2015/2016 MFP Winter Challenge - Ride Logging Thread

Jakess1971 Posts: 1,208 Member
edited February 2016 in Social Groups
Starts on the 1st November and finishes on the 29th February.

Example logging would be:

Date / In or Out / Total Calories for day / Link(s) to proof / Bonus points (if any)


01/11/2015 - Out - 1275 cal - https://www.strava.com/activities/420538428
02/11/2015 - In - 1082 cal - https://www.strava.com/activities/416551669
07/11/2015 - In - 1082 cal - https://www.strava.com/activities/416551669

** If you want to use the cals specified in Garmin rather the Strava post your Garmin link with your Strava link in the logging thread.

It would be helpful if you also kept a running summary of what bonus points you feel you've earn t at the bottom of your logging entries.

Feel free to stick full totals at the bottom however calculations will be made in the sheet automatically as the calorie entries are added into the spreadsheet:


Note: LOGGING ONLY IN HERE PLEASE, keep discussions in the discussion thread:


Current qualifying bonus points:

One point for doing an FTP test each month and an additional point for any improvement.
For the improvement it's important to provide supporting evidence on the FTP figure, in Swift for example this is shown on screen and a screen grab can be taken.

**One point for a metric century 100km indoor or out with Strava proof.
**Two points for a full 100 mile century ride indoor or out with Strava proof.

** Above two are for November to end of Jan, see at the bottom of this post for Feb distance bonus points.

One point for finding and posting a picture of a snowman in your Strava activity :) (one made of actual snow is preferable but a model of one you find on your travels is acceptable)

November specific one: remembrance related picture added to an outdoor ride - 1 point

Thursday, November 26 Thanksgiving Day 2015 - a picture of something your thankful for attached to your Strava activity ... easy point this.

December specific ones:

Ride on Christmas day, 1 point for riding while other are stuffing faces with Turkey.
Picture of something Christmas related (not santa) - 1 point
Additional point for a picture of Santa :) - 1 point.

Strava specific ones:

Earn the MTS achievement (Full only) - 3 points
Earn the Gran Fondo(s) - 1 point
Earn the climbing achievement (Full only) - 3 points
Assuming it's on the Festive 500 - 3 points
Club leaderboard top three in any category each week - 1 point
Club leaderboard top three speed each week - 1 point
- Cut off for these will be midday on each Monday and I'll post these in the logging thread.

Note: if manual entries have been created that contribute to the speed stats then I can't allow these to count for speed bonus points, they seem skewed to me and as a moderator I'm ruling these out, from here on in I'm checking the top three speed entries for manual entries during the week, any found will make the average speed stat in the Strava club null and void.

Additionally if your elevation for the week is '--' this will also mean the average speed is null and void and can't qualify for the Strava league speed bonus points.

It's important to not that all future related bonus pics must have GPS encoded in them so they can be shown in the route, see my example:


To clarify this picture bonus are ONLY available on outdoor rides, hence the wording GPS and route, this can't be done on turbo rides.

** Note with regard to the 100km and 100 mile bonus, I'd like to make this for the days total, this way it allows people to fit in a split century around the working day.

Final registration date for new comers is Monday 16th November, you can register in here with your MFP name, Strava link and real name:


************ IMPORTANT LOGGING NOTE ********************

When adding each logging line entry please separate the fields with a dash '-' and specify the date format in DD/MM/YYYY as follows:

01/11/2015 - Out - 1275 cal - https://www.strava.com/activities/420538428

The reason for this is if I have to enter a large set of entries I can extract the calorie and date information easier which is all that gets entered into the spreadsheet, being a programmer I'll prob create a little parsing tool that does some of the tedious work :)

************ IMPORTANT LOGGING NOTE ********************

Added rider numbers so when declaring entries can you add your rider number, just makes it easer to find in the table when entering the stats:

1 Jakess1971
2 cloggsy71
3 TheBigYin
5 ddroth
6 Dave2041
7 ntunk
8 jillyian
11 Spatialized
12 Kupe
13 kriles76
14 amiller7x7
16 MrsCentral CaliCycling
17 CentralCali Cycling
18 Hawkeyegal 1995
20 KitTheRoadie
22 steffenson
23 trimom10
25 TDSeest
26 Frannybobs
28 m1xm0d3
29 Webtracer
30 anviljenkins
31 chernij

****** Important ******

In the interest of making this challenge as interactive as possible from Monday 0.25 points will be awarded to a logging entry (maximum 0.25 per day), logging rest days up front also counts, this means just for logging you can claim 1.75 points a week just for logging.

If you log several back days in one entry this will count as a single 0.25 point award. It's really just to reward those who take the trouble to keep updating, call it the frequent rider bonus if you like :)

Note: logging bonus will be awarded automatically, no need to declare this in your logging entry.

From January 21st rides submitted that are older then 7 days will not count.

For those that are not aware the Classics challenge is available for signup:


This is Marks aka TheBigYins baby but what I'd like to do is offer double prizes, for all that signup and ride the dates that coincide with the Winter Challenge:

Trofeo-Laigueglia - Sunday Feb 14
Omloop Het Nieuwsblad - Saturday Feb 27
Kuurne-Brussels-Kurne - Sunday Feb 28

For *any* rides submitted for these days an additional 3 bonus points will be awarded on the Winter challenge, the rides must be submitted on the very same day in the logging thread to qualify however if a classics ride is allowed on the Saturday or Sunday this is also the case with this, the rides can be any distance, all you have to do is ride and log.

To shake things up for Feb I'll be setting new bonus point distance goals, this will be for everyone with checkpoint bonus points from 25km right upto 483km, a distance bonus point league table will also be setup with additional points awarded based on end of month positions.

25km = 0.25pts
50km = 0.5pts - training distance
75km = 0.75pts
100km - 1pt Metric Century - Enthusiastic
161km - 2pt Imperial - Dedicated
200km - 2.5km - Double Metric
250km - 3pt - Killer!
300km - 4pt - Tripple Metric!!!
322km - 5pt - Double Imperial - Superman.
350km - 6pt
400km - 7pt - Quad Metric - Madness!
450km - 8pt
483km - 10pt - Tripple Imperial & certifiable

The table will be linked to the summary & Feb Cat leagues starting tomorrow.

When stating these on the logging thread state the distance and bonus earned as you did with all the previous distance based bonus points claimed.



This discussion has been closed.