Getting sleeved in October!!



  • GoDasher
    GoDasher Posts: 49 Member
    October sleever here checking in.
    I went from 280 day of surgery to 266 the day I got home from the hospital. And I haven't lost a pound since. I know everyone's experience is a little different. I am 12 days out now and am a little frustrated.

    It is probably mostly my doing. I know I haven't walked as much as I should. I haven't had as much protein as I should. I have gas, so things are moving, but haven't had a real bm, although I don't feel constipated.

    I otherwise feel fine. I feel like I'm healing well. I'm tolerating everything I "eat", including a straight up glass of milk. Struggling with powder protein, it is the smell that gets me. And I tried PB2 in a chocolate premier protein and it was awesome!

    In the next day or two I'm going to put together a menu for the puree phase that starts this weekend. I need to get prepared with groceries, etc. I will be back to work by next Monday and need to be prepared with my what I take for lunch. I splurged and bought a NutriNinja. :wink:

    My post=op appointment is this Thursday.
  • NicoleL874
    NicoleL874 Posts: 684 Member
    Another October sleever! I had my surgery on 10/15. My surgeon seems way more conservative than most. I spent two nights in the hospital, was pumped so full of IV fluids that when I got home on Saturday, 10/17, I had GAINED 11 pounds!!! It took me the whole first week to lose that. Now, I'm 12 pounds down from my pre-op weight.

    Also, GoDasher, enjoy your diet, lol! I had one full week of only clear liquids. Now, I'm six days into my fourteen day ALL LIQUID diet. FOURTEEN DAYS! I'm so ready to move on, but I will absolutely follow their directions to a "T"!

    I only had gas issues in the hospital and over the weekend when I got home. I walked like you wouldn't believe! On Thursday, I left recovery and got into my room at 7:45pm, they had me up walking at 11:45pm, 4am, and every four hours thereafter. I got up in between a lot and walked myself as well. When I got home, my mom and I walked my neighborhood. We started with a few courts (townhouses), then moved on to longer paths. By this Sunday, 10/25, I had done about 3 miles throughout the day!

    Mila, not feeling hungry is great, isn't it? My nutritionist told us that will last up to about six months, depending on how your body heals the nerves that were severed during surgery. I'm hoping for the full six months! lol

    My struggle is "head hunger". Not feeling hungry is a good key to know that I'm not really hungry, I'm bored, or something is going on. Now, I have to find things to do to combat that.

    This is my first week back to work. I'm only here 7am - 12pm this week and next week, then one week of 7am - 1pm, then back to 7am - 2pm. I'm sore, really sore, I'm assuming it's from having to maintain an upright posture, my abs aren't healed, and the entire abdomen aches by the end of the shift. Even worse, I live an hour from work, so by the time I get home I'm ready for a nap with my heating pad!

    I'm so happy I did this. The healing is slow moving, but it's moving! I know once I'm back to feeling "normal" things will be much better!
  • GoDasher
    GoDasher Posts: 49 Member
    Another check in here - 2 1/2 weeks post-op:

    I'm on to puree foods. I've basically just had soup so far. Last night a bowl of tomato soup at IHOP (ordered
    minestrone, tomato wasn't on the menu. Our waitress had issues and I really love tomato so I didn't complain). I purchased a bunch of soup and even some chili at the store yesterday. Some canned but also in the deli section they sell Panera soups! Today I pureed the broccoli cheese (it was chunky) with just a little bit of protein powder. Struggling with adding protein powder to things so just doing a little bit at a time. Still not having any stomach issues!

    So the TMI part. Constipation. It hasn't hurt until I try to go. Today was a bit of an adventure and kind of killed my energy and spirit. Took a nap through the Cowboys game, which wasn't exciting anyway.

    Weight - I still haven't lost anything since I have been home. I had a my post-op appointment and they didn't seem concerned about it. I'm not happy, but I'll just keep doing what I need to do! I know it will come off eventually.

    How are you doing @NicoleL874 ??
  • NicoleL874
    NicoleL874 Posts: 684 Member
    UGH! Still on full liquids until Thursday! I cannot wait to throw my marinara and homemade meatballs in my food processor! Yeah, the constipation has been a pain. HA! No pun intended. I've been drinking prune juice (majorly diluted) and resorted to a generic gentle laxative.

    I was losing, until the constipation and my period hit at the same time. So, I've stalled, and not worried. Our bodies are going through so much ups and downs are to be expected. I'm riding it out and will hopefully see something in the next few days.

    My next follow up is on the 9th, it's supposed to be my one month, but it's about a week early.
  • GoDasher
    GoDasher Posts: 49 Member
    @NicoleL874 Let me know how the blended meatballs are! I was going to make some for my soft food stage. I still haven't blended any meat. Going to start with Chunky Soup.

    On the TMI/Lady Parts side - I have an IUD and haven't had a real period in years, just misc spotting. I started "heavy spotting" on my pre-op liquid diet and it finally stopped about a week after surgery. Just an annoyance. It will be interesting (?) to see what happens as the weight drops. No periods with an IUD is normal.

    Thank you everyone here - this is the only venue that I'm communicating, so I appreciate your tolerance! :wink:
  • penkon
    penkon Posts: 16 Member
    Hi guys! I'm now 1 week post op!! Surgery went well.. no complications at all! one thing I didn't even think about tho... who knew the heart burn would be so brutal! ouch!!
  • Kerria1024
    Kerria1024 Posts: 17 Member
    I had my surgery 9/28/15 and am down 31 pounds since that day. Zero complications, other than just getting tired really easy and my hormones going wacko ( I will cry for NO reason at all). Weight loss is slowing down, but I am thinking it is because I started excersising?? Anyone else hit a stall this early? Also, if anyone needs extra protein...Advocare has Pro20, they are protein shots (the size of a 5hr energy bottle) and they are 20g of protein each! Plus the pumpkin shakes are sooo good!
  • GoDasher
    GoDasher Posts: 49 Member
    Congrats @penkon and @KCHRISTIAN! Welcome to the group!
  • NicoleL874
    NicoleL874 Posts: 684 Member
    @KCHRISTIAN, I've not lost an ounce in over a week and I'm only 3 weeks out yesterday. I see my surgeon on Monday, so I'll see what he says. It's completely frustrating knowing how little I'm eating that I'm not losing more. It took years to gain it, I know it will take time to lose it, but's irritating.

    @GoDasher pureed meatballs were good! I modified "Shelly's Ricotta Bake" and used my meatballs with it. (Google it, you'll find it) I added more seasonings and garlic, made half a recipe and at a 1/4 of what I made. It was delicious! And it felt like the first real meal I've had since before the pre-op diet!

    @penkon my surgeon prescribes twice a day antacids for the first full month after surgery because of it. The part of the stomach that makes acid is left at the bottom of the sleeve. Right after surgery our stomach is still making acid for what our bodies are used to, in time it should slow. Some people end up on antacids for life. Talk to your surgeon and see if he'll prescribe you something to help!

    Glad everyone is doing well, and glad our quiet little group is growing!

  • GoDasher
    GoDasher Posts: 49 Member
    I've been home 3 weeks and I still haven't lost a pound. I lost 15 at the hospital! I don't get how that can be, but the PA at the surgeon's office didn't seem concerned. I've been good this past week about logging in my food here. If I don't lose of the weekend I'm going to call the nutritionist on Monday.

    I'm down 40 from the beginning of August, so my pants are big and I can see a few spots that have shrunk. I was down to 3 pairs of pants (I refused to buy any more size 30 with the surgery eminent), but now I can get in the last pair I grew out of. I haven't tried any smaller shirts yet.

    Have a good weekend everyone!
  • thisfathasgot2go
    thisfathasgot2go Posts: 13 Member
    We are doing so good. I am stalled for the past 4-5 days but I understand this happens, so I am just going with the flow and trying to get in at least 60g of proteins and some water, no where near the 64 oz. Today I am at over 20oz of water.

    I have given so many of my clothes away, but I refuse to buy more until I have to, which I hope is not soon.
  • GoDasher
    GoDasher Posts: 49 Member
    I am STILL at my leave-the-hospital weight! It's crazy! I emailed the clinic and they are not worried about it. I'm going to take my food journal with me to my 6 week appointment in December. Yes, I lost a lot with the pre-op diet and at the hospital, and I'm probably down half a size in pants. But I was really hoping to be down a nice chunk before my niece's wedding on the 21st. Not that it would be noticeable to anyone else, but I would have the boost of confidence knowing I was on my way. I so wish I had the surgery in June like I was originally should have. But things happen for a reason, so they say.

    Ok, just a little venting or whatever this is. :)
  • NicoleL874
    NicoleL874 Posts: 684 Member
    I'm only down 19lbs. My doctor wasn't thrilled, but he wasn't mad or anything. He would like to see me lose six more pounds by Sunday. I laughed. I'm hitting my protein goals, not getting too many calories, being active, and getting my water. My body just wants to hang on to it for now. I'm irritated, but I know it'll come took me since I was 13 to put it on!

    On the plus side (no pun intended) I was already taken off my high blood pressure meds! Woo hoo! My goal is health, so I'll TAKE IT!
  • GoDasher
    GoDasher Posts: 49 Member
    Touché - took me 35 years to put it on, should take me more than 35 days to take it off. :)
  • GoDasher
    GoDasher Posts: 49 Member
    Ok, per my weird scale, down 2 pounds this morning. I'm writing that down before it changes its mind! I think I need to invest in a good scale.
  • GoDasher
    GoDasher Posts: 49 Member
    Another couple of pounds down! It seems to have started falling off now that I'm eating soft foods. Bought a new scale at Target today, mainly to see it is a bit more reliable. It was cheaper than I thought it would be. :wink:
  • NicoleL874
    NicoleL874 Posts: 684 Member
    I hit a stall for a bit, but now that I'm walking regularly and hitting at least 10k steps, it's just falling off here! MOVEMENT!
  • GoDasher
    GoDasher Posts: 49 Member
    Awesome @nicole874 !!
  • Guyoal
    Guyoal Posts: 4 Member
    Sleeve completed 10/9/14.

    Start weight 276. Current weight 150.
    Start size 28. Current size 8-10.

    You can do this!
  • NicoleL874
    NicoleL874 Posts: 684 Member
    @Guyoal Wow! Fantastic! I love success stories like that! Congrats!