
brisingr86 Posts: 1,789 Member
There was some great progress (except by me) in September, but the fall marches on and it's time to start some new goals or re-dedicate to previous ones. I thought we could focus on strength/toning this month? Keep up the great work and let's rock October!


  • brisingr86
    brisingr86 Posts: 1,789 Member
    So...I had a pretty rough September, really no losses and barely attempted nutrition goals. October has potential to be a bit tricky too, but want to rededicate. I'm starting the month with some hard core dress shopping so hoping that will give me a kick in the pants. Goals for October 31:
    • First: start working with weights at the gym. modified SL5x5 with dumbbells so I don't have to find a spotter: 45 lb goblet squat, 30 lb each arm for deadlift, 25lb each arm for overhead press, chest press, renegade row
    • Second: 2 minute plank
    Cardio: 40 minute 5k
    Weight: healthy BMI (<150lbs)
  • smontes16
    smontes16 Posts: 38 Member
    Hello ladies! As I'm approaching my goal it seems like the weight isn't coming off as expected but I am almost there! My goal is 125 and I'm currently at 131.4 with my next weigh in being this upcoming Friday. I am experimenting this week and not eating any exercise calories back while staying in the green with my nutrition. I'll keep you girls posted on Friday! I had my first dress fitting (it went great) my second fitting is going to be probably this Friday! Wedding is t minus 18 days away :) I have 3 weigh in's before the wedding and my goal is to loose 4.5lbs
  • brisingr86
    brisingr86 Posts: 1,789 Member
    Congrats on being so close to goal smontes! You can totally make it. Glad the first fitting went well. Hope everything else is coming together for your big day too! Don't forget to share your experience with everyone.
  • CostaRica120
    CostaRica120 Posts: 274 Member
    Hey smontes! Your wedding day is so close!!! And you're super close to your goal too so I hope you're feeling good :)
  • CostaRica120
    CostaRica120 Posts: 274 Member
    My goal for October is to hit 126 lbs.
    I also want to start working my booty out so that it will really pop in my dress (fit and flare). Lots of squats and donkey kicks in my future. Anyone have good workout moves that really lift the butt?
  • MsMarlaJean
    MsMarlaJean Posts: 1,741 Member
    @brisingr86 I love your title!

    My biggest goal right now is to get my rear in gear and get consistent with my workouts again. I used to LOVE to workout, but since January I've been very sporadic because I let one thing or another get in the way and I've been acting like I stepped in a big pile of excuses! Not this month!

    My goal for October is to workout 5-6 days a week and reach a total of 1000 minutes of workout time!

    I'm going to ROCK the October workouts! :+1:
  • Fitforevermore
    Fitforevermore Posts: 399 Member
    My goal for this month is to keep and develop muscle tone and to get under 160 which puts me in a healthy weight range. I'm going to aim for 153, as that would mean reaching my goal of 147 by the end of nov, but let's see!


    Jill, squats, squats, squats with kettle bells, and more squats!
  • CostaRica120
    CostaRica120 Posts: 274 Member
    I was hoping to have a better weigh in this morning, but my official October SW is 132.4.
    Still going to aim for 126 :)

    Let's go ladies!
  • Fitforevermore
    Fitforevermore Posts: 399 Member
    woooo healthy weight, scale read 159.8 this morning :) and i needed all the encouragement i could get after writing until 3am and then waking up with only 10 mins to get the kids to school!
  • MsMarlaJean
    MsMarlaJean Posts: 1,741 Member
    edited October 2015
    Got 105 minutes down in the first 2 days! Woo-hoo that leaves 895 minutes to go! :+1:
  • CostaRica120
    CostaRica120 Posts: 274 Member
    fitfor30th wrote: »
    woooo healthy weight, scale read 159.8 this morning :) and i needed all the encouragement i could get after writing until 3am and then waking up with only 10 mins to get the kids to school!

    Congrats! Great job at managing to stick to your weight loss goals even during a time when you're super busy! So easy to stress eat, so keep it up!

  • MsMarlaJean
    MsMarlaJean Posts: 1,741 Member
    another 165 minutes down
    so 730 minutes to go! :+1:
  • brisingr86
    brisingr86 Posts: 1,789 Member
    Congrats to Jools on reaching her healthy weight! Hopefully I can do the same this month (need to get down to 150).
    I'm with Jill on being a little disappointed with SW for the month (Oct 1 SW 156.8) and on the squats. I got my dress this weekend and ended up with a fit and flair (had been thinking I'd be in an A-line) so definitely would love to tighten everything up. I've got some extra time though. Jill, how are your workouts going?
    @smontes16 : how did the fitting go? You still on track for your target loss? Hope everything is coming together for the wedding.
    @MsMarlaJean : Way to go on killing those workouts! What kind of workouts do you do? With the duration, be careful not to start to hard and injure yourself, or get burned out. Hope you're finding that enjoyment of exercise again.
  • MsMarlaJean
    MsMarlaJean Posts: 1,741 Member
    I change things up for the Fall/Winter (Oct thru March); I just started back up at a gym here where they offer Cardio Boxing, CIZE and Elite Fit classes that I do Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Then on Mon, Wed, & Fri I go to our Parks and Rec Center and usually use the Cardio room, ellipticals, treadmills, step machines, stationary bikes, rowing machine. I do have access to their weight room, track and swimming pool and use them sporadically, but mostly stick to the cardio room.

    Excited to see your dress...I love the terminology "Fit & flare" sounds fun! You'll make 150, I believe in ya!

    Bought our tickets this morning for a dress shopping trip in Vegas and Seattle in January...Hopefully I can be down at least 15 pounds by then!
  • MsMarlaJean
    MsMarlaJean Posts: 1,741 Member
    Another 125 minutes down for 10/6 & 10/7! :+1:
    605 minutes to go!
  • CostaRica120
    CostaRica120 Posts: 274 Member
    edited October 2015
    Congrats on finding your dress! I have a fit-and-flare, too :)
    I'm been doing squats whenever I have the opportunity..only probably around 50 per day, but it's better than nothing. I had to reschedule my fitting so it's not until next Tuesday. Can't wait! Hoping my butt doesn't look too flat! I need to get on those donkey kicks, since I find those really get things perky. Just have been super busy the last week. Still walking a lot. Gonna try to stay really good about the eating all week, so that I'm feeling great when I go try that dress on. It's crazy how much seeing a number on a scale affects my perception of myself. If the scale is up, I feel fat and feel like I can see it in the mirror. If the scale is down, I feel great. Gotta work on that!
  • brisingr86
    brisingr86 Posts: 1,789 Member
    Checking in:
    SW (Oct 1): 156.8 (probably inflated from a big dinner out the night before)
    W1 (Oct 8): 154.8

    Nice to see the scale is being kind, but failing on the fitness goals. I got a one treadmill session while I was at my parents (sort of) for approximately 72 hours. I haven't touched a weight or gotten to the gym. I think I'm going to have to try making morning workouts a reality. Fall shows are starting again and there's a few that my fiance and I always watch together (and he's not going to be happy if he has to wait to watch DVR) and I'm having trouble getting home from work early enough to get to the gym/workout and still be home for the shows (and it's not open late enough to let me go after). I shall take inspiration from @MsMarlaJean to get those minutes in. Need to start following Jill more too and just do squats whenever I have a few minutes than thinking I need to have an hour to do a workout to do a few squats and/or kicks. Hopefully scale progress will continue and next week I'll have better progress on strength goals.

  • CostaRica120
    CostaRica120 Posts: 274 Member
    Oh! Didn't even realize it was a week in already! Good job on the loss, Sarah! Good luck with trying to improve on your fitness goals. Sometimes I'm really consistent with working out, and sometimes (now) I go weeks (months?) without a formal workout. My friend is going to start working out with me in my home gym, so that'll force me to pick up a weight :) I did go for a run just now on my lunch break even though no one else from my running group showed up.
    SW: 132.4
    W1: 129.8

    Feeling good. Back under 130 again, and hopefully I can keep going down from here! I feel like a bunch of weight dropped off my thighs recently. Unfortunately my arms are still bigger than I'd like for my strapless dress. They look ok from the front, but I feel like they're still too big from the side. But of course I'm too lazy to actually work them out, which might tighten them up. Just hoping a few more lbs will do it.
  • MsMarlaJean
    MsMarlaJean Posts: 1,741 Member
    @brisingr86 aww...thanks I'm happy to inspire!

    So because of my fitness funk since January the scale inched up on me to the tune of about 18 pounds...part of my motivation to get my rear in gear this month was the fact that I was back in the OBESE category according to the BMI standards, generally I don't like to take a lot of stock in BMI because everyone's body is different and there are so many variations. However, today I got on the scale and while I still have a ways to go I was happy to see I am back in the "overweight" category and not in the other :smile:

    Cardio Boxing tonight so I'll be back to log more minutes later, but just had to share that small win!
  • Fitforevermore
    Fitforevermore Posts: 399 Member
