So I've done something crazy

A few months ago a friend / co-worker of mine won $15k in a 6 week transformation challenge. There is a new challenge starting Oct 4th that is a team challenge for $25k and he approached me this week to enter with his wife as my team mate. Perhaps foolishly I said yes. As I embark on this crazy 6 week challenge does anyone have any experience with this sort of thing, or any words of wisdom to offer? I have a career and a family and can only realistically devote 2 hours a day to the gym, I would love to hear any tips from my fellow 30 somethings.


  • Azercord
    Azercord Posts: 573 Member
    1-2 hours a day in the gym is plenty enough, you can fry out any muscle group you want in that amount of time. Lots of protein is a given and aim for big muscle groups, the bigger groups can help make up for areas that are lacking in definition. Also full body exercises like deadlifts and pullups, when the whole body has to work together it will help it remain balanced. And don't forget form no long term injury is worth the money. Good luck and keep us posted on how you are doing.
  • 915kat
    915kat Posts: 61 Member
    Good luck! I've never done anything like that so I have no words of wisdom. Just words of encouragement! I hope you keep us posted. Just do your best!
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    I'm not an expert on body-building, nor do I have experience with such contests.

    I would just suggest to be sure you are eating plenty of protein throughout the day and sufficient carbs (30g-50g) right before or after a workout (if you are lifting that long, maybe both right before and a little more right afterwards or during) to replace glycogen.... part of that depends on being able to keep those carbs down as some people get nauseous exercising after eating. To solve that, try drinking those carbs (juice, power drinks with net carbs, etc.).

    My personal experience with weight lifting is that BCAA's helped with faster strength gains in addition to protein, but I don't know what the rules are for your competition.
  • JustinAckley
    JustinAckley Posts: 18 Member
    Thank you all. I feel like I've got a solid cutting plan together with both diet and workouts now. I'll be keeping daily protein high and carbs low with the majority coming around my workouts. Supplementing with whey, BCAA'S, creatine, green tea fat burner, and a daily multi. All of my food intake will take place in an 8 hour window. I'll be tapering the creatine a week or so out to eliminate any water retention. If there is anything you think I might be missing please let me know. I'll update my progress here as I get in to it.
  • JustinAckley
    JustinAckley Posts: 18 Member
    edited October 2015
    2 weeks down and I'm chugging right along, I'm between 12 and 13% bf based on skin fold measurements. The two things I've noticed so far are that if I work out fasted my workouts are garbage, and weighing myself daily drives me crazy, my weight fluctuates wildly based on water, sodium workouts etc. I still only track my weight weekly but I can't resist stepping on the scale daily. I'm seriously considering having my wife lock up the bathroom scale and only bringing it out once a week in order to preserve my sanity.
  • Milabella
    Milabella Posts: 34 Member
    Wow, you stuck with it! So if you win, you just split the prize in half? That's a pretty hefty prize. I should do something like that to raise money for grad school, lol (reminding myself of several 80s movies). Progress pics?
  • JustinAckley
    JustinAckley Posts: 18 Member
    I'm still with it and yes its a 50/50 split on the prize money. I'll see if I can figure out how to post my progress pics here.
  • JustinAckley
    JustinAckley Posts: 18 Member
    The best I could figure is to post a link to my bodyspace account if you scroll down to the progress pics section. The three that are taken outside are my before pics. The selfie is a progress pic from a few weeks ago.
  • JustinAckley
    JustinAckley Posts: 18 Member
    Challenge complete. Here is my before and after if anyone is interested. 169p6vo.jpg
  • JustinAckley
    JustinAckley Posts: 18 Member
  • JustinAckley
    JustinAckley Posts: 18 Member
  • bronkeekong
    bronkeekong Posts: 49 Member
    Hell yeah dude! Good job. I do see the difference.
  • JustinAckley
    JustinAckley Posts: 18 Member
    Hell yeah dude! Good job. I do see the difference.
    Thank You!
  • jemjr1024
    jemjr1024 Posts: 4 Member
    Awesome job!!
  • namarc0
    namarc0 Posts: 480 Member
    Great work! Really inspiring and I love the before and afters!
  • Milabella
    Milabella Posts: 34 Member
    Awesome! Great job! U did that in 6 weeks on a whim? You look amazing. Tell your wife she's welcome. Did u win the $$?
  • rebeccatherine
    rebeccatherine Posts: 112 Member
    Wow, what a difference! Great job!
  • JustinAckley
    JustinAckley Posts: 18 Member
    edited December 2015
    Thanks everyone. They announced the winners last week, they gave the prize to a group of 7. But with as many entries as there were I knew it was a long shot. I'm still glad I did it because I would never had worked that hard without the contest.
  • joshnewton1976
    joshnewton1976 Posts: 14 Member
    You did that in 6 weeks? Please tell us your secrets!
  • smdelzer
    smdelzer Posts: 167 Member
    Wow! Amazing results!