Low carb foods



  • ettaterrell
    ettaterrell Posts: 887 Member
    Fat is my friend!!! Loosing almost 2lbs a week is more weight I've ever lost in any other diet in my 25 years of dieting! I can see an end to my weight loss instead of an endless pit..
  • Bob314159
    Bob314159 Posts: 1,178 Member
    edited November 2015
    ljcox7210 wrote: »

    Cheese is horrendously calorific and fattening, I'm trying to get lean not put on 20lbs Haha!

    Yeah it is - and for that reason I've been trying to cut down he much I eat for years. However, for the last 2 months I've been eating more than ever, but mostly hard cheese with zero carbs, also switched to high fat no sugar yogurt.

    I've lost over 20 pounds doing that and my digestion is better than its been in years - your results may vary.
  • coneregs07
    coneregs07 Posts: 6 Member
    Organic coconut oil is my go to low carb food. Not sure if that gives you a nut like response however.

  • coneregs07
    coneregs07 Posts: 6 Member
    I've heard good things about coconut oil.
  • ljcox7210
    ljcox7210 Posts: 57 Member
    Wow there's a lot to process! Thank you everyone for the advice! I'll have a proper read up and see if I can get my head round it! Again thank you everyone for sticking at me! I've already lost 100lbs and that's probably the reason I'm scared of fat, I'm scared of going back!
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    If you truly research this woe, it is the simplest, most delicious food, that leads most to not be hungry (at all) between meals. Many are able to reduce their day to just two meals. The health benefits are far too great for me not to continue this woe forever! Congratulations on your weight loss success, but if you're hungry between meals, feel like you're starving, obsessing about the next thing you get to eat (this was me trying low fat diets), you should give it a try for a couple of months and see if it's for you. Those issues disappear with this woe! Wishing you the best of luck!

    @gsp90x, I am seeing muscles now, and I don't workout! I'm amazed at what I am seeing! MY FAT IS BUILDING MY MUSCLES! How great is that!!

  • Clironka
    Clironka Posts: 10 Member
    I'm trying to follow LCHF, but struggling at the moment. Dairy is OUT, I add oil to veg, make my own mayonnaise, have tried cooking with coconut oil - jury is out - eat green leafy veg, no fruit, no alcohol. I've cut my 6-8 black no-sugar coffees to 2 -3. I'm sure I'm eating too much protein, BUT I get hungry - often. Even though I'm 3 weeks in the ketosticks do not change colour. The first few days I dropped 6 lbs, then slowly another 2, now 2 have gone back on. Because I believe in REAL food, I would so like this to be successful, but not feeling very convinced.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    @ljcox7210 , remember that you don't have to go from eating a typical amount of carbs to eating a very low carb diet all at once, or ever. You could cut 50 grams of carbs out of your diet, and replace those calories with fat (that would be about 20-25 grams of fat). Or you could do what I did, which was to cut back to about 100 grams of carbs a day, and have more fat. (I felt great at 100 grams of carbs a day, and now I'm experimenting with staying under 50).

    You've come a long way: congratulations!
  • ceciliaslater
    ceciliaslater Posts: 457 Member
    edited November 2015
    Clironka wrote: »
    I'm trying to follow LCHF, but struggling at the moment. Dairy is OUT, I add oil to veg, make my own mayonnaise, have tried cooking with coconut oil - jury is out - eat green leafy veg, no fruit, no alcohol. I've cut my 6-8 black no-sugar coffees to 2 -3. I'm sure I'm eating too much protein, BUT I get hungry - often. Even though I'm 3 weeks in the ketosticks do not change colour. The first few days I dropped 6 lbs, then slowly another 2, now 2 have gone back on. Because I believe in REAL food, I would so like this to be successful, but not feeling very convinced.

    The first questions to ask are: are you getting enough fat in your diet? How many calories are you eating? What are you eating? I can't see your food diary, so it's hard to give advice without more details. If you're hungry all the time, I'd guess you're either too low on calories in general or too low on fat.

    We're here to help, so open your diary or list out a typical day and we can take a look/critique/advise.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    ljcox7210 wrote: »
    Wow there's a lot to process! Thank you everyone for the advice! I'll have a proper read up and see if I can get my head round it! Again thank you everyone for sticking at me! I've already lost 100lbs and that's probably the reason I'm scared of fat, I'm scared of going back!

    LCHF diets tend to have the most success at long term weight reduction and maintenance because it's pretty easy to be compliant when your blood sugar isn't spiking and falling with every meal making you run for the fridge every 4 hours. People tend to simply and naturally eat less food overall this way.
    It's my opinion that it's the best chance for long term health and weight management
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    @Clironka , is dairy out because you're allergic or intolerant, or because of the carbs? You can get around the dairy carbs. Avocados have low net carbs (what you have left after subtracting insoluble fiber). Macadamia nuts are little fat bombs. Eggs are excellent, and great as omelettes or frittatas with veggies. If you can't eat cheese, olives are good for adding something savory to veggies.

  • Clironka
    Clironka Posts: 10 Member
    My calories are between 1500 and 1850 each day. I eat eggs, fish, meat for breakfast and lunch sometimes with homemade mayonnaise. I reserve my leafy veg for my evening (main) meal. I cook the meat and fish in olive oil, have tried coconut oil but only like it with chicken.
    With all dairy out, I cannot see how to include more fat.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    Clironka wrote: »
    My calories are between 1500 and 1850 each day. I eat eggs, fish, meat for breakfast and lunch sometimes with homemade mayonnaise. I reserve my leafy veg for my evening (main) meal. I cook the meat and fish in olive oil, have tried coconut oil but only like it with chicken.
    With all dairy out, I cannot see how to include more fat.

    Ghee is non-dairy. Coconut milk/cream. Avocados. Use fattier "oily" fish, fattier cuts of meats. Make fatty sauces to add to veggies and meats (easier with dairy, but not impossible without). Look up www.healthfulpursuit.com. She is dairy free - and she gets tons of healthy fats in her diets. I like using melted coconut oil in a shake. There are tons of different options...
  • cynlyn2010
    cynlyn2010 Posts: 73 Member
    I have been overweight my entire adult life. I have tried every diet there is. I always ended up gaining all the weight back because it was not sustainable. I felt deprived. I hate low fat dressing. I hate low fat anything. I've been eating this way for 10 months now, and I can see myself eating this way for the rest of my life. I'm not hungry between meals. Instead of food being a reward, comfort or pleasure for me, now it's just something I have to do a couple times a day. I'm not constantly thinking about the next meal. I'm not snacking during the day. I've lost 83 pounds. My health has improved immensely. I'm now running daily instead of crashing on the couch after work. I spring out of bed in the mornings instead of hitting snooze until the entire household is ready to kill me. The list goes on and on.
    It does take a while to wrap you mind around this WOE. It goes against everything we have been taught about food, but as they say the proof is in the pudding, or in this case the cheese....lol
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    cynlyn2010 wrote: »
    I have been overweight my entire adult life. I have tried every diet there is. I always ended up gaining all the weight back because it was not sustainable. I felt deprived. I hate low fat dressing. I hate low fat anything. I've been eating this way for 10 months now, and I can see myself eating this way for the rest of my life. I'm not hungry between meals. Instead of food being a reward, comfort or pleasure for me, now it's just something I have to do a couple times a day. I'm not constantly thinking about the next meal. I'm not snacking during the day. I've lost 83 pounds. My health has improved immensely. I'm now running daily instead of crashing on the couch after work. I spring out of bed in the mornings instead of hitting snooze until the entire household is ready to kill me. The list goes on and on.
    It does take a while to wrap you mind around this WOE. It goes against everything we have been taught about food, but as they say the proof is in the pudding, or in this case the cheese....lol

    I cannot say it any better than it is said here. While my numbers and nuances aren't identical, the basics of this ^^^^^ are EXACTLY why I'm able to stay on plan 98.5% of the time, and get immediately AND HAPPILY right back on plan with minimal blips whenever LIFE strikes!!!
  • neohdiver
    neohdiver Posts: 738 Member
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    Ghee is non-dairy.

    Ghee is actually dairy. It is clarified butter. Many people who have a dairy intolerance can eat Ghee (which lacks the protein casein and the sugar lactose), but it is still dairy - so anyone who is dairy intolerant should proceed with caution.

  • Clironka
    Clironka Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks for all input. Ghee doesn't suit me, have tried it. I just cannot digest dairy in any form. I already eat oily fish and fattier meats, eat the skin from chicken and duck. Will follow the link to the dairy-free lady. Thanks for the help.
  • neohdiver
    neohdiver Posts: 738 Member
    ljcox7210 wrote: »
    Okay maybe this is far too scary then, I can't eat cheese and call it a diet, I want to be thin but I don't want to get there eating loads of fat, makes me feel nauseous!

    Sorry if I wasted anyone's time.

    I'm no terribly fond of fats. I find meat fat disgusting - although I can manage crispy bacon. I have a hard time getting past the texture. Many fats also trigger cravings for me, so when I am trying to control my urges I like to omit fats. But - I don't have other good options, since I have been diagnosed with diabetes. Carbs are out & I have to substitute the calories I'm cutting out of my diet when the carbs go with something - either protein or fats. Eating a high protein diet, with diabetes, is not terribly smart, either. So that leaves fat.

    I have lost significant quantities of weight (up to 65 lbs), and maintained the loss for years, on low fat diets (CICO, or moderation of consumption) My body is happier with (non-sweet) carbs than without, and happier without sugar and fats - so previously I have always cut out sugars and fats, and kept carbs in. But it is no longer an option, and I am figuring out what fats I can include without triggering cravings.

    But - as to your concern about weight loss while eating fats - I have lost 14+ lbs in 5 weeks eating an average of 85 grams of fat a day (around 60% of my diet). My CICO/eat in moderation pattern of loss: Typically I lose for 3-4 days in a row, then plateau (and go up and down within the 3-4 day range of what I have just lost) for 5-10 days, then lose for 3-4 days again, then plateau, etc.

    Once I consistently hit around 30 net carbs (about a week and a half ago), I had daily losses with the exception of 2 days. That is a longer extended stretch than I am used to with the scale going down every day. I was sick (likely keto "flu" a week and a half ago, and dropped 1.6 lbs. I debated logging it, since I figured it was just that not eating much for a day meant there wasn't as much food hanging around waiting to be used - and expected it to pop back up the next day. Instead, it kept dropping and has not (more than a week later) jumped up above that low. The decreases: -1.6, -.2, -.6, +.2, -.2, -0.0, -.4 On any of my prior weight losses (non-fatty), this would be more typical: -1.6, +1.7, -.2, +.1, -.3, +.2, -.6, -.2, etc. - taking several days to wiggle around and settle, before dropping the next notch.

    Is it the low carb? Forcing my body to change its combustion system? I don't know - but (aside from cravings for which I apparently have odd triggers), it isn't any harder than any other change in eating style I've adopted.

  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    I have been back and forth on dairy usage. What will float to the top if unprocessed milk sets in the frig is all I use currently which is butter, Heavy Whipping Cream and sour cream at this time. I find a cup of HWC really hits the spot when I am not eating much. I am new to Krill Oil and find if I take it without food it can lead to slight indigestion.

    Cream products and coconut oil makes up a lot of my fat calories.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Clironka wrote: »
    I'm trying to follow LCHF, but struggling at the moment. Dairy is OUT, I add oil to veg, make my own mayonnaise, have tried cooking with coconut oil - jury is out - eat green leafy veg, no fruit, no alcohol. I've cut my 6-8 black no-sugar coffees to 2 -3. I'm sure I'm eating too much protein, BUT I get hungry - often. Even though I'm 3 weeks in the ketosticks do not change colour. The first few days I dropped 6 lbs, then slowly another 2, now 2 have gone back on. Because I believe in REAL food, I would so like this to be successful, but not feeling very convinced.

    Have you looked into dairy alternatives? Earth Balance makes a nice dairy free (and soy free) "butter" that I use for foods for my son. It is a manufactured food, but one of the better ones in my opinion. http://earthbalancenatural.com/product/soy-free-buttery-spread/

    Coconut butter is yummy. I make it from shredded coconut.

    Nut butters are great, or just plain nuts. My favourite snack at the moment is shredded coconut with nuts (macadamia or almonds) with cacao nibs and salt.

    Olives are a good snack.

    Use full fat salad dressings or dips on your salads or veggies. Use a little extra oil when roasting veggies.

    Add lard to food. We make bacon most days of the week and I add that lard to all lower fat recipes, for me (ketogenic diet) or my family. Last night I made them mac and cheese and I used bacon drippings instead of butter, and sour cream and water instead of milk. They loved it. I also use the lard to cook eggs, make chicken nuggets, add to ground chicken, etc.