Lost and eating

Hi there, I have had BED for over 8 years and really struggling. I started MFP hoping to loose weight or at least be accountable for what i am eating yet I am finding it hard to complete even a day let alone a week. I always think there is a better plan out there for me, which in turn gives me permission to binge and start diet tomorrow. I am so confused and lost right now. I start with a new psychologist next week hoping that will help me. In regards to food and diet plan etc not really sure what to do. Really need to lose weight as i am 30kg(66lbs) overweight. I want to be healthy and i love exercise. Just need to fight the mental battle. Would love to connect with anyone else who faces the same battles. Sometimes if I tell my friends about it, they don't really understand, they just think it's like eating too much food at xmas dinner, yet it's a hell of a lot more complex than that. Wish my brain would stop, just for a little bit to get some peace. Okay sorry for the rant, i hope everyone is having a good day!


  • julestar777
    julestar777 Posts: 60 Member
    Just read this and realized how negative I sound. Going to try and change my speech to change my life! One day at a time.