Weekly Attacks



  • maphammonds
    maphammonds Posts: 362 Member
    edited November 2015
    1 - How I survive is just getting up and moving - every day! Making an effort to break a sweat with exercise for at least an half an hour 6 days a week; then wrap up the week with a nice walk or yoga. I find that the more I move, the less I hurt. I don't let my chronic hip pain slow me down, knowing that if I do it beats me.

    2 - My latest craze has been all about fitnessblender.com Here's my favorite so far from their 8 week plan for busy people - https://www.fitnessblender.com/videos/total-body-toning-strength-and-hiit-cardio-workout-you-vs-you

    3 - I saw a nifty yogo vid up there posted by racheljonel - I'm going to apprentice that :)
  • Jennwa
    Jennwa Posts: 107 Member
    Team Daryl/Carol
    1. What keeps me motived...that's really hard right now. My work schedule turned super crazy and I am having a really hard time adjusting to it. I count the 14 hours that I am at work, as my walking, as I put in anywhere from 12K - 18K steps in a day. And I tend to double up on my strength on my shorter days or days off. I keep telling myself that I can't quit now, I've got to keep going. My favorite tool is MyfitnessPal and FitnessBlender.
    2. I am going to apprentice one of my great friends. She has switched up her diet and exercise routine and has had some great results. I am going to attempt to do what she has been doing. It is pretty much a high protein, low carb/fat diet, with a specific routine for workouts. It's a 5 week stretch and she's amazing results in her 5 weeks, so I thought that I could try it out too.
  • usernamekelly1
    usernamekelly1 Posts: 1,941 Member
    1. Tell your story:
    At the moment what keeps me motivate is I have a marathon to train for - I've gone through the worst few years of my life and I'm just finding my feet again. I love lifting weights, running and yoga.. I basically eat what I want at the moment but log, I will get better at this but baby steps...

    2.I choose to try @Scarlettdawn764 way and do more visual things, I tend to skip gym days.. so I printed out all the workouts and a calendar, I've started a new fitness bucket list.. I also started working towards them.. with the fasting part I choose to do it where I never ate after my evening meal, so most days I was fasted about 12 hours.
  • Dictorbutt
    Dictorbutt Posts: 2,174 Member
    Daryl and Carol

    Part 1) What drives me is wanting to be healthy and active for a longer life. What keeps me going and motivates me is the fear that if something were to ever happen to me who would take care of my animals?! :/
    I started u journey at 339.9 on March 3rd. As of yesterday I am down to 233.2. I made massive use of Leslie Sansone walk videos in the beginning. I love the variety of Darebee workouts offered as well. I've also done T25 and 21 Day Fix videos. It's not that I need them as much as it gives you three months to not have to think about what you're going to do. My goal to be more active has been a complete success. I add something to everything nowadays. Just sat on my sofa for the first time in two weeks about two days ago. I did crunches in the car while driving from Vegas to Tucson last night. I add stretch exercises to various activities throughout the week and have been averaging 20,000 steps a day lately. I think the most important thing is to stay active. Add an exercise, even a short one, to ever activity you do. Even if it's watching tv. Do something strenuous or heart rate unceasing during the commercials. Just don't remain sedentary. Much luck my MFP Friends!
    P.s. Besides, if you don't keep moving you'll get bit. ;)
    P.s.s. For food I eat clean. On the rare occasion I slide a little (and without dancing and walking for hours on end) I do a three day cleanse. Basically eating Super Clean cutting out carbs and sugar. Works like a charm! ;)

    2) for the apprenticeship I went with prepping my meals for this trip. I got the supplies for most of my meals for a few days. They're not in individual packages because it was easier to pack in the car in bulk but I have several ready to go. Wish me luck to not put in too much from the other outings going on while I'm here. I don't want to look like a zombie buffet when I return home. ;)
  • Dead_Mans_Party
    Dead_Mans_Party Posts: 891 Member
    My whole journey started with some rather horrible blood labs and painful knees . High everything in my labs and stairs......forget about it. I motivated myself by challenging myself to improve my lab results by the next test 6 months down the road. It happened and my doc was impressed. Once things and eating got better, multiple challenges like this one have kept me motivated and surviving. I am setting higher goals now, recently a charity 5k run 60 mile bike ride, to help me break into the under 250 realm.

    Tat2cookie is my mentor. I have been trying harder and harder to meal prep, but dang girl you rock at it. New goal will be to do more prepping.

    I would challenge everyone to fitness goals, not just loose this much weight goals. It has definitely helped me.
  • ShansGotGoals
    ShansGotGoals Posts: 928 Member
    Team Daryl & Carol
    1. I am constantly challenging myself...My MFP journey began when my physical therapist suggested it to me. I had a shredded meniscus and an ACL sprain that I had surgery for back in May. For 2 months I was on crutches and not allowed to do anything. I became very depressed and felt like life was over for me. I have always been athletic and was a long distance runner. The drs said I wouldn't run again,.I had a lot of complications including losing the muscle in my rt quad.I began physical therapy and something clicked in me. I was constantly asking them for more to do. They believe I might be able to run again if I stayed as stubborn and determined as I started out. Well now I am running again and am up to 6 mile runs! And I bike daily to keep quad engaged. Knowing I can do whatever I set my mind to motivates me....plus proving the drs wrong!! I have decidwd to set a goal for myself: I want to train for a Triathalon!

    2. I too need to work on meal planning so that will be my apprentice!! I am good bringing lunches but dinner and breakfast are terrible for me.
  • Mrscheyfleming
    Mrscheyfleming Posts: 149 Member
    Team Rick and Jesse
    What motivates me is that I want to fit into clothes that I couldn't have before. I want to be healthier and before having my second daughter i lost 25 lbs and was at my lowest I had been in a really long time. I want to get back to that.

    My favorite workouts are running, weight lifting, and some of the beach body workouts!

    Meal prepping has also helped a ton!!

  • luckygohappy
    luckygohappy Posts: 80 Member
    A big part of my motivation lately was to lose the baby weight from #1 before trying for #3, plus I'm taking two gym classes this semester that force me to make time for exercise (not easy with two small children, work, and going to school full time!) I'm not counting calories currently, though, because I'm nursing and don't know exactly how many we need, but cutting out nearly all added sugars has helped immensely! I did just hit the baby-weight goal this week (a good bit sooner than expected), so now I'm shooting for a healthy BMI.
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    Week Five Zombie Attack

    All Players
    Rick had a great episode, empasizing once again that surviving in the apocalypse is often about the cardio.

    Carl on the other hand, used his muscles to overpower Ron.

    1. So this week, you have two choices:

    Be like Rick and run from the zombies and complete this HIIT the Ground Running video.


    Or, be like Carl and shove your way through this strength workout. 


    2. Post your results on the Gore Card by Midnight Central on Saturday November 14th  plus stay within your own goals! Otherwise you must join the Walkers, Wolves and Enemies Team.
     If you need a break or have an emergency: message me and you'll be excused for the week or whatever period you need.

    Walkers, Wolves and Enemies Only:
    Please begin discussing attack strategies for next week's attack so that you can add members from the other teams.
  • Shepmom24
    Shepmom24 Posts: 20 Member
    I'm not sure why this didn't post.....

    I'm way late :-/ I'm sorry if I have to cross over I will. Sorry team it's been a long painful week.

    1. My motivation currently comes from the fact that I'm going to be showing my dog and if we place we will have to take winner photos O_O !! I have to keep working at this because the thought of having pics taken at the weight I am now horrifies me!!! I'm currently trying to stay at 1200 calories and stay within my macros.

    2. I decided to be Scarletdawn's apprentice: I created a wall chart & a goal/reward list. I think this will be helpful as I too am a visual person and seeing my progress and how much I still need to lose along with seeing my goals & upcoming rewards will help motivate me and keep me on track. I'm looking forward to utilizing this tool!
  • wpwarrior88
    wpwarrior88 Posts: 1,503 Member
    Wow oh Wow oh Wow that HIIT the Ground Running was HARD for me! I am a dripping pool of sweet! Wow THANK YOU for introducing it to me!!! Much tougher that the Sprinters workout I have been doing! KUDOS!!!
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    edited November 2015
    Week Six Zombie Attack

    All Players

    1. The star of this week's show was definitely Abraham, who showcased his awesome coordination, strength and reflexes to gain a powerful new weapon. So this week, be like Abraham and work on your coordination, strength and reflexes.

    2. Post your results on the Gore Card by Midnight Central on Saturday November 21st plus stay within your own goals! Otherwise you must join the Walkers, Wolves and Enemies Team.
     If you need a break or have an emergency: message me and you'll be excused for the week or whatever period you need.

    Walkers, Wolves and Enemies Only:
    Please begin discussing attack strategies for next week's attack so that you can add members from the other teams.

  • ToughHippieChick
    ToughHippieChick Posts: 698 Member
    This workout sucked! I love Abraham, but dang.... that sucked. I have to work more on my hop. I don't even think my toes came a full inch off the ground. Sad hops. :'(
  • wpwarrior88
    wpwarrior88 Posts: 1,503 Member
    Fabulous workout! Definitely showed me areas I really need to work on improving!! @ToughHippieChick my hops were equally sad, BUT I know I can improve on them. I had to mod the mountain climbers and burpees as I have my right hand in a brace and can support weight on it for the time being.
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    Week Seven Zombie Attack

    Happy American Thanksgiving!
    We have a lot to be thankful for this week! Upper body conditioning was definitely showcased. Glenn used his core and upper body to survive, Rick and Morgan used their upper body strength to rescue Spencer, and Rosita used yet another upper body workout to teach others how use a machete.

    All Players

    1. While your Thanksgiving turkey is cooking, (or at any other convenient time)  work out your upper body and core with this rotisserie workout:

    2. Sharpen your machete swinging skills by learning to do a dumbbell woodchop and add it to your strength routine this week.

    3. Strengthen your entire upper body by completing this fitnessblender workout once this week:

    4. Post your results on the Gore Card by Midnight Central on Saturday November 28th plus stay within your own goals! Otherwise you must join the Walkers, Wolves and Enemies Team.
     If you need a break or have an emergency: message me and you'll be excused for the week or whatever period you need.

    Walkers, Wolves and Enemies Only:
    Please begin discussing attack strategies for next week's attack so that you can add members from the other teams.
  • maphammonds
    maphammonds Posts: 362 Member
    Love me some FitnessBlender!!
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    edited December 2015
    Week Eight Zombie Attack

    If you are still alive or are an active zombie, congratulations for staying in the challenge for the full 8 weeks.

    We will reconvene back here in 11 weeks on Valentine's Day for the start of the next challenge. February 14th also happens to be Danai Gurira's (Michonne's) Birthday! Should make for a great first week.

    All Players

    1. If you did the Fit Test 8 weeks ago, do it again and see if you made any improvements and post your results below or on your team thread.

    2. The show last night left all of the characters in a dangerous situation that they are trying to survive.
    The next eleven weeks will also be a challenge for all of us. The holidays are a wonderful time, but full of temptations and overindulgence. Do you have a strategy to survive them? If so, post it below or on your team's thread.

    3. No need to check in this weekend. Happy Holiday's and thanks for participating in this challenge!