need to be gone! No more denial. I went clothes shopping yesterday and lets just say it was a rude awakening. All the denial went out the door when I tried to squeeze into pants that are SUPPOSED to be my size! LOL Not to mention that is not even the size I want to be! I'm tracking good, bad, or ugly.
    LINIA Posts: 1,137 Member
    No doubt about it, i'm not moving enough--partly because of knee pain and arthritis and also, have to face it........ Exercise was never my friend.
    Happy to see that this group will be active again and will join in on supporting our MFPers so that we can reach a goal or two.
  • Agefyter
    Agefyter Posts: 107 Member
    I'm back again, just read my old post above. Funny how things never change for me. At least I have restarted earlier this year.
    LINIA Posts: 1,137 Member
    What do you mean...have you made any progress @Agefyter?
  • Agefyter
    Agefyter Posts: 107 Member
    I have made progress but I get comfortable and quit paying attention and I let 5 lbs slip back on. Need to put the hammer down, stop drinking wine every evening and make myself more accountable on the weekends.
    LINIA Posts: 1,137 Member
    edited April 2017

    I'm up maybe the same, some of my dresses are tighter. It's really yucky how easily the pounds return. Hard to believe that one has to eat 3,500 calories to gain only one pound.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Agefyter wrote: »
    I have made progress but I get comfortable and quit paying attention and I let 5 lbs slip back on. Need to put the hammer down, stop drinking wine every evening and make myself more accountable on the weekends.

    This is me these days. If I blink without being mindful 5 pounds shows up.
    I too need to get rid of the evening wine, or limit it to one glass.
    And be mindful ALL the time. Not just weekdays.