Today, I...



  • Scarlettdawn764
    Scarlettdawn764 Posts: 856 Member
    Today I began a month long 5K Bootcamp and hope to decrease my time by the end of the month!
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,525 Member
    Today - the sun is shinning and it is going to be +18 C. I will go outside to my garden and dig the rest of my carrots and potatoes. I am going to take my camera and my dog and head out for a walk and get some beautiful fall pictures!!

    10,000 steps is my goal for today. And the yard work will be my strength training.

    have a great day everyone.
  • Nicci93
    Nicci93 Posts: 397 Member
    Today I have an interview for a part-time job at a health and fitness center in town! If I get the position, it would mean a free gym membership and access to 200+ group classes and all the fitness equipment a girl could want.
  • Micheller1210
    Micheller1210 Posts: 460 Member
    Today, I prepped my food for the week and portioned everything out, down to my snacks. I'm hoping this will keep me on track this week. I'm just trying to take this thing one week at a time. I think I can manage better that way.
    That's great I have found that when you don't set time for yourself to be prepared, it is easy to get derailed. Planning is key to success!
  • Micheller1210
    Micheller1210 Posts: 460 Member
    Today I reset my goals. Now that the whirl wind of life has settled down. I have gained a few lbs. But want to get back to my motivation, and moving forward.
    Goals 15,000 steps a day and 12000 on the weekends.
    eat clean no more processed foods no more fast foods. For one week.
  • goingape
    goingape Posts: 429 Member
    Today I had my aquafit class...felt so good to have that break in the middle of the day. I was re-energized!
  • Scarlettdawn764
    Scarlettdawn764 Posts: 856 Member
    Today I broke out of a plateau!!!
  • rockstar53
    rockstar53 Posts: 215 Member
    Last night was a gong show. Had to pick up and drive kids and had a work function. Didn't get home till 9:30 but still went out for my walk/run. Old Me would not have done that. :)
  • genene111
    genene111 Posts: 365 Member
    catladyksa wrote: »
    Today I got on the treadmill for 20 minutes after being out of commission with an ankle injury! yeah! No pain!

    Congrats on this! Such a big deal!!!!!!
  • genene111
    genene111 Posts: 365 Member
    catladyksa wrote: »
    Today I got on the treadmill for 20 minutes after being out of commission with an ankle injury! yeah! No pain!

    Congrats on this! Such a big deal!!!!!!
  • genene111
    genene111 Posts: 365 Member
    This is the best thread:) I love reading all of the posts, very inspiring!!

    Today I will go to RPM class and then go for a big hike on a trail that I've never been on! And drink more water:)
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,525 Member
    October Goals - 120 miles -15 over 10,000

    Oct 1 - 6.1 miles - 13458 steps (1/15)
    Oct 2 - 4.9 miles - 10829 steps (2/15)

    I made past all the Halloween candy in Wal-Mart yesterday!! yeah!!

    Awesome - going to try 10,000 steps again today
    Will need to find my little mittens for my walk today, by by nice weather - hello winter!!
  • Scarlettdawn764
    Scarlettdawn764 Posts: 856 Member
    Today I noticed it's harder to just sit and soak in the tub. Not sure if I'm just lighter or take up less space, but my bottom doesn't seem to want to stay on the bottom anymore. I kept floating to the top lol
  • Micheller1210
    Micheller1210 Posts: 460 Member
    Today I began a month long 5K Bootcamp and hope to decrease my time by the end of the month!

  • genene111
    genene111 Posts: 365 Member
    Today I will go to hot yoga and then take my family on a hike :)
    Today I will attempt to cook a spaghetti squash
  • genene111
    genene111 Posts: 365 Member
    Today I noticed it's harder to just sit and soak in the tub. Not sure if I'm just lighter or take up less space, but my bottom doesn't seem to want to stay on the bottom anymore. I kept floating to the top lol

    Yay!!! That's got to be a cool feeling:)
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,525 Member
    Wow - even colder today.... didn't get an actual walk in yesterday, but jumped on my mini trampoline between stirring my salsa, canning tomatoes and making beet pickles. My forays outside were to get my onions in from the drying room and to dig beets and trips to the compost. My little granddaughter (2 yrs old) did not appreciate the trips outside so crashed on the couch with her blanket.

    Today - Wash the kitchen floor, take the jars of canning downstairs and go for walk. I want to take pictures of the fall leaves before the wind takes them all off the trees....

    Have great day everyone
  • kathrynlethig
    kathrynlethig Posts: 13 Member
    Today is my rest day from working out
  • Scarlettdawn764
    Scarlettdawn764 Posts: 856 Member
    Today I signed up for my first half. Which is scary because, even though it's virtual, I've never done more than a 5K.
  • matthewsfive
    matthewsfive Posts: 836 Member
    Today i woke up feeling like crap, I fell off this weight losing wagon once again. Its been a rough few months but i haven't given up. I didn't get not the scale this morning because i was a afraid. I am going shopping today and make sure i have everything i need so i can start tomorrow on the right track. I promised myself that i will weigh in tomorrow morning and get back to the that frame of mind that i was in a few weeks ago. I worked too hard to get to where i am.