Low Carb diet- discuss advice given on "Mybigfatfabulouslife TV show?

KETOGENICGURL Posts: 687 Member
edited September 2015 in Social Groups
Anyone watching 380lb Whitney Thore with PCOS begin low carb diet in Season 2?

Yea- it's a 'reality' show…I find her entertaining as a funny, immature 30 yr old….. she is the "child" in all of us resisting what is good for her.

She is now pre diabetic, blood glucose 6.4 HA1C, now panicked to lose weight.

A typical mild mannered RD tells her "eat 3 meals a day..and DON't cut out a whole macronutrient." But she does.

She WAS eating one meal a day…which could work just fine with IF and the RIGHT LCHF info.

So instead of learning anything for herself she immediately switches from sugary lattes to plain green tea, cold salad and lean chicken…. while family loads up on cheesy pasta

ON future episodes she is sobbing over being hungry, and binging on what looks like ice cream/or pasta.

Just think how much happier she'd be with bacon and buttery scrambled eggs, or a nice fatty steak, ribs, veggies loaded with Mayo and cheese…..all the foods she COULD have..but NO…..avoiding fats and carbs, and sugars it seems.

Annoying that LCHF is presented as just another way to suffer to lose weight.

She has a huge following of impressionable girls and teens who could learn a lot.

Imagine how many overweight young women-and men- she'd influence if we saw her enjoying the best of a LCHF lifestyle? of course not.


  • CoffeeNBooze
    CoffeeNBooze Posts: 966 Member
    You're right, she does have the opportunity to set a great example! I know so many girls who look up to her. Have not seen the new season. I admit I got a little bored with the first one and only watched the first few episodes. Something that I hate is that she blames her obesity on PCOS. I know that is a contributor in weight gain and makes it harder to lose weight, but that is not why she is 380lbs. Now, I did hear her say on her youtube channel that it is not the sole reason, but the show makes it seem like she just can't help but be that heavy. Ugh.

    I hate seeing people suffer through dieting when they just haven't found a sustainable system where they can eat what they love and lose weight. LCHF is an amazing way!
    KETOGENICGURL Posts: 687 Member
    Tia…yep, her tough guy trainer said it about her that she hides behind the PCOS too much. but her level of maturity for 30 is pretty low, even with modern standards of kids living at home til 26-30 due to the economy.
    If she didn't have a cute personality there would be no 'show'

    In the 1950s-70s she'd have been married with 2.6 kids statistically, not whining/so focused about herself.

    Also her fear of "the Diabetes" is only promoting ignorance, as if 1 pt on the BG scale will make a difference 6.4 to 6.5..if she got LOWER reading of 5.9 say, she'd put off food changes even longer.

    expert Dr. Bernstein warns that Pre-diabetes IS plain old Diabetes..get going on fixing the diet immediately.

    SHE has an advantage too! her young age.
    I am envious when I see 22 yr old who can drop 50 pounds in the same time it took me to lose 25…so Whitney does have SOME limits..but because this IS a 'reality" entertainment, not a health show , we are going to see the 'fat girl suffer'…when the opposite could be true. And of course MOST medical professionals would not be aware of a HF diet as beneficial anyway..based on my experience and what others say.
    Now, if Drs Volek & Phinney, or Jimmy Moore talked with her on eating fats ...that would be interesting!

    If she were shown having buttery coffees with heavy cream, or zoodles with hot cheesy sauce... and then she could really be "in your face" with a diet that works...especially for health problems like hers.
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    I just can't watch the show. She's just too annoying. I've never seen so many excuses for refusing to change.

    It would be nice if she did LCHF correctly. But, it wouldn't fit with the "gluttony = sin and requires penance to correct" mindset of most people.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    Alright, who here wants to volunteer to make a documentary of their journey?
    Somebody? Anybody?
    Seriously though, with all the food related documentaries out there, I wish someone would do one that's not just a 30 day test. One that shows that they have researched and prepared properly and by a person that isn't a moron so people will take it seriously.
  • greenautumn17
    greenautumn17 Posts: 322 Member
    edited September 2015
    Seems to me they forgot the HF part of LCHF!

    And to be honest, my life is too boring to make a good reality TV show. ;)
  • minties82
    minties82 Posts: 907 Member
    I have been gathering some video footage of myself, doubt it's very interesting. I've never seen this show before.

    I used to blame my PCOS for everything.

    I found a video of myself on youtube from 2012 where I think I'm being awesome doing some lame workout, I probably drove straight to McDonald's afterwards and then told myself that PCOS was at fault. I can't believe that person is me. She llooks like Jabba.
  • totaloblivia
    totaloblivia Posts: 1,164 Member
    the problem is that by focusing on one person it's also not representative enough. Those shows aren't about weight loss though, weight loss is just a pretext for watching the drama of someone's life. Good tv maybe, bad science/advice.

    There have been a couple of shows in the UK that have been good. The whole 5:2 thing was triggered in the UK by documentaries on the TV by Dr Michael Mosley. It is based on standard UK diet advice, but the idea of IF was introduced to the UK on a large scale by this programme. I also remember not watching a diet programme that was set up to see how whole groups of folk randomly assigned to one diet or another did. I should have watched it to see if it was a better format!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    There is something about this woman (I've only read articles/watched youtube videos) that just rubs me completely the wrong way. All I could gather about the first season was that she made lots of excuses for wanting to continue her indulgent lifestyle, and then does the idiotic suffering once she gets a "scare tactic" diagnosis... I understand her putting down fat-shaming, but some of the statements she has made are as ignorant as the people she refutes.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Haven't ever watched the show. Who are their advertisers? Is it big pharma or large food companies? These drive the content of shows about weight. Just sayin.
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    I've only seen one episode, and only part of it at that. I didn't realize she was 30 years old, she does come off much younger. I assume they've thrown in the health implications of her weight so it doesn't appear they are glamorizing an unhealthy lifestyle, though given the name of the show it seems they are. I completely disagree with fat shaming, and its great that she is confident and out there and not ashamed of her size, however we know there are health issues that arise especially later in life, maybe not so much when your 30, but over time. I've seen too many people suffer from obesity related diseases in their late 40s early 50s, to find this show entertaining. I don't believe they are concerned with her getting healthy or there would be Dr's guiding her properly, not starving herself on lettuce and grilled chicken only to later binge and feel like a failure. But yeah it makes for some nice ratings driving drama.

    Funny though if you think about it, could you imagine how much press they'd get if they showcased lchf and the lbs started melting off. People would be in disbelief and you'd be hearing about it everywhere.