My friends keep

lexytay Posts: 31 Member
Hi all! I'm 41, married and the kid has flown the coop. It is time for me to get in shape. Been on the site for a long time and have gone up and down. I like food...and beer...and I get cranky when I can't eat 2 pounds of mac and cheese....BUT, I got serious last month and am down 10 lbs with walking and watching food intake. I'm 5'2, and my CW is 179. GW is around 130. Looking for some new friends who are planning on sticking with it for a while. Thanks! :)


  • sigsby
    sigsby Posts: 220 Member
    You can add me. I'm just starting with MFP again. I'm also married and out two children still live with us. It seems we have a lot in common with food, beer and mac'n cheese.
  • LoveIshie
    LoveIshie Posts: 94 Member
    First time member, joined this year and have lost 20lbs so far. Feel free to add me if you still need friends.
  • Leighwixo
    Leighwixo Posts: 17 Member
    I'd be happy to have more support and people who will inspire me to not quit as well. I too am trying again for the umpteenth time and am similar to yourself. I am 44, 5'7" and CW 190# looking to just lose 20 for now so it feels attainable. 20# by 1/31/16. The charts say I should be 138# but I don't know if I need to be any lower than 150# ultimately.
    Our children are still at home (17 and 13) and we are all pretty busy/active.
    Recently I've identified that I mostly like to be active with my family and not alone. Not completely reasonable since they all have activities that I don't always enjoy (middle school football, road biking, wake boarding etc.)
    I love to walk, hike, cross country ski, snow shoe, slow run, ride bike leisurely, practice yoga and TKD.
    Feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • K8Fit
    K8Fit Posts: 31 Member
    You can add me too. :#
  • socalgardengal
    socalgardengal Posts: 116 Member
    Add me as well...NO QUITTER HERE!!!
  • Sandra448
    Sandra448 Posts: 22 Member
    Feel free to add me too. Love the MFP family.
  • icusnoopy
    icusnoopy Posts: 3 Member
    Me too, all you above also. I'm 41. I started getting serious with this lifestyle change last November & finally started getting a routine together in March 2015. Lol. So far I've lost 26 pounds. Been logging 70+ days. I too love food, Mac & cheese, but I'll substitute wine & rum for the beer. I have twins, 20yrs old. One in college in Boston. One going to the Air Force - just don't know his leave date yet.
  • zusha1
    zusha1 Posts: 12 Member
    HI! I am 42 with two kids. I lost 40lbs with this site about 2 years ago and got off track gaining it all back. I too have a weakness for beer, wine, and anything with cheese. I am looking for friends to help each other stay on track and motivated to reach our goals. Add me.
  • khhregister
    khhregister Posts: 229 Member
    Hi! I'm 43 and joined MFP this year to get back on track. I had put on ~ 10 pounds every year for the last 3.5 years. Turning 40 has not been great for my health, but I'm determined to get back to my fighting weight. Congrats on the 10 pounds down! So far I'm down about 10 pounds from my highest weight, but I need to refocus and really be accountable, because I have been hovering right around there for the last couple of months. I just joined a gym and I'm hoping that will be the ticket to starting the downward trend again. Please add me as a friend! :smile:
  • racergirl1991
    racergirl1991 Posts: 422 Member
    Feel free to add me...we are all in this together.
  • neetneet46
    neetneet46 Posts: 28 Member
    You can add me . I'm 49 and I need all the encouragement I can get . I've been trying to lose weight for almost a year and nothing seems to be working. I don't want to say depressing but sometimes it is. I hate carrying this extra weight and it's all in my stomach . I remember how I ran long distance in high school but now I'm so tired trying to run on the treadmill . One day I would like to at least run a mile without stopping and that'll be a great accomplishment for me .
  • cheloldroyd
    cheloldroyd Posts: 148 Member
    You can add me. I'm 42 and been doing this since the end of May. Lost 31.6lb so far another 23.6lb to go. I love all foods that you have to have in moderation (they're the ones that taste good, lol) I log in every day and my diary is also open :smile:
  • kcpond
    kcpond Posts: 659 Member
    Feel free to ad me as well. I am 47 and have been at this awhile. I have lost 15 lbs so far and would like to lose another 10 to 20 lbs.
  • luvwords1996
    luvwords1996 Posts: 90 Member
    Add me as well. I'm 40 with 3 kids and am enjoying this weight loss journey. I've lost 24 pounds and have 48 to go.
  • SonoraBlue
    SonoraBlue Posts: 33 Member
    I'm 47 and working on losing 68lbs... so much! I'm working at home now, so I think excuses about stressful work are over. Used to be a committed runner and have been trying to get back to it. So far, I feel like this site is helping with that. So if you're going to stick around, I'll stick around, too.
  • edptanner
    edptanner Posts: 52 Member
    Hello everyone. I am 46 and need to lose 30 pounds. I only seem to stay on track for about a week. The minute I see progress, I blow it all. I've been losing and gaining the same 4 pounds for a year now. I'm hoping this place/people will somehow help me stay committed and break through my psychological barrier. I'd be delighted if anyone would add me. Thanks!
  • SonoraBlue
    SonoraBlue Posts: 33 Member
    @edptanner I do the same thing! We must stop it!
  • Graymanstole
    Graymanstole Posts: 257 Member
    I've posted this before on other topics but it still bears repeating:

    This is going to take time. A. LOT. Of. Time. You will get frustrated. You will want to quit. You will feel depressed from time to time. Some of those times will even been on the weeks when you make progress. Here's the thing: DO NOT QUIT!!!! The sweat, the pain, the tears, all of it will be worth it, and sometimes it will be as simple as dropping a single pant size which makes you feel like the king/queen of the world.

    Weigh your food. This is far more important than weighing yourself. We often come on here and have the best intentions of logging everything accurately, but often we have no idea how much 2 oz. of pasta really is (it's depressingly little), so we put 2 oz when we just ate 7. I am proud of the weight I've lost, but if I want to continue losing I have to be certain the food I'm taking in is really the correct amount or I am sabotaging myself.

    Be honest. Log everything, even the stuff you are embarrassed about. The only one you'd be lying to is yourself if you conveniently "forget" to log the half-bag of potato chips. You will look back and wonder why you aren't losing as you should. It's okay to have bad days, and okay to have good days. Sometimes your victories will be on the scale, other days they'll be non-scale victories. Just be honest with yourself.

    This journey is about making progress, not being perfect. DO NOT QUIT and you will see rewards.

    Hope this helps some of you out. Feel free to add me if you'd like, I am on here quite often and am usually good for some motivational help or virtual kick in the butt, whichever is needed.
  • Jockimom
    Jockimom Posts: 26 Member
    I know just what you mean - even my DH bailed on me (on MPF, not in real life :wink: ) I'm 43 with 3 kiddos 12 & under. I log every calorie religiously, but I spend far too much in the car rider line and not enough moving my butt, so I've been stuck at a plateau. Feel free to add me, too!
  • VegasFit
    VegasFit Posts: 1,232 Member
    Feel free to add me. I have been on the site awhile. I got serious about two years ago and finally got it together. Congrats on the 10 lb loss!