Water Flavoring - Help???

PANZERIA Posts: 471 Member
Hey there folks,

I'm starting my first 6 week cut next week.

Question - do you flavour your water? If so, what do you use and how much? If not, why not?

I'm toying with the idea of keeping flavouring in my diet, but if it's going to somehow take away from my goals, then it's out, ha ha.


  • Green_eyed_beauty
    Green_eyed_beauty Posts: 101 Member
    I don't bother with flavoring my water, but I don't mind plain water. I might put lemon in it occasionally like at a restaurant, but not daily.
  • gymgirl541
    gymgirl541 Posts: 4 Member
    Agreed with above.. I wouldn't add fake flavoring due to all the fake chemicals.. Lemon in water is super healthier and alkalizes the body
  • CJewel22
    CJewel22 Posts: 7 Member
    If I need flavor in my water, I add BCAAS. You can drink them any time! During contest prep they are essential in making sure your body doesn't burn muscle during calorie deficits and cardio. I drink them usually right when I wake up in the morning and then sip on them during my workout.
    JURISDOCTOR35 Posts: 6 Member
    BCAA is the way to totally flavor your water in a healthy way. BROOKLYN FITNESS LATINA ;)
  • Sarah4fitness
    Sarah4fitness Posts: 437 Member
    I love infusing my water with slices of lemon or lemon juice (also helps drop water weight!); or sliced limes or cucumbers. Gives the illusion of being at the spa.
  • lightlifter
    lightlifter Posts: 1 Member
    Bcaas with crushed ice :) I use a lime cherry flavour that tastes like Popsicles. Or my other fav...lots of lemon with a pinch of stevia