Thanksgiving Strategies

Is anyone cooking for their family for Thanksgiving? Anyone going to visit family and friends? What is your strategy for sticking with keto?


  • elzanone
    elzanone Posts: 10 Member
    Great topic! My family is going to a really great, gourmet, organic, quality food restaurant that cost a small fortune per person...then we are supposed to make the rounds of extended family & friends for 47 desserts. Not too worried this year; taking my desserts with me and not allowing ANYONE to get between me & goals (even the aunt who does not understand why I can have bacon but no dry toast--sigh...). I even have a dessert per stop planned. I will post some of my more successful recipes here over the next day or two if anyone wants them. Would love to see y'all's too!

    First recipe, easy: Cut up a bunch of Brussels sprouts in half. Fry up a pound of bacon & reserve the meat. Toss sprouts in bacon grease, and roast in a low oven (250) until they brown a little & crisp up a bit on the outside. When done, add a good salt, pepper, put in a pretty dish, crumble reserved bacon onto the top then top either fresh shaved Parmesan cheese. Almost had a family fight over these! ;-)
  • elzanone
    elzanone Posts: 10 Member
    Forgot to add, will only eat meat & veggies & salads, will not obsess if someone puts crumbs on the veggies.
  • AllisonJohnson5
    AllisonJohnson5 Posts: 5 Member
    Wow! That sounds awesome. I'm coming to your Thanksgiving this year! Jk. I am going to my boyfriend's family dinner so I was getting worried. I will bring those Brussels sprouts! At least then I can eat those with the turkey.
  • sweetsriracha23
    sweetsriracha23 Posts: 14 Member
    My plan is to stay pretty low-carb -- maybe top out at 30-40 net grams?

    The main component of my meal will be turkey and brussels sprouts.

    I will eat a little bit of a dessert I'm making myself - it's a sugar-free apple pie. I'll be tossing the apple slices for the filling in almond powder. Crust is just walnuts, dried figs, and butter that I'll blitz in the food processor.
  • AllisonJohnson5
    AllisonJohnson5 Posts: 5 Member
    Wow! That apple pie sounds delicious! I will have to give it a try. Good strategy sticking with the turkey and brussles sprouts.
  • sweetsriracha23
    sweetsriracha23 Posts: 14 Member
    Wow! That apple pie sounds delicious! I will have to give it a try. Good strategy sticking with the turkey and brussles sprouts.

    Thank you! Are you going to stick to the same foods?
  • elzanone
    elzanone Posts: 10 Member
    Hey there! Going to try Martina's faux apple pie made with zucchini! Just FYI I made her pumpkin fat bombas and they are a real treat--dark chocolate on the bottom, pumpkin & coconut on top. If I hadn't tried them I wouldn't have believed how good they are!
  • elzanone
    elzanone Posts: 10 Member
    Grrrrr bombs
  • NewSue52
    NewSue52 Posts: 180 Member
    I have no plans but I am not going to obsess. It's only one day after all and I know i can do it.