October Goals

RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
Another month is upon us. Post your October weekly or monthly goals here!


    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    edited October 2015
    Hello October - my very favorite month of the year!!
    October 1st SW 175
    October 31st GW 165

    1. Plan meals ahead more often
    2. Do NOT start eating sweets
    3. Increase Water & Protein
    4. Go back to a gym (strength training)
    5. Lose 10lbs

  • rpyle111
    rpyle111 Posts: 1,066 Member
    Time for me to re-energize my habits!

    October 1 SW: 239
    October 31 GW: 235-240

    1. Gym or 10K steps 5 days per week
    2. Strength training at least 2x per week
    3. Log food again!
    4. Cut out Caffeine/alcohol

    Had my one year appointment with surgeon, and while he was supportive and pleased with my progress, he was very no-nonsense about the habits I have let slip in my post-goal "vacation". The "Vacation" was supposed to be a couple of weeks and has extended way too long.
  • honeypeas
    honeypeas Posts: 17 Member
    October 1 SW: 257
    October 31 GW: 225

    1. Get all of my protein in daily
    2. Get all of my water in daily
    3. Begin "normal" exercise 5x a week
  • anbrdr
    anbrdr Posts: 621 Member
    edited October 2015
    This month I WILL:
    *Break into "Onederland".
    *Be able to run for a solid 30 min @5.6 (Treadmill speed setting) without a walk-break.
    *Find a lifting program that works with my less-than-stellar gym (Planet Fitness) and restart to Even Lift, Bro!

    If I accomplish all 3, Ill have to make harder goals for November... Yikes!

    Sub-goals will be to:
    *Start eating more that veggie burgers and cheese. I used to LOVE cooking, but now there is almost no time.
    *Resist peer pressure from all of my friends when it comes to cheating (beer, delicious foods). That's a hard life to completely give up, but the gains are worth the sacrifice.
    *Talk to a woman, and at least attempt to set up a date. I've been in LTR status consistently since 18. Dating in late 30s is intimidating af.
    *Attend support groups. The bari center offers them for free so why not?
    *3 Month check-up on the 27. Hopefully the bloodwork comes back looking nice. I won't be surprised if my iron and potassium are low. I never hit my nutritional goals with them.

    Wow, I think I may be encumbered.
  • ThinGwen
    ThinGwen Posts: 174 Member
    October 1: SW 227
    October 31: GW 212 (wow, can I do that -- yes I can!) I'll hit Onederland by Thanksgiving!

    1. Go to gym 3 x / week
    2. average 11,000 steps/day
    3. NO HALLOWEEN CANDY. None. Period. Absolutely no.
  • tat2cookie
    tat2cookie Posts: 1,899 Member
  • sinderstorm
    sinderstorm Posts: 225 Member
    1)weigh less than DH does by Halloween (that hasn't happened for 15 years, so this is a BIG One for me- 8lbs to get there as he's a tall, skinny guy)
    2) no alcohol all month
    3) log everything, even the not so awesome choices
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    I plan to stick with my September goals of staying consistent with my exercise and food choices. I also plan to figure out some WLS friendly, high protein, pumpkin flavored stuff, because it's October!!!
  • ki4eld
    ki4eld Posts: 1,215 Member
    I'm deployed for the Red Cross, so I'm having a hard time meeting my macro goals. My main issue is that my protein isn't high enough and I will not add carbs. So, here are my goals...

    1. Avoid the carb fest snack table right outside my office at all costs.
    2. Eat 1 solid meal per day, as high-protein as possible.
    3. Stop worrying that I'm not getting enough exercise, because my pedometer says otherwise.
    4. Make it through this month without flinging myself off a carb cliff.
  • anbrdr
    anbrdr Posts: 621 Member
    Can you have some protein bars shipped in? I know they "have carbs" but they also have 1/3 of your daily required protein.
  • cheekitty
    cheekitty Posts: 101 Member
    Oof goals.

    October 1st SW 279
    October 31st GW 265

    1 - Back to the gym. 3x weekly at minimum.
    2 - Stick with the food plan I created.
    3 - Don't transfer bad habits. I used to eat out of boredom, and I don't need to introduce a new bad habit for the same reasons.
    4 - Avoid the carbs. I don't tolerate them well, I know it, my body knows it, just stop already.
  • mjks_mom
    mjks_mom Posts: 35 Member
    ▶️Gym or Exercise 3X a week. This is extremely hard for me. I HATE exercise. But gotta find something I like or at least tolerate.
    ▶️Log food honestly EVERY meal EVERY day.
    ▶️ Lose 10 lbs before surgery on 10/29/15
    ▶️ Take ALL recommended supplements daily. Watch and maintain my Macros

    ✴️Wish me luck. Say a
  • lorilbuckner1
    lorilbuckner1 Posts: 172 Member

    1. Get back to working with my trainer at the gym 3 times per week
    2. Increase Protein
    3. Reduce carbs
    4. WALK WALK WALK....
  • Wonderwomanvik
    Wonderwomanvik Posts: 2,932 Member
    October Goals
    SW: 212
    GW: 199

    I will hit ONEDERLAND by Halloween!
    I will start exercising (again)
    I will increase my fluids and protein
    I will work towards jogging instead of just walking because I haven't ran in almost 10 years!
  • martabeerich
    martabeerich Posts: 195 Member
    I was talking to my husband last night about this. Two months post op I feel like I'm being a good little camper, but there's always room for improvement. So here is what I've come up with:

    ◇ get 40-50 grams of protein daily (this is the # from my doctor)
    ◇ eat at least one raw fruit and one raw vegetable serving daily
    ◇ eat cleaner
    ◇ avoid white flour
    ◇ cook foods that will help my husband lose weight (his request)
  • Briardlady
    Briardlady Posts: 10 Member
    I like this. It will force me to think of the small changes I need to put into my life one by one to really succeed.

    October goals:
    Add resistance training to my walking and elliptical.
    Vary my diet a little, and add vegetables back in.
    Enter Onederland.
  • nilklynn
    nilklynn Posts: 61 Member
    October goals:
    1.exercise 4x per week. Always a huge struggle!
    2. Drink more. At about 46oz now. Add another 16.
    3. Eat some sort of veggies every day
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Seeing some great goals here! Let's achieve some of these goals during this first full week of October! We got this!!
  • pal00ga
    pal00ga Posts: 139 Member
    I know I'm late, but I just started getting back on track this week.
    I'm 3.5 years post op, I originally went from 290 to 160 (my goal weight). I'm up 50 lbs back to 210. My goals for the next 3 weeks are as follows:

    No more snacking on office snacks
    At least 8 glasses of water a day
    At least 60 g of protein a day
    No Halloween treats
    Only drink on occasions (currently drinking almost daily)

    With these in place, I'm aiming to get down 5.2 lbs to be 205 by Halloween :)
  • treebarnes
    treebarnes Posts: 1 Member
    I just joined this group today so I am just seeing this!

    My Oct goals are:
    ~lose 5 lbs by end of month. CW 275.4 End of Month GW 270.4 Lost (Total lost so far 85lbs.. sleeved 3-11-15)

    I WILL acheive this by:
    ~logging food
    ~drinking 64 oz of water a day
    ~3 days of weights / 3 days of cardio each week

    all three of these are things I am currently not doing.
    I started logging food a few days ago, but not whole day so tracking will keep in on task.
    I do drink water, but I don't know how much so tracking will be great.
    I am currently doing weights 3 times a week but not cardio.