Low carb foods



  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Clironka wrote: »
    I'm trying to follow LCHF, but struggling at the moment. Dairy is OUT, I add oil to veg, make my own mayonnaise, have tried cooking with coconut oil - jury is out - eat green leafy veg, no fruit, no alcohol. I've cut my 6-8 black no-sugar coffees to 2 -3. I'm sure I'm eating too much protein, BUT I get hungry - often. Even though I'm 3 weeks in the ketosticks do not change colour. The first few days I dropped 6 lbs, then slowly another 2, now 2 have gone back on. Because I believe in REAL food, I would so like this to be successful, but not feeling very convinced.

    Have you looked into dairy alternatives? Earth Balance makes a nice dairy free (and soy free) "butter" that I use for foods for my son. It is a manufactured food, but one of the better ones in my opinion. http://earthbalancenatural.com/product/soy-free-buttery-spread/

    Coconut butter is yummy. I make it from shredded coconut.

    Nut butters are great, or just plain nuts. My favourite snack at the moment is shredded coconut with nuts (macadamia or almonds) with cacao nibs and salt.

    Olives are a good snack.

    Use full fat salad dressings or dips on your salads or veggies. Use a little extra oil when roasting veggies.

    Add lard to food. We make bacon most days of the week and I add that lard to all lower fat recipes, for me (ketogenic diet) or my family. Last night I made them mac and cheese and I used bacon drippings instead of butter, and sour cream and water instead of milk. They loved it. I also use the lard to cook eggs, make chicken nuggets, add to ground chicken, etc.
  • mountainrun73
    mountainrun73 Posts: 155 Member
    @ljcox7210 - congrats on losing over 100lbs already! I have been dipping my toes in the low carb waters for a while, and really only decided to do it about a month ago or so. I totally understand the fear of fat - it got so drilled into our brains during the 80s and 90s! But it tastes good. I read and re-read books and blogs about LCHF to re-educate myself. This forum is tremendously helpful, too!

    Here are some websites to check out for more information: www.dietdoctor.com, marksdailyapple.com, www.atkins.com, www.eatingacademy.com (particularly helpful for those of us who are into endurance sports while on LCHF), and www.wheatbellyblog.com. There are lots of others, but those are a few that I really like. Helpful books include The Primal Blueprint, Wheat Belly, and Why We Get Fat (And What to Do About It).

    Green veggies are a staple. Get to know coconut oil - it is my favorite fat! It's wonderful for cooking as well as for moisturizing.

    Hang around here, I've found the folks on this forum extremely supportive and helpful!