It's goal-tember! Get yo' ducks in a row!



  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    1)DL 210 x 3 on week 1+
    2)OHP 70 x 3 on week 1+
    3)Squat 155 x 2 on week 1+
    4)Bench 100 x 3 on week 1+
    5) Running, just sticking to my planned runs
    6)IF 11-7
    7) 2000 kcal a week deficit (not including the first week because long weekend camping binge fiasco). Should get me close to my target range of 138-142 lbs (currently hovering around 143)

    Looks like 7 is the lucky number for September.

    1-4 nailed them
    5 meh very inconsistent
    6. for the most part. need to tighten up the after 7 stuff.
    7. No, it just didn't happen I had some stress binge eating going on that killed any kind of deficit.
  • mirrim52
    mirrim52 Posts: 763 Member
    mirrim52 wrote: »
    Get back on track. This summer has been chaotic and my diet and workouts have suffered.

    1. Get consistently below 115 lbs. My last weight in was 115.8, but I think I put on a pound or so. 110 is when I start ramping up to maintenance, so I am looking forward to getting so close.
    2. Squat - no weight target, just keep nailing form. I know the weights will get there.
    3. Bench - 85 lbs. This is aggressive. May not make it, but I will try!
    4. Row - 85
    5. OHP - 60 would be nice. At least start it.
    6. DL - 185 would be wonderful. That is DHs body weight and I always said that is my goal so I know I can get him out of the house if it is on fire and he is unconscious :P
    7. Pull ups - 4 in a row. 5 would be wonderful.

    I'm pretending the month ended today because my meeting ran too late last night to go to the gym, and I had to go this morning instead.

    1. Maybe. I weighed in at 114.8 this morning.
    2. I think so! Added 10lbs this month and form still feels good for the most part.
    3. Nope. Barely got 80, but I knew it was a long shot.
    4. Not quite, but trying 85 on Saturday.
    5. Just started 60. Can get 3x4.
    6. Yep. :). Holy heck, it was heavy!
    7. Yep. Got 4, can't quite make 5, but 4 is my new norm.

    I'm pretty happy with my progress this month. It feels good to get back at things properly after a lax summer.

  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    well, i'm a day late but i'm posting it. i got the 5x5 on ohp with 55 pounds today.
  • parkerpowerlift
    parkerpowerlift Posts: 196 Member

    1.) Get rid of the extra pounds of water weight or whatever the hell slabbed itself upon my body during the past several weeks, grrr. Life can bug off!

    2.) Continue to work on, fix and completely improve form on all lifts.
    3.) Up the cardio---I've got Mudder aspirations next month! Didn't do much cardio to prep for my 1st OCR.
    4.) Hills!!! Did I say hills? Yes, I did! Incorporate hills & more running on uneven terrain.
    5.) Continue SL5x5 three days a week.
    6.) Make my 1RM on all lifts eventually become easy sets of 5x5
    a.) Be able to do 5x5x85 OHP/5x5x100 bench/5x5x135 squat /1x5x185 DL)

    7.) Clean up my eating & up my water intake!

    1.) Okay, so my lowest recorded weight in July had been 163. My weight spiked up to around 170-175 August into September, but I think that was water weight and stress induced. My weight has now been hanging out around 168-170 all month. I've been still eating at maintenance mostly and primarily lifting.

    2.) Still working on form and I've been getting better depth on squatting 135 to 140. Getting better doing OHP at the dreaded 75. I can do push press at 85.

    3.) Yeah...didn't do much cardio. Yikes.
    4.) See above.
    5.) Good to go!
    6.) Didn't make my OHP or bench goal. Squats went up to 140 and deads went to 5x5x190 and a 1RM of 195!
    7.) Eating has been so-so. Definitely have been drinking more water, though!
  • threnjen
    threnjen Posts: 687 Member
    threnjen wrote: »
    1) Squat 90 by EOTM (might be too ambitious, might be 85)
    2) Write in my daily mood journal (not workout related)
    3) Stay at my deficit calorie goal for at least 5 days a week
    4) Lose 3 pounds
    5) Do cardio at least once a week, a run or whatever.

    1) Hit 90, hooray!
    2) Almost every day
    3) Nah....
    4) Nahhh...... =/
    5) nope :(