Being Kind to Yourself

HG93022 Posts: 80 Member
My therapist says that it is possible that I am having a hard time with people at work not saying please when they ask me (or direct me) to do something for them, because it may be that right now in life I am not being kind to myself... In the past, I would probably treat myself (aka be kind to myself) with eating a sweet treat. What are ways that YOU are kind to YOURSELF?!


  • HG93022
    HG93022 Posts: 80 Member
    Oooops, did I lose you at "my therapist said"?! LOL
  • walrusd
    walrusd Posts: 40 Member
    I'm also working on being kind to myself in other ways. For instance, I'll read a book, have a cup of tea, watch an episode of Friends, cuddle with someone, take a bath, go shopping
  • HG93022
    HG93022 Posts: 80 Member
    Thank you for sharing. I am being kind to myself by mixing up the menu this week, I stopped at the store on the way to work and got some new lunch ingredients. I have also been having a cup of hot herbal tea in the afternoons lately to help curb the urge to snack when I'm not physically hungry. This morning I put a chunk of cucumber in my glass to better enjoy my water today!
  • shan11180
    shan11180 Posts: 110 Member
    This is something I'm NOT good at. I'd love to hear responses from everyone, as well! Thanks for posting HG!
  • fruitydelicious
    fruitydelicious Posts: 664 Member
    Hmmm, good thread!! I am being kind to myself by reigning in my negative, self-defeating attitude. Nourishing myself with healthy, non addictive food and forgiving myself and pressing forward when I stumble. I have also splurged on new clothes, belt, seltzer waters, books to help me keep going on my journey, rest days from exercise without guilt when I really do hurt. My counselor and pastor have told me countless times that I am too hard on myself in general, so much so that it can prevent progress. So I try to keep my eyes wide open to "habits" that will get in the way of my success and deal with them. This is a new way of living for me and by golly, it is working!!! This is the longest period of time I have ever spent (6 1/2 months) focusing on improving my health with a healthy diet and exercise. In my mind, it is not "if" I will make my goal, but "when"!! Slow and steady wins the race.
  • fruitydelicious
    fruitydelicious Posts: 664 Member
    I also have been splurging on steak!! Yummmmmm
  • HG93022
    HG93022 Posts: 80 Member
    You are welcome shan11180! I hope more people will come across it and share as well!!
  • HG93022
    HG93022 Posts: 80 Member
    fruitydelicious- I, too, am very hard on myself.. so glad to read your reminder about taking days off exercise without guilt.. I have finally found a balance that works for me 3-4x per week.. I realize that will adjust up and down as my weight and schedule fluctuates- I look forward to it and being okay with it!
  • fruitydelicious
    fruitydelicious Posts: 664 Member
    HG93022 wrote: »
    fruitydelicious- I, too, am very hard on myself.. so glad to read your reminder about taking days off exercise without guilt.. I have finally found a balance that works for me 3-4x per week.. I realize that will adjust up and down as my weight and schedule fluctuates- I look forward to it and being okay with it!
    That is excellent!!! It is ok to push ourselves a little but not so much that we end up injuring ourselves!! I started exercising at 3x per week for 15 minutes. It has taken me 3 months to be strong enough to do my current 30 minutes 5x per week. You will get there!!!!!! ;)
  • kaihunter45
    kaihunter45 Posts: 192 Member
    I finished chemo therapy in June and my nails are very soft and damaged. I've become very focused on them. Splurging on vitamins and gelatin, getting better manicure and pedicure supplies. I do my nails once a week and consider it pamper me time. It is a stress reliever that my nails can look nice even while my body heals. I'm worth it.
  • ShinyCourtney
    ShinyCourtney Posts: 19 Member
    I always try the "pretend you're talking to a friend" thing. When I'm feeling really bad, I try to think of what I would say to a friend who was in the same situation as me. We're always so cruel to ourselves.
  • shan11180
    shan11180 Posts: 110 Member
    I always try the "pretend you're talking to a friend" thing. When I'm feeling really bad, I try to think of what I would say to a friend who was in the same situation as me. We're always so cruel to ourselves.

    Love this!
  • aspdenbrae
    aspdenbrae Posts: 49 Member
    I used to be to hard on myself, now I'm to hard on other people :neutral: Probably not a good person to ask lol.
  • Embera
    Embera Posts: 291 Member
    im really bad about being kind with out food i have been trying to at least limit it i bought really good chocolate and i can just have two squares off the bar because its better basically quality not quantity

    my grandfather recently died and im living with his widow so i am pressured to help support her emotionally and my mother too but they fight and i get caught in the middle and i haven even have enough time to really grieve because ive been trying to be strong enough to hold everyone else up
  • ewoksrule3
    ewoksrule3 Posts: 230 Member
    I think that *not* being kind to ourselves in a healthy way, but trying to nurture ourselves in unhealthy ways (eating) is a big part of gaining excessive weight. I am hard on myself in some ways...I never feel like what I'm doing is as much as I COULD be doing, and I feel overwhelmed because I just can't manage to keep up with every day things that it seems normal people do seamlessly. But on the other hand, I have very little resistance when it comes to something I want. I have that snack that sounds good, and I buy the dvd set that I want, and I read when I don't feel like cleaning or being responsible. It is a big struggle to me to find a balance between doing the things I want and doing the things I feel I should do. I know that I LOVE food, and I just can't make myself eat stuff that tastes unappealing to me. So one thing I'm doing to nurture myself in a healthy way is that I bought a couple different healthy cookbooks...and every time I get groceries, I pick out one or two recipes to get the ingredients to make. That means I keep finding new things that I like, and I have variety, so food can still be a pleasant thing. :)
  • Embera
    Embera Posts: 291 Member
    the way i try and make myself feel better is usually trying to go out with someone to dinner and i or they dont have much to spend so i usually go for like the grilled chicken sandwich and i buy a frappe a lot when i go to mcdonalds but i dont drink coffee at home so its again like a every once in a while treat
  • fruitydelicious
    fruitydelicious Posts: 664 Member
    ewoksrule3 wrote: »
    I think that *not* being kind to ourselves in a healthy way, but trying to nurture ourselves in unhealthy ways (eating) is a big part of gaining excessive weight. I am hard on myself in some ways...I never feel like what I'm doing is as much as I COULD be doing, and I feel overwhelmed because I just can't manage to keep up with every day things that it seems normal people do seamlessly. But on the other hand, I have very little resistance when it comes to something I want. I have that snack that sounds good, and I buy the dvd set that I want, and I read when I don't feel like cleaning or being responsible. It is a big struggle to me to find a balance between doing the things I want and doing the things I feel I should do. I know that I LOVE food, and I just can't make myself eat stuff that tastes unappealing to me. So one thing I'm doing to nurture myself in a healthy way is that I bought a couple different healthy cookbooks...and every time I get groceries, I pick out one or two recipes to get the ingredients to make. That means I keep finding new things that I like, and I have variety, so food can still be a pleasant thing. :)
    So true, so true!! Good idea about the cookbooks and shopping too!! I am trying to decide which paleo diet cookbook I want to buy.... I might have to get a couple!!!

  • carlaunderconstruction
    It's so difficult to learn how to be kind to ourselves without food. I try: going for a walk, yoga, reading a book, writing in my journal, listening to calming music. Also taking a bath is one that I like, but I have been living without a tub for a while.
  • mysteps2beauty
    mysteps2beauty Posts: 493 Member
    Taking a nap.
    Saying no.
    When perfectionism rears it's head, I say stop.

    These are the things I am learning to do, when I can. I get panic attacks because of all the things I must attend to, or so I think. So what the laundry gets done Sunday instead of Saturday?

    I'm decluttering my space so that I feel that since of calm when I enter my home. Esp. my bedroom. Use to the be the dumping ground, now it's getting closure to being a calm, cool, tranquil, serene place where I physically say "ah" and thereby I do not feel the urge to eat.
  • fruitydelicious
    fruitydelicious Posts: 664 Member
    That is wonderful, "mysteps2beauty"!!