What are your macro percentages!?

i just want to get a feel of how much fat, protien, and carbs other low carbers are doing. I am at 80% fat (135g), 15% protien( 56g) and 5% carbohydrates (18g)


  • balesalicia
    balesalicia Posts: 80 Member
    I am thinking of increasing calories to in turn increase macros for body healing and hormone rebalancing due to years of metabolic disfunction and adrenal fatigue
  • ettaterrell
    ettaterrell Posts: 887 Member
    edited November 2015
    Mine is set at 70/20/10 but I get more like 75/20/5 at 1500 Cals no exercise Loose 1.5/2 week
  • ki4eld
    ki4eld Posts: 1,215 Member
    Protein: 101g
    Carbs: 20g (35g upper limit)
    Fat: 51g

    I don't always reach my fat goal. For me, protein is #1, then carbs. Fat works itself out.

    If you're dealing with adrenal fatigue, talk to your endocrinologist and a dietitian who deals with AF.
  • balesalicia
    balesalicia Posts: 80 Member
    I work with a dietician and she kept trying to get me to eat bread and carbs with every meal! She didn't think keto was healthy...even though I told her I've never felt better in my life and have lost 16lbs and 3 inches off my waist in 5weeks. ( and still going!!! 26 lbs to goal weight)
    So I'm convinced that most dietitians are going to stick to conventional SAD Diet recommendations unfortunately.

    And I don't have clinical adrenal fatigue BUT I have been drinking caffeine and eating sugar (spiking and falling ) for 15 years straight! So I'm just wanting to do some preventative gut and hormone healing :blush: thanks for giving me your stats! I am still learning
  • bitxbit
    bitxbit Posts: 1,465 Member
    Carbs: 10% (30g)
    Fat: 65% (87g)
    Protein: 25% (75g)

    Seems to be my 'happy place' for now.
    Mainly concerned with calorie & carb,
    right now. Not hungry, no cravings & I'm
    sleeping much better. ☺
  • balesalicia
    balesalicia Posts: 80 Member
    edited November 2015
    I'm doing kettle bell (little 10 pounder.lol) for my resistance training and Pilates. I havent noticed any ill effects from my protien percentage yet but will keep that in mind if My body starts to feel funky
    tsazani wrote: »
    70/5/25 (f/c/p). If I didn't do resistance training it would be 80/5/15.

  • balesalicia
    balesalicia Posts: 80 Member
    Sleep is a gift from the gods!
    bitxbit wrote: »
    Carbs: 10% (30g)
    Fat: 65% (87g)
    Protein: 25% (75g)

    Seems to be my 'happy place' for now.
    Mainly concerned with calorie & carb,
    right now. Not hungry, no cravings & I'm
    sleeping much better. ☺

  • bitxbit
    bitxbit Posts: 1,465 Member
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    bitxbit wrote: »
    Carbs: 10% (30g)
    Fat: 65% (87g)
    Protein: 25% (75g)

    Seems to be my 'happy place' for now.
    Mainly concerned with calorie & carb,
    right now. Not hungry, no cravings & I'm
    sleeping much better. ☺

    These are my percentages, too, though the # of grams are a little different (I'm at 1350 cals/day but I also eat back half or sometimes more of my exercise calories so I sometimes go up to 1500-1600).

    I'm more concerned with grams than percentages though, especially since I'm counting net carbs and the % don't reflect that. I've been doing keto just under 2 weeks so I'm still learning. Originally I was trying to keep under 20 gm net carbs per day but it seems I can go a bit higher and still be in ketosis. I lost 6.2 lbs in the first 8 days and now the scale is bouncing up and down a little. We'll see how things go. Right now I'm trying to stay under 50 gm total carbs, 30 net. I try to get 80-100 gm protein per day and the rest fat.
  • ms_smartypants
    ms_smartypants Posts: 8,278 Member
    Mine is 10% (53g) carbs ....70% (165g) fat ... and 20% (106g) protein
  • erindellamore
    erindellamore Posts: 46 Member
    Mine is around
    65-75g protein
    115-120g fat
    15-18g carbs
    I eat around 1400-1450 calories unless I'm excessively active!
  • ki4eld
    ki4eld Posts: 1,215 Member
    I work with a dietician and she kept trying to get me to eat bread and carbs with every meal! She didn't think keto was healthy...even though I told her I've never felt better in my life and have lost 16lbs and 3 inches off my waist in 5weeks. ( and still going!!! 26 lbs to goal weight)
    So I'm convinced that most dietitians are going to stick to conventional SAD Diet recommendations unfortunately.

    And I don't have clinical adrenal fatigue BUT I have been drinking caffeine and eating sugar (spiking and falling ) for 15 years straight! So I'm just wanting to do some preventative gut and hormone healing :blush: thanks for giving me your stats! I am still learning

    You need a new dietitian. Not all are SAD-focused. Mine is specifically keto-friendly, which was why I chose her.

    Stay on keto for a few months and see if things improve. AF can occur even if testing isn't conclusive. I know so many love armored coffee, but I've discovered my need for caffeine is lower on keto/IF and my reaction to it is stronger. I now get a serious rush off the smallest bit of caffeine. Give LCHF some time. It sounds like it's working for you, so let it work.

    And find a new dietitian!
  • sethanddomsmom
    sethanddomsmom Posts: 14 Member
    I am perhaps a bit higher in the carb range. I eat about 55% fat, 25-30% protein, 15-20% carbs, +/- 5%. I eat paleo, low carb/grain free and count calories, at -500cal/day from my maintenance to have a 1lb/wk weight loss (as I am over weight). I eat back my exercise calories but am conservative with their measurements. I have a very active lifestyle (24 hr call shifts, and usually very active until recently, got a stress fracture from running, so learned to sloooow down). WHEN I follow this, I lose weight easily, it just the following part that counts...
  • balesalicia
    balesalicia Posts: 80 Member
    edited November 2015
    ki4eld wrote: »
    I work with a dietician and she kept trying to get me to eat bread and carbs with every meal! She didn't think keto was healthy...even though I told her I've never felt better in my life and have lost 16lbs and 3 inches off my waist in 5weeks. ( and still going!!! 26 lbs to goal weight)
    So I'm convinced that most dietitians are going to stick to conventional SAD Diet recommendations unfortunately.

    And I don't have clinical adrenal fatigue BUT I have been drinking caffeine and eating sugar (spiking and falling ) for 15 years straight! So I'm just wanting to do some preventative gut and hormone healing :blush: thanks for giving me your stats! I am still learning

    You need a new dietitian. Not all are SAD-focused. Mine is specifically keto-friendly, which was why I chose her.

    Stay on keto for a few months and see if things improve. AF can occur even if testing isn't conclusive. I know so many love armored coffee, but I've discovered my need for caffeine is lower on keto/IF and my reaction to it is stronger. I now get a serious rush off the smallest bit of caffeine. Give LCHF some time. It sounds like it's working for you, so let it work.

    And find a new dietitian!
    I mean I literally WORK with one. We work together. lol. Im a wellness advocate.

    But I plan to be off of caffiene by New years and keto adapted. Im 5 weeks in and have researched that it takes 6-12 weeks to fully adapt to ketogenesis-OR longer if you have AF or metabolic disorders. Caffeine can over work the adrenals, pumping too much adrenaline into the blood, spiking cortisol and thus insulin
  • balesalicia
    balesalicia Posts: 80 Member
    I am perhaps a bit higher in the carb range. I eat about 55% fat, 25-30% protein, 15-20% carbs, +/- 5%. I eat paleo, low carb/grain free and count calories, at -500cal/day from my maintenance to have a 1lb/wk weight loss (as I am over weight). I eat back my exercise calories but am conservative with their measurements. I have a very active lifestyle (24 hr call shifts, and usually very active until recently, got a stress fracture from running, so learned to sloooow down). WHEN I follow this, I lose weight easily, it just the following part that counts...

    That definitely sounds stressful! In the end, its whatever is working without adding extra stress to our lifestyles!
  • ki4eld
    ki4eld Posts: 1,215 Member
    I mean I literally WORK with one. We work together. lol. Im a wellness advocate.

    But I plan to be off of caffiene by New years and keto adapted. Im 5 weeks in and have researched that it takes 6-12 weeks to fully adapt to ketogenesis-OR longer if you have AF or metabolic disorders. Caffeine can over work the adrenals, pumping too much adrenaline into the blood, spiking cortisol and thus insulin

    Work work! Wow. Ok, then just keep on keeping on and ignore said dietitian. Sounds like you have a plan. Keep going!
  • HFlippin2015
    HFlippin2015 Posts: 49 Member
    Mine are 5c 35p 60f I don't know how well it's working though I have been fluctuating in the 160s for 4 months
  • balesalicia
    balesalicia Posts: 80 Member
    ki4eld wrote: »
    I mean I literally WORK with one. We work together. lol. Im a wellness advocate.

    But I plan to be off of caffiene by New years and keto adapted. Im 5 weeks in and have researched that it takes 6-12 weeks to fully adapt to ketogenesis-OR longer if you have AF or metabolic disorders. Caffeine can over work the adrenals, pumping too much adrenaline into the blood, spiking cortisol and thus insulin

    Work work! Wow. Ok, then just keep on keeping on and ignore said dietitian. Sounds like you have a plan. Keep going!

    I do have a "plan" per-say.....but keto can be hard to get right. Ha. That's why I wanted to see others plans and stats, to gauge to my own! We're all kind of pioneering this new-old way of life together
  • balesalicia
    balesalicia Posts: 80 Member
    Mine are 5c 35p 60f I don't know how well it's working though I have been fluctuating in the 160s for 4 months

    Gotta love stalls. Not! If I may, I would suggest upping your fats and dropping the protien. I only say this from experience. I had a 2 week stall and after research, increased my fats and dropping Protien down a bit and boom! Stall gone