Weight loss and prescription medications

Need a little advice here, started low carb bout 1.5 months ago. Lost 10 lbs right off the bat. However,since then, I have come to a standstill. I am on HRT, HCTZ for B/P, and Effexor (SSRI). According to Dr. Atkins, these three ALL inhibit weight loss. I'm on the lowest dose of all 3 meds. I have had small ketones for bout a week.

I just went thru menopause at 46 and after 6 years of hot flashes I went on hormone replacement which has stopped them completely (thank GOD!) so I guess my question is, what do you do to lose weight? I may be able to wean off my Effexor but I refuse to have hot flashes again so I won't be going off my HRT. Any advice??? I feel pretty good on this diet but I'm getting bummed out from the lack of weight loss. I have about 50 lbs that needs to go!


  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    I don't believe Dr. Atkins re. medications. He's not a peer reviewed publication, even if he was on to a good thing with low carb diets. I'm on HRT and an SSRI, I measure, log, and track calories, and I've lost weight when I wanted to, and maintained my weight loss the rest of the time. I think the SSRI makes it easier to stay on top of my diet and exercise, because I function better when I'm not suffering from anxiety and depression.

    My advice is to measure your portions, log them, and track calories and macros. You're in ketosis, and that's great.

  • fattyho68
    fattyho68 Posts: 7 Member
    I had a totally hysterectomy August 7 and have gained 15 pounds. I'm on a HRT and I thought that was the cause and I asked my doctor and she said it shouldn't be do to the low dose. I haven't been real active due to the surgery but feeling pretty good finally and got back to the gym. I do 1/2 hour each day and I also started taking tumeric ( my girlfriend said it might be water weight) and I'm on a progesterone cream hoping to balance everything out. I'm hoping that I will start losing the weight that I gained and continue losing.
  • ladipoet
    ladipoet Posts: 4,180 Member
    Your diary is private / closed. Open your diary and let us take a look.
  • cbryantrn
    cbryantrn Posts: 9 Member
    Ok! I fixed it to public so feel free to take a look. Thanks guys!
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    edited November 2015
    Are you measuring your body too? Some people find loss of inches even when there is no loss of weight.
  • cbryantrn
    cbryantrn Posts: 9 Member
    No not measuring my body. But clothes all fit the same.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    cbryantrn wrote: »
    No not measuring my body. But clothes all fit the same.

    You would be surprised! Say you have a pair of jeans... Let's say they fit perfectly. Not too loose, not too big in the waist. So they still fit now the same as they did before. Do you think you would notice if you lost 1/4" off each thigh or calf or a little off the backside? Probably not, because we don't typically think about the fit there as much. Unless they are skinny jeans... But it would still be difficult to feel that difference because of stretch.
    I was losing weight pretty fast at first and was more than 12-15 pounds down before I noticed a clothing difference and I only had 38 to lose in the first place. But my measurements showed a ridiculous amount of loss around my rib cage of all places! That had no affect on how my clothes fit at all. I was very glad that I had measured!
    I also lost like an inch around my neck and my chubby cheeks and chin had slimmed down.
    I measured my neck, rib cage, natural waist, hips and each thigh and calf. I did it in a mirror, making sure to measure my neck, ribs, hips and legs at the largest point and making sure the tape was parallel all the way around. And I measured at the smallest point for my natural waist. I pulled the tape together until it would start to depress my skin but before it created any indentation.
  • cbryantrn
    cbryantrn Posts: 9 Member
    Ok I will measure myself. I've drastically changed my eating habits with lower carbs so something has to be happening.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    HRT is a tough one, isn't it?
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    fattyho68 wrote: »
    I had a totally hysterectomy August 7 and have gained 15 pounds. I'm on a HRT and I thought that was the cause and I asked my doctor and she said it shouldn't be do to the low dose. I haven't been real active due to the surgery but feeling pretty good finally and got back to the gym. I do 1/2 hour each day and I also started taking tumeric ( my girlfriend said it might be water weight) and I'm on a progesterone cream hoping to balance everything out. I'm hoping that I will start losing the weight that I gained and continue losing.

    I've never understood this. They always say "no" HRT, BC etc. isn't the reason, then go on to say how it mimics pregnancy. ummm?
  • cbryantrn
    cbryantrn Posts: 9 Member
    Not to me, premenopausal symptoms sucked! I'm much better without the hot flashes. I'll take HRT any day. After looking at my past weight and weight gain, I'm beginning to think it's more my Effexor. Cause I put on 30lbs 4 years ago and that's when I started taking Effexor.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Please don't base your motivation on that darn scale. Weeks without a loss aren't uncommon. I haven't lost any "New" weight since June 1st ( yep, you read that right! Lol!) But, during that time I have dropped from a size 18 to 14 (in some clothes), plus, I've regained the ability to work!! Do measure like @Sunny_Bunny_ recommended, so you will have that to continue the motivation. Best to you!! :smile:
  • fatchimom
    fatchimom Posts: 256 Member
    I'm also on HRT and an anti-depressant and so far haven't had any problems-other than the fact that I'm down 50 lbs and my body seems to like this weight. Still eating low carb-just nuts, meat and cheese yesterday.
  • totaloblivia
    totaloblivia Posts: 1,164 Member
    Had a very quick peek at your diary. For me, alcohol stops me losing weight. It's sad but true. I have had to cut down glasses of wine drastically and keep it to just one or two days a week. Could that be a factor? Why not try one or two weeks without any alcohol and see if that makes a difference? It won't do you any harm at least.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    cbryantrn wrote: »
    Not to me, premenopausal symptoms sucked! I'm much better without the hot flashes. I'll take HRT any day. After looking at my past weight and weight gain, I'm beginning to think it's more my Effexor. Cause I put on 30lbs 4 years ago and that's when I started taking Effexor.

    I'm not saying don't use the HRT, it's just a bummer that for many it leads to weight gain or at least the lack of weight loss. I use bioidentical HRT. Same basic thing, and yes, a bit of weight gain.

    Perhaps you're right that it's the effexor in your case. Or perhaps a bit of both.

    Good luck either way.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    @cbryantrn while being a guy I can not speak to the meds you are discussing. In my case (high inflammation/high pain) quickly decreased after I got off of all grain and most all sugars. I no longer required any Rx meds.

    Keep eating the Keto lifestyle is my suggestion and see where you are 3 months or a year from now. Weight will take care of itself when the body heals to a certain level due to this Way Of Eating I am finding. This is the reason I stopped 'dieting' and started eating for better health.

    Best of success.