Meal Plan Needed please....

Hello fellow keto eaters....I was wondering if someone, who has been losing weight, could send me a sample of their meal plan for the week. I'm eating the way I should but I'm not really losing please.


  • Emmie112
    Emmie112 Posts: 121 Member
    I set my macros as: 0.5-1g protien per pound of lean muscle mass, 50g carbs and the rest comes from fats.

    My carb intake is high for some but I'm able to get my blood ketones above 1.0mml if I eat enough fats and I maintain a 200-500 calorie deficit each day.
  • auntneen
    auntneen Posts: 31 Member
    Java1981 wrote: »
    Hello fellow keto eaters....I was wondering if someone, who has been losing weight, could send me a sample of their meal plan for the week. I'm eating the way I should but I'm not really losing please.

    I'm losing an average of 1-2 lbs per week. Not a perfectionist and I do use percentages rather than grams but it works for me so far. I do no more than 10% carbs and 25% protein and fill the rest with fat. You're welcome to add me as a friend if you'd like to see what I eat.

  • Java1981
    Java1981 Posts: 7 Member
    Awesome, thanks ladies! I appreciate you getting back to me.
  • seemk
    seemk Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I just started on Keto and need some help in menu planning, i am on 60:35:5 % ratio. would appreciate your input on how to plan my diet around this for a week. Please note that I don't eat Beef or duck. thanks in advance.