Daryl and Carol Character Team



  • Dictorbutt
    Dictorbutt Posts: 2,201 Member
    To be honest it's my roommate who is the Walking Deas Addict.. If you will. I did the FTWD challenge to try to inspire him to join. Same with this one. No movement yet.. Literally. He's bound to get eaten soon. Lol

    My goals are:
    1) Stay within calorie average 6/7 days (or for the week.
    2) Cardio 3-4 times a week. ( can be averaging 10,000 steps a day ((?)))
    3) Strength and/or Calisthenics 3-4 times a week.
    I'd like to add a fourth just because it's a struggle as well as cab bra set back. So..
    4) it's ok to stray, as long as I get back on target ( and don't get bit! ;) ).
  • tat2cookie
    tat2cookie Posts: 1,899 Member
    My goals for next week are:
    1) get back to ketosis
    2) drink more water
    3) get 10,000 steps every day

    Go team Daryl/Carol
  • piperjosie
    piperjosie Posts: 40 Member
    Daryl all the way!
    Goals this week:
    1) stay under my calorie goal 5 out of 7 days.
    2) run on the treadmill at least 30 minutes three times this week.
    3) eat veggies every day this week.
  • Shepmom24
    Shepmom24 Posts: 20 Member
    We've got this!! Are we suppose to check in & report on our goals this week or starting next week? I'm so excited, tonight is the night!!!

  • jos82
    jos82 Posts: 18 Member
    Love these 2!!

    My goals to log daily, stay at or under calories goal & get at least 5k steps daily
  • NezyRumRunner
    NezyRumRunner Posts: 74 Member
    Hello Folks, Im new to the challenge, but certainly not new to TWD! Yeah! That was a great show!
    This week's goals:
    1- train runs-Min. 14 miles
    2- preplan Lunch M-F
    3- Hydrate! Hydrate! Hydrate! 64oz daily
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    Shepmom24 wrote: »
    We've got this!! Are we suppose to check in & report on our goals this week or starting next week? I'm so excited, tonight is the night!!!

    This upcoming Saturday will be the first check in.

  • NezyRumRunner
    NezyRumRunner Posts: 74 Member


    Ok- Im willing to post these "scary" fit test results! Oh My! Ive gone downhill in the past 6 mos!
    (*****we also have to post this with on our weekly Check in, right?*****)

    **Magic Mile: 10:18
    **Push Ups: F- 3; 1/2-25 (with a little pillow to not hurt my knees..does that count? Such a baby...Wow!)
    **Squats: 50- no addtl weight (i feel i can do more, but have several 1/2 marathons coming up and I dont want to mess with my knees- they already grind.LOL!)
    **Static Plank: 64 secs
    **Sit/Reach: +2 inches

    Feel free to make suggestions for improvements. :)
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member

    Ok- Im willing to post these "scary" fit test results! Oh My! Ive gone downhill in the past 6 mos!
    (*****we also have to post this with on our weekly Check in, right?*****)
    Just post that you completed it is fine. And any modifications you need to make are fine. At Week 8 we'll do it again and whoever is comfortable doing so can share how they improved (or not).

  • tat2cookie
    tat2cookie Posts: 1,899 Member
    A little Monday motivation
  • mayritiz22
    mayritiz22 Posts: 1 Member
    Carol and Daryl are the best.
    1)stay under calories 5/7 days
    2) cardio 2x this week
    3) strength 4x
    I'm 18, female, vegetarian. I go to school in the morning and work in the after noon. Go to the gym in between or before my day starts.
  • rogue024
    rogue024 Posts: 1,484 Member
    How's everyone doing with their goals? I'm on track so far, keeping within the calorie goal was my struggle last time. But I'll be spending more time exercising this time around so that should help!

    @fbinsc and I will probably do the fitness test on Saturday, as there's a high school track we like to go to and it's the only day we can go.

    We're going to watch the episode tonight!
  • tat2cookie
    tat2cookie Posts: 1,899 Member
    Fitness test done
    1 mile- 9:43
    Push-ups full:8 /half:21
    Squats w/ 10lbs: 70
    Plank: 43:47sec
    S&R: 15in (not sure if I did that right)

    Did the Bo video. Not going to lie, I ended up just watching most of it cause he was hard to follow.

    I'm doing great with my weekly goals.
  • NezyRumRunner
    NezyRumRunner Posts: 74 Member
    tat2cookie wrote: »
    Fitness test done
    1 mile- 9:43
    Push-ups full:8 /half:21
    Squats w/ 10lbs: 70
    Plank: 43:47sec
    S&R: 15in (not sure if I did that right)

    Did the Bo video. Not going to lie, I ended up just watching most of it cause he was hard to follow.

    I'm doing great with my weekly goals.

    *****9:43 mile! I keep reaching to go under 10, but I only seem to do it is spurts. Id love to break 10.
  • tat2cookie
    tat2cookie Posts: 1,899 Member

    *****9:43 mile! I keep reaching to go under 10, but I only seem to do it is spurts. Id love to break 10.

    This is only the 2nd time I've ever done it under 10. I about died! Lol
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    Hurt my back and have limited exercises for a couple weeks. But I have to say the worst part is I was told no Heels....I only own 2 pairs of keds, 1 pair of tennis shoes and 30 pairs of heels... Keds do not look good in dress clothes and I absolutely refuse to buy flats. I went to 5 stores yesterday and hated everything I saw.

    How in the world to people think flats are cute? They all look like old granny shoes to me.
  • tat2cookie
    tat2cookie Posts: 1,899 Member
    We are half way there!! How is everyone doing with their goals and getting the challenges done?
  • NezyRumRunner
    NezyRumRunner Posts: 74 Member
    Awesome! down a few and keeping in goals for this week! Yey! Hope ya'll are doin grt!
  • SaraAlexandre
    SaraAlexandre Posts: 1,313 Member
    Can you wear wedges?