november goals



  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    I used to do these as part of my yoga routine.... Perhaps I should reintroduce them too!

    @Ariadnula.... Yes, very much like pelvic floor exercises.... "you can do them at the bus stop, or whilst in the supermarket queue....even while you are cooking dinner!"
  • jerilynconn
    jerilynconn Posts: 524 Member
    My goals:

    150 for squats. I should try to lift with a belt soon.

    60 for ohp. I have no clue on my form as i do not have a lifting partner.

    100 for bench and rows.

    175 for deadlifts.

    I had a hard time writing these as they seem impossible. But with an increase in calories this round of stronglifts is off to a better start (i'm not sure i even ohp more than 45 lbs last time!)
  • Angel_Grove_
    Angel_Grove_ Posts: 205 Member
    Continuing goals from last month - increase all lifts by at least 5lbs and run twice a week at a 10min or less pace.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Meep, a little late but I was otherwise distracted so november is starting today for me (with a cold to boot. Oy vey)

    1. Squat bodyweight again (apparently 200lbs wasn't quit it yet :(). Perhaps for more than 1 rep
    2. Add in 1-2 cardio (LISS) sessions to my weekly routine, somehow. I need to start shedding the extra weight.
    3. Do yoga once a week and figure out a mobility routine.
    4. Eat better (it's vague but I'm not in a mind frame to log atm)

    1. Get the 50k for NaNoWriMo even if I only have 1500-ish words at the moment. (Yay, Nano crew checking in! :))
    2. Pace myself with catching up on TV shows
    3. Perhaps I should start journaling again. I'd been meaning to but pffft.

    Really not trying to break the bank. As someone else said earlier, this IS november, after all. Let's just get through not too much worse for wear if possible!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    I didn't know if anybody was going to post a new gold thread for the month of November so I am just going to post here for now.

    November goals

    1. Increase weights on Stronglifts 5x5
    2. Weight lift at least 3 x a week
    3. Kettle bell swing nonweight lifting days 20 minutes
    4. 8 hour diet window
    5. 8 power foods
    6. 8 cups of water
    7. Follow night time snacking prevention methods
    8. Lose 5 lbs
    9. 10,000 steps a day
    10. Do the five day fast diet

    I posted this on the October thread! canadianlbs thanks for posting this Thread!
  • indianarose2
    indianarose2 Posts: 469 Member
    Hmmm...nothing too ambitious but I'll put a few goals out there:
    1. Continue deficit until Thanksgiving (U.S.), hopefully losing enough to drop below 130 then relax a bit to enjoy the feast!
    2. Start (as of today!) with 3x5 and finally fit in the accessories I need to do and move up a little.
    That's all I think. No real #'s as goals just some good honest hard work and I will be satisfied.
  • christch
    christch Posts: 238 Member
    Just adding to goals be able to bench and squat 50kg by Xmas.
    Allowed to start deadlifting again so to get to 70kg again.
  • bluefish86
    bluefish86 Posts: 842 Member
    Checking in... week 1!
    bluefish86 wrote: »
    Fitness Goals
    1. To be able to squat my bodyweight and deadlift 1.5X my bodyweight
    2. Incorporate at least 1 ab workout per week
    3. Run 5km per week

    Diet Goals
    1. Pack my lunch daily
    2. Stay within 50 calories of my daily goal
    3. Stay within 5% of my macro goals

    Fitness Goals
    1. Not yet...
    2. Yes
    3. Not this week. :(

    Diet Goals
    1. 5/5 - 100%
    2. 4/7 - 57%
    3. 4/7 - 57%

    I'm usually pretty loose with my diet, so staying within 50 calories (+ or -) of my goal AND hitting my macros within 5% is proving to be a real challenge. I'm going to work on that this week and try to get at least 5/7 (weekends are harder because my husband likes to cook and go out for dinner, so I have less control over what I eat).

    I didn't run this week because I started this November challenge on Monday, and realistically the only day I have time to run is on Sunday... so I'll be doing that today along with my ab workout.

    Not a perfect week, but at least I have something to work towards!

    Good luck everyone!!!!
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    krokador wrote: »
    Meep, a little late but I was otherwise distracted so november is starting today for me (with a cold to boot. Oy vey)

    1. Squat bodyweight again (apparently 200lbs wasn't quit it yet :(). Perhaps for more than 1 rep
    2. Add in 1-2 cardio (LISS) sessions to my weekly routine, somehow. I need to start shedding the extra weight.
    3. Do yoga once a week and figure out a mobility routine.
    4. Eat better (it's vague but I'm not in a mind frame to log atm)

    1. Get the 50k for NaNoWriMo even if I only have 1500-ish words at the moment. (Yay, Nano crew checking in! :))
    2. Pace myself with catching up on TV shows
    3. Perhaps I should start journaling again. I'd been meaning to but pffft.

    Really not trying to break the bank. As someone else said earlier, this IS november, after all. Let's just get through not too much worse for wear if possible!

    Half month check-in ( I am finally allowing myself a slow morning so I'm catching up on random stuff haha)
    1. Squat doesn't look like it is progressing, but I am taking the deload with a grain of salt. In 5 workouts I'll be back to where I was, no need to panic ;)
    2. Well I could barely walk outside without having difficulty breathing so this one has not been my fault so far. Nose has finally cleared up a tad, so I'm looking to make today my first day of that :)
    3. Gonna do some of that later today, too. I hope. But yeah, I need to get on that.
    4. Been doing great this week, sticking to a exercise/adjusted 1800 cals and been consistently hitting under goal!

    Other.1 Caught up with the "daily average" yesterday after only getting 1500 words in the first full week of the month, so at this rate I'll be done by the 24th or 25th! Haha.
    Other.2 I think I have watched like 5 episodes total in the past week and a half. So far behind on everything D:
    Other.3 Downloaded an app on my phone for that, still have yet to sign in >_>

    So, slow progress on everything, but some progress. First month it's been looking up in a while!
  • Sumiblue
    Sumiblue Posts: 1,597 Member
    My goals:
    Stick with IF (8 hr eating window)
    Continue with accessory work (ICF, basically)
    Continue practicing power cleans
    Add weight to hip thrusters
    Lose 2lbs to get to 123 by Thanksgiving
    Do KB workout at least once a week
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Indeed, time for mid-month update. I'm probably behind what with taking 8 days off and all for vacation but we'll see how it's going.

    1. Success. 2 sessions done so far and going to do lower power tonight.
    2. Done. Going to lift on Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday with runs on upper body day with the occasion long run on Fridays, but not every week.
    3. Still dunno about the other gyms, so still with the same one and just driving out there.
    4. Working the calorie deficit, though last night had a little too much candy. Haven't changed my settings yet but think soon I'm going to put it at .5 a week and put the lifting in manually as just 1 calorie burned or 5, something. Think I'll try out eating around the same calories all week instead of less on rest days and more on cardio days.

    1. I have just over 8,000 so just under umm 42,000 words to go. Will try to get 15-20,000 done on my two days off since I finally get days off from work.
    2. Have two due tomorrow and haven't started them. This challenge is a struggle but one should be easy as it can be anything, even a poem. The other I have to do cause I skipped 2 weeks already and that is the max allowed in the challenge. Better write that tonight after lifting.
    3. Still way behind and didn't have as much internet access on vacation as I had expected so this will be an end of the year challenge.

    Not bad, though two were super easy. Really need to get writing and do laundry. Looking forward to my days off as I have tonight's shift, then get a break.

  • bluefish86
    bluefish86 Posts: 842 Member
    edited November 2015
    bluefish86 wrote: »
    Fitness Goals
    1. To be able to squat my bodyweight and deadlift 1.5X my bodyweight
    2. Incorporate at least 1 ab workout per week
    3. Run 5km per week

    Diet Goals
    1. Pack my lunch daily
    2. Stay within 50 calories of my daily goal
    3. Stay within 5% of my macro goals

    Checking in... week 2!

    Fitness Goals
    1. Nope.
    2. Yes, x2.
    3. Yes, x3.

    Diet Goals
    1. 4/4 - 100%
    2. 2/7 - 29%
    3. 3/7 - 43%

    Admittedly, my diet was terrible this week. Tried to do a bit of extra cardio to make up for it, but I know it's something I have to work on.

  • Ariadnula
    Ariadnula Posts: 435 Member
    Ariadnula wrote: »

    1) Keep lifting three times a week
    2) Get out on my bike three times - I've been getting lazy as it's got colder
    3) Stretch more. Yoga?
    4) Lose two pounds
    4) Do my Chinese study every week, no more turning up at class without having looked at my books all week
    5) Finish Ulysses before I go to Dublin at the end of the month!

    Oh dear.

    1) Yes!
    2) No bikes rides at all
    3) No - keep forgetting
    4) Not looking likely!
    5) Not so far
    6) I suppose it's still possible!
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member

    1) Lift 3 times a week
    2) Start tracking food again, I've literally not tracked since getting pregnant 17 months ago... so yeah... need to sort that out
    3) Take Katy out in her carrier as the weather gets colder (it's so much easier than the pram and we can go on walks across countryside)
    4) Hit my 12500 steps goal each day (some days I obliterate it at like 20000 and others I barely get to 8000, so I'd like a bit more consistency)

    1) Think I might have missed one due to a cold? But that's ok with me, no need to do myself harm!
    2) Erm.. yeah... well that hasn't happened and I ate pizza and ice cream last night, so probably going backwards if anything here
    3) It's been raining :(
    4) Missed each Sunday, but met all the other days (Sunday is family day at home!)
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    kimiuzzell wrote: »
    Another one here who, being new to the whole lifting thing, doesn't have any real idea of workable yet challenging goals, but here goes!

    1) Lift 3 times a week
    2) Improve form for OHP in order to lift more than the measly 22.5kg I have managed so far. (currently struggling with old Rotator cuff injuries)
    3) Squat 50kg (???reasonable goal, currently 35kg)
    4) Deadlift 65kg (???reasonable goal, currently 45kg)
    5) Do at least one session of cardio (spinning, bodycombat) a week because I enjoy it.
    6) Don't weigh myself more than once a week. And don't get hung up on what the scales say when I do get on them.
    7) Continue eating mostly healthy, most of the time. (November is my birthday month and the start of festive functions, so there's going to be some give and take here!)
    8) Continue tracking and working to TDEE or -15% (still getting used to the fact I need to eat more than the 1200 calories I have been kidding myself is right for the last umpteen years!)
    9) Drink more water - I have installed an app on my phone which reminds me!
    10) Smile - enjoy the progress, and be proud!

    edited - remembered I wanted to add the following:

    11) Do as many press ups (full, on toes) as possible after (or as part of) each workout day. Currently able to do 12 in one set, followed by 8.
    12) Don't skimp on the abs work.
    13) Don't make excuses!

    I'll check in here every few days to keep myself accountable. Good luck with your own goals, ladies!

    Mid way through the month...
    1) so far, so good consistently lifting 3 times a week.
    2) still struggling. Failed with 27.5 and struggling with 25kg but persevering
    3) got this to improve form before going heavier.
    4) currently at 57.5KG so going ok. Need to work on grip
    5) nope, not really. Prefer to lift now!
    6) check. Going by my clothes instead.
    7) doing OK. Room for improvement though.
    8) getting used to this.
    9) definitely drinking more water. Still could try harder.
    10) check check check!
    11) still doing these... Not yet able to increase reps though as I do them at the end of my sessions when I am beat!
    12) see above....running out of time due to extra lifting.
    13) generally ok, but 11 &12 above might be falling into this category!!
  • andylllI
    andylllI Posts: 379 Member
    Mid month checkin:
    1) getting better. I'm still not one of those moms at the playground 9 am on a Saturday with makeup and an outfit and perfect blow out (how do they do that? Please send me tips)...but I am taking more time for myself
    2) yeah I've reduced myself to two caffeinated beverages a day. After that decaf everything and it's helping. Gone back to good old fashioned reading on paper rather than phone and that helps me fall asleep too.
    3) still working on this. But at least there is a plan and I feel something other than despair
    4) nope
    5) I have been doing pull ups and chin ups every workout but st the end when I'm fatigued. Can do 5 maybe 6 at that time. Will test rep max at end of month at start not end of workout and see if it's gotten better
    6) yes. But should do more
    7) yes. But interferes with strength sessions and that makes me sad. It's got to be done tho.
    andylllI wrote: »
    Ok please no one overall lifestyle/ stress/ self care stuff is interfering with gym effort and recovery

    1) I'm going to try to shower more. I'm not dirty or gross or anything, (maybe I lack insight?) but honestly showering is something I usually let slide because I lack time. I just think I would feel better if I did it more, or for longer.
    2) still working on sleep. Maybe this is my month. Gonna have to limit screen time tho. That's gonna be the key
    3) squat - I am hampered by a weak mid back and a weak core. I can feel myself collapse (and have been told by observers) so I'm de-loading and am going to do a lot of core and back stuff and variations like front squat and goblet squat
    4) stretch.
    5) right now my rep max for pull ups is 6. I wonder if by the end of the month I could be at 7 or 8?
    6) my right leg is weaker than my left so I'm adding in single leg exercises.
    7) conditioning. This month I am continuing to build my aerobic base. Lots of long slow distance/ zone 1-2 training.

  • christch
    christch Posts: 238 Member
    edited November 2015
    christch wrote: »
    My goal is to start lifting in a real gym with racks without
    1 making a fool of myself in front of the guys
    2 workout out how top use new equipment workout hurting myself or breaking anything
    3 increase lifts for bench and oh press
    4 start using barbell for bench and oh press which means I might achieve 3
    5 gain more muscle

    But really if I can do 1 and 2 I'll be a happy girl. Have a session tonight with trainer.

    Ok so far this month - 1.only made a small(ish) mistake not having safeties high enough and needed rescuing BUT have learnt how to set them up properly and how to do the roll of shame
    2. Have found most things and not broken anything yet
    3. Mmmm yeah um this is going to be harder than I thought BUT can bench 32.5kg for 3x3 which is a long way off 3x8 maybe by end of month. OH press still at 10kg on a good night
    4. Doing this
    5. Muscles look impressive with the water swell

    I'm starting to get over being really scared to go into weight area now and have been doing goblet and plie squats in front of mirror regardless of who is there, haven't gained courage to do glute bridge or hip thrusters yet....

  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    christch wrote: »
    I'm starting to get over being really scared to go into weight area now

    i love this. for real.
  • christch
    christch Posts: 238 Member
    Honestly going from a women's only gym where I knew how to use all the gear and could lift the weights to a big space, lots of machines that I have no idea what you use them for or how, weights and racks, all those guys both young /old and knowing what they're doing, for the first couple of nights I would walk through door and was so nervous I just wanted to throw up. Then after Fri nights effort with the rack and not setting safeties I was about to give notice. But after getting some great advice from some sensible women here, I'm getting over myself. I still get nervous but it's only week two by end of month it'll be fine.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    You're a lot braver than you think! You are a bada$$ and don't forget it!